Words Matter

Words Matter

“Words matter. Ideas matter. Ideologies matter.”
ByDr Stephen Fyson3 weeks ago
Zuckerberg Announces Return to Free Speech on Facebook: “Too Many Mistakes and Too Much Censorship”

Zuckerberg Announces Return to Free Speech on Facebook: “Too Many Mistakes and Too Much Censorship”

“We’re going to get rid of fact-checkers and replace them with community notes similar to X…”
by Staff WriterJan 8, 2025
Great News for Long-Suffering Canadians

Great News for Long-Suffering Canadians

“Trudeau was perhaps the most woke and progressive leader of Canada to date. Be it radical climate policies, or the usual alphabet people madness, or his fixation on the pro-death agenda, he was fully into it all.”
by Bill MuehlenbergJan 8, 2025
Defiant 71-Year-Old Grandmother Fights off Subway Attackers on Her Way to Church

Defiant 71-Year-Old Grandmother Fights off Subway Attackers on Her Way to Church

“Rosa told the NY Post she recalls telling herself, ‘Oh, no, this is not going to happen today!'”
by Rod LampardJan 7, 2025
Trump Polls as Preferred President: Hurting Voters Are Homesick for Better Days

Trump Polls as Preferred President: Hurting Voters Are Homesick for Better Days

“A clear majority of Americans consider the Biden administration to be taking the country in the wrong direction.”
byRod LampardNov 7, 2023
Israel Needs Jesus

Israel Needs Jesus

“Only in Christ is there any hope of receiving the promises of God. Outside of him, there is nothing that will stand on the final day.”
byMatthew LittlefieldNov 6, 2023
Anti-Christian Left Gloat Over Attacks on New GOP Speaker’s Wife

Anti-Christian Left Gloat Over Attacks on New GOP Speaker’s Wife

“What’s HuffPost’s problem with Christians counselling Christians according to our mutual faith?”
byRod LampardNov 4, 2023
Hydrocarbons Are the Creator’s Gift to This World

Hydrocarbons Are the Creator’s Gift to This World

“All green energy generation schemes are dishonest schemes, for various reasons. They all need enormous tax-payer funding to make them economically viable. Why is that? Because there is no such thing as a ‘free lunch’.”
Is the Founding of Israel a Prophetic Sign?

Is the Founding of Israel a Prophetic Sign?

“…if you want the best for them point them to Jesus, and do not lie to them by saying that their nation is protected by divine prophecy. This is a grand error and a terrible lie.”
byMatthew LittlefieldNov 2, 2023
U.K. Council Member Cancelled for Criticising PRIDE Speaks Out

U.K. Council Member Cancelled for Criticising PRIDE Speaks Out

“Any Christian, especially those holding public positions, should be concerned by what has happened and anyone who cares about free speech in the UK.”
byRod LampardNov 1, 2023
Disowned Son of Hamas: “Free-Palestine Protesters Are Clueless Keyboard Warriors”

Disowned Son of Hamas: “Free-Palestine Protesters Are Clueless Keyboard Warriors”

“I don’t want somebody coming from London or somebody coming from the other side of the world to tell me what is the struggle of the Palestinian children.”
byRod LampardOct 31, 2023
Who Wants Glory?

Who Wants Glory?

“Glory suggests two ideas to me, of which one seems wicked and the other ridiculous. Either glory means to me fame, or it means luminosity.”
byStaff WriterOct 30, 2023
Sacred Classrooms

Sacred Classrooms

“Every classroom is a place of inviting souls to be committed to someone or something. Ideologies underpin all we do – and an ideology is a belief system in which we put our faith.”
byDr Stephen FysonOct 28, 2023
Woman vs. Woke: Arkansas Governor, Sarah Sanders, Slams Door on Wokesheivism

Woman vs. Woke: Arkansas Governor, Sarah Sanders, Slams Door on Wokesheivism

“The Left is using nonsense words like ‘pregnant people’ to erase women and girls – and more importantly, our voices and our experiences. We just banned those words from Arkansas state government,” Sanders said.
byRod LampardOct 27, 2023
De-banking Nigel Farage Was Motivated by Politics, Not Commerce: Bank Apologises

De-banking Nigel Farage Was Motivated by Politics, Not Commerce: Bank Apologises

“The viral story fed online trolls, who used the article to defame Farage as a liar and a Russian puppet.”
byRod LampardOct 26, 2023
The Role of Government in a Free Society: A Biblical-Critical Appraisal

The Role of Government in a Free Society: A Biblical-Critical Appraisal

“The fundamental values of the liberal tradition were in fact exemplified, formulated, and wrought into the texture of Western society by Christianity, not only as a school of thought but as a way of life and feeling: as a religion, in short.”
Ukraine’s Draft Church Ban Breaches Religious Freedom

Ukraine’s Draft Church Ban Breaches Religious Freedom

“By all appearances, 8371 is a pretence for a ban on religious freedom, period.”
byRod LampardOct 24, 2023
Climate Change: The Pretext to Decarbonise the Planet

Climate Change: The Pretext to Decarbonise the Planet

“The environmental movement is really about controlling the human population, to depopulate, read ‘decarbonise’, the Earth with Malthusian methods.”
Are Christians a Part of Israel?

