Don’t Be Quick To War: The Tale of Melibeus
“It is rather sad to see so many otherwise serious and good thinkers being manipulated so easily into throwing their support behind our nation funding a war here, there, or somewhere else, because of news reports that are designed to provoke them.”
Where Does The Modern Self-Love Obsession Come From?
“Modern psychology has retrained many preachers to think like life coaches and NRL coaches, not preachers and pastors.”
Equality Undermines Life
“In real terms, the foundation of human value in equality does nothing to protect the absolute weakest members of the human race, because the equations clearly bear out the fact that equality is nonsense and cannot exist.”
The West’s Drug-Induced Nightmare Is Building
“A society given to increasing drug use will reap a whirlwind of destruction in its wake.”
The Harms of “Psychology”
“Psychology is an entire profession designed to palm off responsibility to some other source and exculpate yourself from being the main problem in your life.”
How to Bless Abraham, Biblically
“Nations are meant to be focused on their own affairs, not the affairs of other nations…”
Anglophobia: Accusations of No Culture
“No culture has advanced so much of the world in so many ways, in recent history, like the Anglo-Saxon culture.”
Why America Will Fall
“The American Empire is no longer led by the sons of the revolution, but by a collection of foreign peoples from all over the world… They have been overcome by the world they sought to overcome.”
Why China and Others Are Winning
“China has won many wars without firing a shot, simply by placing so much emphasis on production.”
How Empires Go Broke
“The dominance in trade the US once had is now quickly fading. Without this dominance, it will not be able to continue to replenish itself and rearm itself like it has in the past.”
Was Jesus a Hate Preacher?
“Taking some of the harder things a preacher like Mari says and not putting it alongside the whole work of the man, his gracious addressing of those he disagrees with, his loving actions to the community, and much more, is incredibly unjust. But it fits in with what Jesus and Peter told us we should expect to see happen to Christian preachers in this world…”
Is Modern Worship Helping Deceive People?
“Just read through the Psalms and you will see many topics that you would never hear in the average church worship set.”
The Troubles of Marriage
“Life has always been a challenge, for all people, but especially those who want to do it right.”
Easter Sunday: The Power of the Resurrection
“Believing God can raise the dead is vital to being a Christian… but this belief did not begin with the resurrection of Jesus, it is even more ancient than that.”
Evils Worse Than Islam In The West
“Anything that conserves the family and the nation is better than that which does not, even if it is not an ultimate good.”
Robbers, Robbers Everywhere
“He who does not make his reign subservient to the divine glory, acts the part not of a king, but a robber.”
Why Can’t Many Christians See Obvious Evil?
“Yes, Hamas did evil, but two wrongs do not make a right.”
Wicked Leaders and Housing
“The ability to own a home is disappearing for many in the upcoming generations, unless of course, husband, wife, and soon children, work, which is far from a nation under blessing. And will still only work for so long.”
Be Good or Be Accepted as Good
“We should be far more willing to suffer and do what is good rather than worry about being seen as good by our decadent society…”
New Old Evils
“For some time now, westerners have been seeking to shake off what they see as “the shackles of a biblical worldview,” but now we are starting to see just how far-reaching these ramifications can be.”