The Satanic Climate Change Cult would have you believe that you need to commit suicide to ‘save the planet’ because the sources of clean safe energy are so few. If we use anything but wind, solar and hydro we’ll destroy our planet by catastrophic heating and global boiling. But that is a devilish lie.
Let’s put this into a proper perspective.
In the beginning, God created energy from which He formed the whole universe. He created numerous sources of energy for humanity because life on Earth needs abundant energy sources. Below you’ll see it is no accident that we have it available on the same planet we live on.
Many of you may know the famous equation E = mc2 derived by Albert Einstein. The equation shows us the equivalence of matter (m) and energy (E) where the parameter c is the canonical speed of light, a universal constant. Therefore we can state that matter is a form of energy. Energy from the sun, from nuclear reactors, and nuclear bombs is evidence that matter is convertible into radiant energy. The fact that the value of c2 is such a large number tells us that an enormous amount of energy may be derived from a tiny amount of matter.
We can thus conclude that energy may be divided into three states (photons/radiation, matter and plasma) in addition to gravitational energy. More on this below.
Energy was providentially given to us in a form available to do work. Without this property, it is essentially useless. This field of study in physics is called Thermodynamics. ‘Thermo’ means related to heat and ‘dynamics’ means motion. Without this type of energy, life could not exist. Life needs to move and without heat, it dies.
The form of the energy provided to us means we can extract useful work from it. As it is used that energy is converted into a form that can no longer do work and the universe tends to a cold uniform temperature.
In physics geek talk we say the universe was created in a low entropy state. It means it started off in an ordered state with useful available energy. It was not chaotic and disordered. But how did it start off this way?
It certainly was not from the big bang! The big bang never happened! It can only be alleged from an atheistic worldview. And so much evidence has now accumulated against that non-biblical worldview. It is really just a fairy tale for children. Sorry, … but it is too scary for children. They wouldn’t believe it anyway. See 20 Big Bang Busting Bloopers.
The concept of energy rises from the first law of thermodynamics and the concept of entropy from the second law of thermodynamics. The second law effects are very familiar as we all see processes that create disorder, e.g. when ice melts or wood burns etc. An increase in entropy is inexorable and defines the flow or arrow of time.
From a study of thermodynamics, we learn that the state of the universe came only from the intelligent Mind of the Creator. It cannot come from materialism, i.e. from only matter and energy.
This has been acknowledged by intelligent reasoning physicists. I quote here from one of my old university-level physics texts on thermodynamics wherein the authors wrote:
“… we see the second law of thermodynamics as a description of the prior and continuing work of the creator, who also holds the answer to our future destiny and that of the universe.” (my emphasis added)
Richard E. Sonntag and Gordon J. Van Wylen, 1982, Introduction to Thermodynamics, Classical and Statistical, 2nd Edition, John Wiley and Sons, page 271.
The biblical worldview supports the fact that the Creator of the universe providentially created all energy and placed it in the universe in a low entropy state. That is, He created it in the useful forms needed for life.
You’ll note we call this 2nd law a law because it is never broken. There is no way to defeat it except by intelligent design (like a refrigerator), and never by random chance processes.
Gravitation is worth mentioning here. Gravitational energy was created concomitant with the creation of the solar system with a central star, the Sun, and planets bound together by Newton’s invisible force, or, as Einstein’s General Relativity theory describes it, a geometric property of spacetime.
The Sun was imbued with all forms of energy. It appears to be mostly comprised of hydrogen, helium and heavier elements undergoing thermonuclear reactions. The planets derive their energy in all forms from the Sun.
The planets were created with some nuclear unstable elements that decay (i.e. increase entropy) producing nuclear radiation including gamma rays and energetic particles. It is from these decay processes that some scientists claim the age of the earth is 5 billion years. But without knowing the initial conditions, including amounts of initial elements in the rocks, such a conclusion is impossible.
However it is worth mentioning that some nuclear reactors are natural. A natural nuclear fission reactor is a uranium deposit where self-sustaining nuclear chain reactions occur. The Oklo natural nuclear reactor is such and was discovered in Gabon in 1972 by scientists from the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) while prospecting for uranium in the region.
