Category Archives: Culture

“This is what our man-made religions are like. They are wings of wax and feathers that melt when we encounter the bright beauty of the holiness of God. They can give us the feeling of flying for a time, but in the end, they send us crashing to our death.”

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“…we have allowed ordinary Australians to basically be left without any defence when it comes to crime and criminals.”

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“Christians invented the separation of church and state. That’s our doctrine. But, what people today mean about church and state, is a separation of God and state; morality and state.”

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“Our client has been dragged through the courts for almost two years, but she continues to fight to uphold the simple principle that women are different to men…”

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“If you are losing the culture wars cheerfully, and understand the implications of loss for your neighbours, then you’re unloving.”

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“We have thought that we could dispense with the worship of God which has been the centre of European culture for a millennium and a half and retain, indeed enhance, our understanding of ourselves. But the opposite is true. In the place of the living God, we have worshipped our Freedom in our Selves, and it has shrivelled us. Idolatry always does.”

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“Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, not the tormented.”

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“Disney adopting wokeness for an economic model is a perilous business move.”

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“We should be far more willing to suffer and do what is good rather than worry about being seen as good by our decadent society…”

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“Some like to keep these truths out of public discussion, particularly those who want to believe they can be the surrogate saviours of society. They create alarmism and then pretend to rescue the hurting from the pain of their making.”

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“So-called reverse spouse abuse — note the terminology, which makes clear that the real thing refers to men abusing women — is the most under-reported form of all domestic violence.”

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“What we are witnessing…is the destruction of the once-Christian culture that made the Western democracies great.”

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“Dead matter simply does not seem to be a viable source of how you are thinking…”

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“Name-calling was a key tenet of the Maoist maligning of political opponents.”

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“When societies have God-honouring people within them, they literally become more humane.”

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“Christian education is something greatly needed in this nation and a big part of claiming back what the churches almost willingly gave up to the state: our children.”

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“The ‘grin and bear it’ approach to life just does not get you very far. Nor does a dogged stoicism. And the ‘crap just happens so get used to it’ approach of Dawkins et. al., is not of any use either.”

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“…interfaith worship services – and interfaith marriages – can only really work when those involved do not take their particular faiths very seriously.”

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“We have very efficiently pared the claws of the Lion of Judah, certified him ‘meek and mild,’ and recommended Him as a fitting household pet for pale curates and pious old ladies.”

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“A workable ethic, or morality, should take into consideration what harm can be done to your body, and to your relationships by practicing a certain behaviour. This is why it is important to transcend basing your morality on merely something like consent.”

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