Ten Takeaways from Dr. Stephen Chavura’s Demythologising of Multiculturalism

Ten Takeaways from Dr. Stephen Chavura’s Demythologising of Multiculturalism

“Multiculturalism is inherently unstable. This won’t result in a ‘COEXIST’ melting pot; it will create a cesspool of competing, incompatible cultures fighting to be top dog.”
ByRod Lampard6 days ago
Senator Gerard Rennick Announces New People First Party, Calls Out Hate Speech Overreach

Senator Gerard Rennick Announces New People First Party, Calls Out Hate Speech Overreach

“Let the facts make the case! Labor and the Liberal National Coalition are introducing laws that prevent free speech in this country.”
by Rod LampardFeb 20, 2025
Multicultural Myth? The Question of Australian Identity

Multicultural Myth? The Question of Australian Identity

Is multiculturalism good or bad for Australia?
by Staff WriterFeb 19, 2025
This World Of Lies

This World Of Lies

“The revelation of USAID money being given to over 6,000 journalists and 1,000 media platforms worldwide to present false news is exactly what we expected was happening, because we know this is a world of lies…”
by Matthew LittlefieldFeb 19, 2025
Seattle Pastor Arrested After Being Assaulted by Antifa, Wins Big

Seattle Pastor Arrested After Being Assaulted by Antifa, Wins Big

“Instead of arresting Antifa and the LGBTQ+ self-identifiers involved, Seattle police detained the pastor.”
byRod LampardSep 24, 2024
Our Submission Opposing the Australian Government’s Misinformation and Disinformation Bill

Our Submission Opposing the Australian Government’s Misinformation and Disinformation Bill

“Censorship doesn’t protect the people from the spread of ‘misinformation.’ It protects state-approved information from being challenged.”
byStaff WriterSep 23, 2024
Do All Roads Lead to God?

Do All Roads Lead to God?

“Pope Francis, once again, has landed himself in hot water by stating that there are many roads to God – not just Christianity.”
byBill MuehlenbergSep 23, 2024
“Growth Requires Sacrifice”: Skillet, Voddie Baucham, and John Rich Headline Fearless Manhood Summit

“Growth Requires Sacrifice”: Skillet, Voddie Baucham, and John Rich Headline Fearless Manhood Summit

“Our culture is slipping farther away from Godliness and deeper into hopelessness, despair, and recklessness with no moral compass to get us back to where we came from.”
byRod LampardSep 21, 2024
On the Death of England: On Mourning What We Have Lost

On the Death of England: On Mourning What We Have Lost

“It is one thing to grin and bear it as foreign enemies seek to ransack your culture. But when it is in fact an act of national suicide, that is so much more distressing and harder to take.”
byBill MuehlenbergSep 20, 2024
DeSantis Launches Independent Investigation Into Second Trump Assassination Attempt Citing FBI DOJ Conflict of Interest

DeSantis Launches Independent Investigation Into Second Trump Assassination Attempt Citing FBI DOJ Conflict of Interest

“An executive order issued on Sunday, launched an immediate, and independent investigation, to ensure transparency and accountability.”
byRod LampardSep 19, 2024
Misplaced Victim Statements?

Misplaced Victim Statements?

“If a homeless man, or group of people, had been run over in some way, and there was no one to make a Victim Impact Statement, would their death be considered less serious in some way?”
byDr Stephen FysonSep 18, 2024
Over 100 Dignitaries Sign Open Letter Condemning Brazil’s Illegal War on Free Speech

Over 100 Dignitaries Sign Open Letter Condemning Brazil’s Illegal War on Free Speech

“The fight for freedom of speech isn’t even close to being won, it’s only just beginning.”
byRod LampardSep 17, 2024
Trump Survives Second Assassination Attempt in Two Months

Trump Survives Second Assassination Attempt in Two Months

“So we now have had two assassination attempts on former President Donald J. Trump in two months.”
byBill MuehlenbergSep 16, 2024
Can America Be Saved or Is It Too Late?

Can America Be Saved or Is It Too Late?