Heavy elements like Uranium-238 were created in the crust of the planet as a fuel source. This form of uranium is a natural nuclear fission fuel source. The Oklo reactor is natural. So you should never believe the Climate Change cultists who say we should only use natural renewable energy and that excludes nuclear.
But solar and wind are not renewable! The 2nd law proves that. And that is evidenced by the fact that their idols like solar panels, lithium batteries, windmill propellers, bearings etc have limited life spans.
How you see all this depends on your worldview. If you see the creative hand of God in this it is providentially provided.
19 But my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:19
But if you reject the Creator, you see it all as the result of chaos and random decay. It is all materialism and chance. If so, why would you bother to follow the Creator’s commandments to live righteously?
1 The fool has said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable [detestable] works, there is none that does good. 2 The LORD looked down from heaven on the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, and seek God. 3 They are all gone aside, they are all together become filthy: there is none that does good, no, not one. Psalm 14:1-3
Our best model for the Sun is a nuclear reactor, but it is what we call a thermonuclear reactor, where fusion of lighter elements occurs.
Mankind has been trying to duplicate this type of nuclear fusion as long as I can remember. In 2022 apparently a breakthrough was made. They produced “only enough [energy] to boil about 60 kettles’ worth of water.” The claim is that net energy was extracted from fusing heavy hydrogen atoms to form helium. It is ideal if it works on the industrial scale. Yet it is copying what God already created.
Extracting Usable Energy
Sunlight powers solar cells.
God created the first solar cells long before man did. The Creator’s design uses green plants and the molecular engine called Photosynthesis. That converts sunlight to sugars, cellulose and oxygen (O2) with additional inputs of carbon dioxide (CO2) and water.
The process is a molecular reduction reaction that reverses the second law of thermodynamics effects of oxidation. See Decarbonise the Planet, Are They Mad?
Photosynthesis produces available oxygen essential for life. And does it at the quantum level with 100% efficiency, which means no heat is generated. Perfect efficiency. This is why I say it is the reversal of the 2nd law. It is a signature of the Creator.
Sugars, cellulose (wood) and oxygen are all needed for energy production.
On the other hand, mankind has created his own solar cells based not on Carbon but on Silicon. Some scientists even dream of creating life-based on Silicon. See Silicon-Based Bugs.
Man-made solar cells use specially engineered crystals that trap some sunlight, photons, and convert them into electricity. It is a very inefficient process, about 10% at best, and is subject to the 2nd law.
In the Table I below I compare the natural, Creator-made, solar power generator with the man-made solar power generator.

This Table gives a snapshot of what man is trying to do. The Creator already produced the perfect, 100% efficient, solar power generator.
The problem for humans, especially those in the Climate Change Cult, is the generation of the plant food CO2, which somehow drives them crazy. Strange really, because water is 6 to 100 times the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere and hence a much stronger greenhouse gas compared to carbon dioxide. See Eliminate Water, the Worst Greenhouse Gas.
Let’s now take a closer look at the other forms of energy.
Stored energy is found in three forms:
- Wood (self-regenerating biomass).
- Coal (fossil fuel from the great flood).
- Petroleum and natural gas (primordial).
Nuclear energy from two reactions:
- Fusion (heavy hydrogen — Deuterium and Tritium).
- Fission (Uranium (natural) and Plutonium (man-made from Uranium)).
Energy extracted in two forms:
- Wind/wave energy (wind towers, ocean wave generators).
- Hydropower with dams and natural water cycle.
Under this category, I include wind and wave power generation. Both are highly inefficient if man-made. That is why windmills were given up as a source of power to grind grain once the stream engine was invented and coal was discovered as a fuel source.
Wind and wave energy derived their power from the angular momentum of the planet. That is the rotational energy the planet was created with. Angular momentum is a conserved quantity in nature.
Again this relates to the 2nd Law because if the whole planet didn’t rotate in the same direction it would be chaos and disorder. The angular momentum came from somewhere. It could not have come from chaos and disorder. It was created when God created the solar system.