Are Christians a Part of Israel?

“Christ is our brother through adoption. He is an Israelite, so we are therefore adopted into Israel. To be the brother of an Israelite is to be an Israelite. To be in Christ is to be in Israel.”
byMatthew LittlefieldOct 22, 2023
Weaponised DOJ Wants Harsher Sentences for J6 Political Prisoners

Weaponised DOJ Wants Harsher Sentences for J6 Political Prisoners

“The White House wants harsher sentencing for those already doing time in Biden’s J6 gulags.”
byRod LampardOct 21, 2023
“The Voice” Has Been Silenced

“The Voice” Has Been Silenced

“The People have manifested their voice!”
Trump Gagged in Biden-Backed J6 Treason Trial

Trump Gagged in Biden-Backed J6 Treason Trial

“The speech of Trump’s opponents is protected, while Trump’s right of reply has been ordered into lockdown.”
byRod LampardOct 19, 2023
Vote Albo, Get a Joe Biden

Vote Albo, Get a Joe Biden

“Yesterday’s inaction, when action was required, negates Albanese’s promise of action today.”
ByRod LampardApr 18, 2022
How Could God Kill His Own Son?

How Could God Kill His Own Son?

“Jesus was not some helpless human being sired by some Zeus-like deity in a nubile human beauty and killed in some petty ritual.”
State-Sponsored Immorality: A Weapon for Political Power and Control

State-Sponsored Immorality: A Weapon for Political Power and Control

“The promulgation of the idea that sexual and moral irresponsibility is liberty is thus the usual and necessary prelude to the destruction of liberty and the rise of statism.”
ByBen DavisApr 16, 2022
Disney to Air PSA Warning That Opposition to Childhood Gender Transitioning Is ‘Tearing Families Apart’

Disney to Air PSA Warning That Opposition to Childhood Gender Transitioning Is ‘Tearing Families Apart’

The move comes just weeks after leaked videos were posted to Twitter, in which Disney officials explain that teams in the company have implemented an openly “gay agenda,” and will work towards making a minimum of 50 percent of characters LGBTQIA and racial minorities.
ByStaff WriterApr 14, 2022
The Second Coming of Christensen: The Bane of the Mad & Mild Left to Join One Nation

The Second Coming of Christensen: The Bane of the Mad & Mild Left to Join One Nation

“The more I queried One Nat­ion’s policies and looked at their constitution, their core beliefs, the things that Pauline has been campaigning on recently, just about everything aligned with my views.”
ByRod LampardApr 13, 2022
The Church Is to Blame for the Destructive Extent of the Mandates

The Church Is to Blame for the Destructive Extent of the Mandates

“Instead of being at the front of this issue, having roundly condemned evil from the start, the Church sat on its haunches and cuddled up to the world, submitted itself to the mandates, stayed quiet about their injustice, and in some instances even enforced them in their spheres of influence.”
Lawmakers Demand Investigation After Five Babies Allegedly Murdered by DC Abortion Clinic

Lawmakers Demand Investigation After Five Babies Allegedly Murdered by DC Abortion Clinic

“Many of the babies’ bodies showed deep lacerations or other forms of damage that likely resulted from abortion procedures inflicting significant trauma with deep pain prior to their deaths.”
ByRod LampardApr 12, 2022
Why Only White People Can Be Racist

Why Only White People Can Be Racist

“The progressives quite fittingly have dusted off the original usage of the word racism and applied it to western peoples today to suppress their desire to defend their nationalities.”
“It Is No Longer My Party”: Christensen Resigns From the LNP

“It Is No Longer My Party”: Christensen Resigns From the LNP

“If it wants to be all things to all people including the Left, then it will do so without the support of conservative voters.”
ByRod LampardApr 9, 2022
Primary School Children Told To Ask Their Dads About Their Erections and Ejaculations for Homework

Primary School Children Told To Ask Their Dads About Their Erections and Ejaculations for Homework

“What the hell is going on in this state when 10-year-old girls are told to go home and talk to your father about his erections and about his ejaculations? What the hell is going on here?!”
ByStaff WriterApr 8, 2022
Christians Arrested in Egypt on Terrorism Charges After Peaceful Protests