“Just as Christianity has its rituals and practices, so too do the new pagan cults. Chief among them are the satanic sacraments of abortion and euthanasia.”
byBill MuehlenbergSep 16, 2024
Exclusive: Dr Jereth Kok’s Tribunal Transcript and the Implications for Free Speech and Religious Freedom in Medicine

Exclusive: Dr Jereth Kok’s Tribunal Transcript and the Implications for Free Speech and Religious Freedom in Medicine

“If the scientific community isn’t watching Dr. Jereth Kok’s case closely, it should be.”
byRod LampardSep 14, 2024
Darkest Day for Free Speech in Australia

Darkest Day for Free Speech in Australia

“You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to realise that the Misinformation Bill is about shutting down people who go against the government narrative,” Senator Rennick said.
byStaff WriterSep 13, 2024
“I Was Duped by the Media”: Bishop Apologizes for Closing Churches During COVID

“I Was Duped by the Media”: Bishop Apologizes for Closing Churches During COVID

“I was duped by the media hype and should have been stronger.”
byStaff WriterSep 12, 2024
Moderators Turn Trump vs. Harris Debate Into the Commie-La Monologues

Moderators Turn Trump vs. Harris Debate Into the Commie-La Monologues

“Moderators fact-checked Trump, and fact-checked none of what Harris said, and she lied repeatedly.”
byRod LampardSep 11, 2024
What Do Theonomists Actually Believe?

What Do Theonomists Actually Believe?

“The basic function of law is to restrain, not to regenerate, and when the function of law is changed from the restraint of evil to the regeneration and reformation of man and society, then law itself begins to break down, because an impossible burden is being placed upon it.”
byBill MuehlenbergSep 11, 2024
Dr. Ben Carson Accepts Role as Trump’s Faith Advisor and Emissary for Freedom

Dr. Ben Carson Accepts Role as Trump’s Faith Advisor and Emissary for Freedom

“In order to reestablish ourselves as ‘that shining city upon a hill,’ we must acknowledge we are One Nation Under God…”
byRod LampardSep 10, 2024
“Top-Down Christianity”: Critics of Christian Nationalism Have Spent Decades Compromising to Woo the Elite

“Top-Down Christianity”: Critics of Christian Nationalism Have Spent Decades Compromising to Woo the Elite

“While these sorts claim to be championing justice, they’re doing nothing more than eroding the very foundations of it.”
byBen DavisSep 9, 2024
Doctor Faces Deregistration After Sharing Babylon Bee Articles

Doctor Faces Deregistration After Sharing Babylon Bee Articles

Offending posts include content from Matt Walsh, Allie Beth Stuckey, and Katy Faust.
byStaff WriterSep 9, 2024
Stop the Treaties: An Anti-Voice Political Party Launches in WA

Stop the Treaties: An Anti-Voice Political Party Launches in WA

“The fact is Aboriginal Australians have been robbed of their dignity through welfare dependency and by left-wing philosophy which has taught them to think of themselves as an oppressed class.”
ByStaff WriterDec 5, 2023
Let’s Stop Anti-Science Indoctrination

Let’s Stop Anti-Science Indoctrination

“What amazes me is how quickly a generation can be lost, in fact, destroyed with toxic propaganda like this, which has no basis in science. Is it due to a departure from the basic creation God put in place at the beginning?”
An International “Sorry Day” Is Needed for What We Endured Over the Past Few Years

An International “Sorry Day” Is Needed for What We Endured Over the Past Few Years

“Such an apology – and compensation to boot – seems long overdue.”
ByBill MuehlenbergDec 2, 2023
Tucker Carlson Says He’ll Lead Protests if Trump Is Convicted: “That Can’t Stand”

Tucker Carlson Says He’ll Lead Protests if Trump Is Convicted: “That Can’t Stand”

“I’m voting for Trump and if they convict him, I will send him the max donations and I will lead protests.”
ByStaff WriterDec 1, 2023
Christian Bashing Media Mutilates Mike Johnson’s Views on Church and State

Christian Bashing Media Mutilates Mike Johnson’s Views on Church and State

“Separation of Church and State,” Johnson said, “was not in the United States Constitution.”
ByRod LampardDec 1, 2023
UK Bible College Axed Theology Professor After Activists Whinged About Him Affirming Biblical Doctrine

UK Bible College Axed Theology Professor After Activists Whinged About Him Affirming Biblical Doctrine

“In sum, the Bible College argued that Edwards posting about sound Biblical doctrine, was a breach of the biblical institution’s social media policies.”
ByRod LampardNov 30, 2023
When Newsweek Became Newspeak

When Newsweek Became Newspeak

“…it’s as if the media elite have not learnt a thing. Because anyone with a camera phone—and that’s now basically everyone—can immediately do a ‘fact check’ and then publish what actually took place.”
ByMark PowellNov 29, 2023
Caldron Pool’s Catch-Up With The Ex-Candidates

Caldron Pool’s Catch-Up With The Ex-Candidates

“Topics ranged from Javier Milei, Xi Van Fleet, up to Cultural Marxism, the indoctrination state of Australian education, and misinformation, disinformation.”
ByStaff WriterNov 28, 2023
Theology Must Never Be Separated From Doxology