There is a balance between the rotational kinetic energy of the planet (angular momentum) (K) and its gravitational potential energy (U). The total K + U is approximately constant except for the loss of energy due to the 2nd Law. Wind/wave energy derives from planetary angular momentum (K) and hydropower from planetary potential energy (U).
Complex Design
The entire Earth/Sun system is very complex and speaks of intelligent design. There are many relationships between the energy sources I have listed. This just gives you a little of the bigger picture.
- Biomass (wood) needs solar to regenerate it.
- Coal and petroleum need gravitational potential (heat and pressure) to generate them.
- Hydro needs solar to recharge it.
- Wind needs solar and gravitational kinetic energy to sustain it.
- Cloud cover is controlled by cosmic radiation (plasma) which affects solar.
It is ludicrous to believe, as the Climate Change Cult do, that by tweaking the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere you can control the global temperature and the weather. Basic physics tells us that the atmospheric temperature is just not that sensitive to changes in carbon dioxide. See The Madness of Net Zero.
Water vapour is a much stronger greenhouse gas. That is generated by solar radiation and gravitational potential energy.
More on Gravitational Energy
Our planet Earth rotates around its central axis. It is not stationary as some claim. The positive angular momentum it was given at creation gives it a store of rotational kinetic energy that has been gradually lost since creation. That is due to the effects of the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics.
The rotational energy drives the major global winds we call jet streams. They circulate in opposite directions, North and South because angular momentum is transferred to the air masses above and below the equator.
The rotational energy in the Earth/Moon system is a problem for the atheistic worldview but provides answers when viewed through a biblical lens. Consider these:
- Conservation of angular momentum of all the planets – a design feature especially for the Earth and life on it.
- Our Moon is phase-locked. It always points one face towards the Earth. The Moon rotates exactly one time for each revolution around the planet, roughly 30 days.
- The Moon’s near-perfect circular orbit could not have resulted by capture as supposed by evolutionary models.
- Ocean tidal bulge results from planetary rotation and the Moon’s gravitational pull. This transfers energy to Earth and regulates the tides. Those are essential for life in the ocean, for oxygenation and cleansing of the bays and inlets.
- Earth tides caused by the gravitational pull of the Moon on the solid Earth crust means the crust is dynamic and results in volcanism, emitting prodigiously enormous quantities of carbon dioxide.
- Continents ‘float’ on the mantle and move with tectonic plates. This movement was very rapid during the period of Noah’s global flood, moving the continents to approximately where we see them to today.
- Noah’s flood resulted in massive amounts of coal formation, which means energy storage in the sedimentary layers of the crust.
- Noah’s flood was a consequence of the initial creation conditions of the crust and the mantle. It was in an unstable equilibrium, a design feature, used by God to purge the Earth in Noah’s day. But like an omniscient wise Creator He had another purpose in mind. See Coal, the Creator’s Providential Provision
The Creator’s provision is seen in petroleum, natural gas and all hydrocarbons which He stored in the crust for our use. See Abiogenic Deep Origin of Hydrocarbons: Not Fossils But Primordial and The Problem with All Green Energy is …. Basic Physics.
The atheistic worldview is literally that the universe came into existence from absolutely nothing producing hydrogen and helium gas and a little bit of lithium. Then given sufficient time it produced all the elements in the universe and all life including you and me. All unguided, defying the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics all the way.[1] It is totally delusional and the evidence, as discussed above, points to the Creator.
The Satanic Climate Change Cult has no knowledge of the Creator who designed the Earth, Sun, and solar system for life on this planet. It was no accident! All forms of energy are gifts from God. See Earth’s Magnetic Field: A Shield by Design and Starship Earth. The Climate cult has been deceived by Lucifer once again, to believe that humans can build their own Tower of Babel and become as gods.
[1] Don’t tell me that that fairy tale doesn’t take more faith to believe than Charles Darwin’s fairy tale of turning a frog into a prince, that is, from goo-to-you via the evolutionary zoo.
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