Multicultural Myth? The Question of Australian Identity
Is multiculturalism good or bad for Australia?
This World Of Lies
“The revelation of USAID money being given to over 6,000 journalists and 1,000 media platforms worldwide to present false news is exactly what we expected was happening, because we know this is a world of lies…”
German Police Raid Homes Over Online Comments: Warning to the West On “Hate Speech” Laws
“Criminalizing speech is going to put real strain on European-US relationships,” Vance warned.
New Animated Film Remembers 21 Christians Martyred on a Libyan Beach
“What Islamic State intended for evil, God is still using to proclaim to millions the name of His Son.”
Stockholm Syndrome Christianity: This Is Why We Keep Losing
“Many church leaders and pastors have found that running with the world’s agenda is simply easier and less costly.”
U.K. Government: An Obstacle to Peace in Ukraine
“It’s been almost three years since Russia invaded Ukraine and, arguably, everything the U.K. Government appears to be doing is aimed at prolonging the war.”
Speaking Truth to Power – Keeping Government in Check
“A government without accountability and checks and balances is not a proper government but a tyranny.”
Vance: “Nothing More Urgent Than Mass Migration” – Calls for a New Direction for Western Civilization
“Of all the pressing challenges that the nations represented here face, I believe there is nothing more urgent than mass migration,” Vance said.
Welfare in the West Needs Tough Love and DOGE Is the Answer
“DOGE is the gardener in a garden being choked by overgrowth, overspending, and overreach.”
Multiculturalism: Diluting Western Culture Hurts Everyone
“While politicians may feign virtue by promoting diversity in harmony, they ultimately refuse to acknowledge what many have recognized for decades: Western civilization, rooted in the Christian religion, has been one of the greatest forces for good in history.”
Two History Buffs Jailed for Hate Speech Expose the Impact of Laws Restricting Free Speech
“Cameron and Elston’s detention without concern for intentions exposes the subjective flaw in all hate speech laws.”
NSW Health Nurses Under Investigation After Boasting of Killing Israeli Patients
Will these two get a mandatory custodial sentence under the new hate speech and violence laws?
The Spirit and Letter of the Law
“Suppress the knowledge of God, and then stand back and see what replaces it.”
Democrat Pastor Calls for Violence Against Elon Musk
“Sometimes the devil will act so ugly that you have no choice but to get violent and fight,” he said.
Marty Lofberg’s ‘Somewhere Between’ is A Game Changer for Australian Country Music
“As a short-form release, Somewhere Between’s Nashville-worthy sound is shouldered by its distinct content.”
An Invitation to Classical Education
“What is the purpose of schooling and education?”
The Same People Who Claim the Bible Is Hate Speech Want People Jailed for Hate Speech
“If people are afraid they might go to prison for something they say, they’ll stop talking. That’s how democracy dies—not necessarily through mass arrests, but through fear.”
When You Expose the Darkness, Be Prepared for a Reaction
“What Trump has done so far has been nothing short of remarkable. Imagine what he can do in four years!”
Vance Calls for Grace Over Social Media Posts, While Australia Passes Harsh New Speech Laws
“Racist trolls on the internet, while offensive, don’t threaten my kids. You know what does? A culture that denies grace to people who make mistakes,” he said.
Seven Years Jail Under New Hate Speech Laws, Craig Kelly Warns
“I’ll be fighting for a referendum to amend our Constitution to insert an equivalent provision to the U.S. First Amendment to protect freedom of speech, thereby making laws such as the hate speech legislation unconstitutional,” he said.