Theology Must Never Be Separated From Doxology

“People in earlier times used to boast that theology was the queen of the sciences.”
ByBill MuehlenbergNov 25, 2023
Cultural Revolution Survivor Calls Out Cultural Marxism

Cultural Revolution Survivor Calls Out Cultural Marxism

“Name-calling was a key tenet of the Maoist maligning of political opponents.”
ByRod LampardNov 24, 2023
Franklin Graham Laments Church of England’s LGBT Capitulation

Franklin Graham Laments Church of England’s LGBT Capitulation

“It’s a sad day for the Church of England,” Graham wrote.
ByRod LampardNov 23, 2023
The Blessings of God on Abraham

The Blessings of God on Abraham

What was the blessing on Abraham really about?
Argentina’s New President Is Punk Rock Politics Personified

Argentina’s New President Is Punk Rock Politics Personified

“If you give [the Left] an inch, they will use it to destroy you.”
ByRod LampardNov 21, 2023
Worldviews and the Building of Cathedrals – And Civilisations

Worldviews and the Building of Cathedrals – And Civilisations

“People in old times had convictions; we moderns only have opinions. It needs more than an opinion to erect a Gothic cathedral.”
ByBill MuehlenbergNov 19, 2023
Finnish Free Speech Win: Päivi Räsänen Declared Not Guilty of Blaspheming the LGBTQ+

Finnish Free Speech Win: Päivi Räsänen Declared Not Guilty of Blaspheming the LGBTQ+

“The grandmother of 11 and former MP was criminally charged for ‘hate speech’ in 2021 for publicly expressing her Christian convictions.”
ByRod LampardNov 18, 2023
Anti-Christian Bigotry: History Repeating Itself

Anti-Christian Bigotry: History Repeating Itself

“Europe today is almost as pagan as it was back when Saul was head-hunting believers.”
ByBill MuehlenbergNov 17, 2023
The Boil on the Backside of the British Parliament Isn’t Suella Braverman

The Boil on the Backside of the British Parliament Isn’t Suella Braverman

“From declaring that multiculturalism had failed, to rejecting open borders, and opposing the LGBTQ+ takeover of law enforcement, Braverman is every bit a Margaret Thatcher.”
ByRod LampardNov 16, 2023
Hegelian Dialectic in the Gaza War

Hegelian Dialectic in the Gaza War

“We need to learn to look beyond the red team/blue team paradigm and we’ll see that the Hegelian dialectic is being used to start the wars and keep them going until a Solution is found.”
Peterson’s ARC Has No Future Without Jesus Christ

Peterson’s ARC Has No Future Without Jesus Christ

“A Christless ‘Christian’ Western restoration has no future.”
ByRod LampardNov 14, 2023
Are We Seeing Some Major Christian Conversions Here?

Are We Seeing Some Major Christian Conversions Here?

Two potential conversions to Christianity have many people talking.
ByBill MuehlenbergNov 13, 2023
Red Pill, ­­Blue Pill or White Pill: Which Will You Take?

Red Pill, ­­Blue Pill or White Pill: Which Will You Take?

“…it is as if a veil is covering the eyes of most of the world, and that especially seems to be true among many in the Church.”
Kirk Cameron Calls Out Scholastic for Pushing Explicit LGBTQ+ Content Onto Kids

Kirk Cameron Calls Out Scholastic for Pushing Explicit LGBTQ+ Content Onto Kids

“Cameron said Scholastic was behind a flood of material appearing in school libraries, which contained age-inappropriate content.”
ByRod LampardNov 9, 2023
Salvation Is For All, Regardless of Race

Salvation Is For All, Regardless of Race

“All must come to Christ by His grace through faith. No works, nor privilege, no skin colour, no citizenship, no ancestry, no race, no special national advantage can save you.”
Trump Polls as Preferred President: Hurting Voters Are Homesick for Better Days

Trump Polls as Preferred President: Hurting Voters Are Homesick for Better Days

“A clear majority of Americans consider the Biden administration to be taking the country in the wrong direction.”
ByRod LampardNov 7, 2023
Israel Needs Jesus

Israel Needs Jesus

“Only in Christ is there any hope of receiving the promises of God. Outside of him, there is nothing that will stand on the final day.”
Anti-Christian Left Gloat Over Attacks on New GOP Speaker’s Wife

Anti-Christian Left Gloat Over Attacks on New GOP Speaker’s Wife

“What’s HuffPost’s problem with Christians counselling Christians according to our mutual faith?”
ByRod LampardNov 4, 2023
Hydrocarbons Are the Creator’s Gift to This World

Hydrocarbons Are the Creator’s Gift to This World

“All green energy generation schemes are dishonest schemes, for various reasons. They all need enormous tax-payer funding to make them economically viable. Why is that? Because there is no such thing as a ‘free lunch’.”
Is the Founding of Israel a Prophetic Sign?

Is the Founding of Israel a Prophetic Sign?

“…if you want the best for them point them to Jesus, and do not lie to them by saying that their nation is protected by divine prophecy. This is a grand error and a terrible lie.”
U.K. Council Member Cancelled for Criticising PRIDE Speaks Out

U.K. Council Member Cancelled for Criticising PRIDE Speaks Out

“Any Christian, especially those holding public positions, should be concerned by what has happened and anyone who cares about free speech in the UK.”
ByRod LampardNov 1, 2023
Disowned Son of Hamas: “Free-Palestine Protesters Are Clueless Keyboard Warriors”

Disowned Son of Hamas: “Free-Palestine Protesters Are Clueless Keyboard Warriors”

“I don’t want somebody coming from London or somebody coming from the other side of the world to tell me what is the struggle of the Palestinian children.”
ByRod LampardOct 31, 2023
Who Wants Glory?

Who Wants Glory?

“Glory suggests two ideas to me, of which one seems wicked and the other ridiculous. Either glory means to me fame, or it means luminosity.”
ByStaff WriterOct 30, 2023
Sacred Classrooms

Sacred Classrooms

“Every classroom is a place of inviting souls to be committed to someone or something. Ideologies underpin all we do – and an ideology is a belief system in which we put our faith.”
ByDr Stephen FysonOct 28, 2023
Woman vs. Woke: Arkansas Governor, Sarah Sanders, Slams Door on Wokesheivism

Woman vs. Woke: Arkansas Governor, Sarah Sanders, Slams Door on Wokesheivism

“The Left is using nonsense words like ‘pregnant people’ to erase women and girls – and more importantly, our voices and our experiences. We just banned those words from Arkansas state government,” Sanders said.
ByRod LampardOct 27, 2023
De-banking Nigel Farage Was Motivated by Politics, Not Commerce: Bank Apologises

De-banking Nigel Farage Was Motivated by Politics, Not Commerce: Bank Apologises

“The viral story fed online trolls, who used the article to defame Farage as a liar and a Russian puppet.”
ByRod LampardOct 26, 2023
The Role of Government in a Free Society: A Biblical-Critical Appraisal

The Role of Government in a Free Society: A Biblical-Critical Appraisal

“The fundamental values of the liberal tradition were in fact exemplified, formulated, and wrought into the texture of Western society by Christianity, not only as a school of thought but as a way of life and feeling: as a religion, in short.”
Ukraine’s Draft Church Ban Breaches Religious Freedom

Ukraine’s Draft Church Ban Breaches Religious Freedom

“By all appearances, 8371 is a pretence for a ban on religious freedom, period.”
ByRod LampardOct 24, 2023
Climate Change: The Pretext to Decarbonise the Planet

Climate Change: The Pretext to Decarbonise the Planet

“The environmental movement is really about controlling the human population, to depopulate, read ‘decarbonise’, the Earth with Malthusian methods.”
Are Christians a Part of Israel?

Are Christians a Part of Israel?

“Christ is our brother through adoption. He is an Israelite, so we are therefore adopted into Israel. To be the brother of an Israelite is to be an Israelite. To be in Christ is to be in Israel.”
Weaponised DOJ Wants Harsher Sentences for J6 Political Prisoners

Weaponised DOJ Wants Harsher Sentences for J6 Political Prisoners

“The White House wants harsher sentencing for those already doing time in Biden’s J6 gulags.”
ByRod LampardOct 21, 2023
“The Voice” Has Been Silenced

“The Voice” Has Been Silenced

“The People have manifested their voice!”
Trump Gagged in Biden-Backed J6 Treason Trial

Trump Gagged in Biden-Backed J6 Treason Trial

“The speech of Trump’s opponents is protected, while Trump’s right of reply has been ordered into lockdown.”
ByRod LampardOct 19, 2023
Palestine Was Never a Nation?

Palestine Was Never a Nation?

“Be careful what rhetoric you use to argue against the existence of this or that nation in this world. You might find your logic being used against you one day.”
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The Caldron Pool Show: #27 – God and Politics – with Joel Webbon


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