Christians Arrested in Egypt on Terrorism Charges After Peaceful Protests

“Each protester was blindfolded, handcuffed, then interrogated without lawyers being present, while their families were denied information about their fate or whereabouts.”
ByRod LampardApr 8, 2022
WATCH: WEF Imagines a World Where Algorithms Determine if Teens Are Gay Without Knowing It

WATCH: WEF Imagines a World Where Algorithms Determine if Teens Are Gay Without Knowing It

“Even if you keep hiding from your classmates, or from yourself, you will not be able to hide from Amazon, and Alibaba and the secret police.”
ByStaff WriterApr 7, 2022
WATCH: Australian Health Department Can’t Define “Woman”

WATCH: Australian Health Department Can’t Define “Woman”

“It’s a question so simple, a kindergartener could answer it. Provided they’re attending a kindergarten in Florida… or the 1990s.”
ByStaff WriterApr 7, 2022
Expressing Biblical Beliefs Is Not “Hate Speech”: Finnish Court

Expressing Biblical Beliefs Is Not “Hate Speech”: Finnish Court

“It is not for the district court to interpret biblical concepts,” the judges ruled.
ByStaff WriterApr 7, 2022
What Does The Bible Say About Alliances?

What Does The Bible Say About Alliances?

“We are at ease like fattened calves enjoying the ride on the trailer to the slaughterhouse.”
Are Natural Disasters the Judgment of God?

Are Natural Disasters the Judgment of God?

“In the light of recent floods and bushfires, Australians are divided as to the cause of natural disasters. For many millennials, anthropogenic climate change is the primary culprit.”
ByJames JefferyApr 5, 2022
California Judge Knocks Back Woke Quota Law as Unconstitutional

California Judge Knocks Back Woke Quota Law as Unconstitutional

“Like all things woke, the virtue signalling gloss of the feelings-based morality ignores its own oppressors.”
ByRod LampardApr 4, 2022
This Could Be Our Most Important Show Yet

This Could Be Our Most Important Show Yet

Evelyn Rae chats with Pastor Douglas Wilson about the church’s response to government-imposed mandates, the current state of evangelicalism, the importance of classical education, the need for a proper understanding of eschatology, and more.
ByStaff WriterApr 4, 2022
Lauren Southern: “Putin Takes the Left’s ‘Punch a Nazi’ to a Geopolitical Level”

Lauren Southern: “Putin Takes the Left’s ‘Punch a Nazi’ to a Geopolitical Level”

There’s an apparent quest to transform Ukraine into a mythical land of enlightened, “power-fisted” unicorns and (LGBTQ+) “rainbows”.
ByRod LampardApr 3, 2022
Vaccinate Your Kids For Free Entry to the Sydney Royal Easter Show

Vaccinate Your Kids For Free Entry to the Sydney Royal Easter Show

The Sydney Local Health District is offering free tickets to the Sydney Royal Easter Show to children who are vaccinated this month with either a Pfizer or Moderna shot.
ByStaff WriterApr 2, 2022
George Christensen’s Final Scorching Speech to the Federal Parliament

George Christensen’s Final Scorching Speech to the Federal Parliament

“Our democracy is one that should be from the people up, not from the globalists down.”
ByRod LampardApr 1, 2022
Daily Wire Steps up to Compete With Disney LGBTQ+ Inc.

Daily Wire Steps up to Compete With Disney LGBTQ+ Inc.

“If corporations decide to go woke, there must be competitors who assure that they will go broke. And we hope to fill that gap. We only hope others will follow our lead.”
ByRod LampardApr 1, 2022
Five Bombshell Videos on COVID-19

Five Bombshell Videos on COVID-19

Here are five videos that offer invaluable insights into the COVID issue.
ByJames JefferyMar 31, 2022
Australian Senator Warns WEF Is Penetrating Governments Around the World, Subverting Western Values, Introducing Marxist Authoritarianism

Australian Senator Warns WEF Is Penetrating Governments Around the World, Subverting Western Values, Introducing Marxist Authoritarianism

“Antic warned the Senate that the organised and well-funded WEF, which promotes globalist issues, including climate change, so-called systemic racism and sexism, and online digital identities, is really an anti-capitalist, anti-free market organisation that seeks to subvert Western values and political processes.”
ByBen DavisMar 30, 2022
Non-leftist Employees Appeal for Neutrality After Disney Is Shanghaied Into Joining the LGBTQ+ Activist Army

Non-leftist Employees Appeal for Neutrality After Disney Is Shanghaied Into Joining the LGBTQ+ Activist Army

“We watch quietly as our beliefs come under attack from our own employer, and we frequently see those who share our opinions condemned as villains by our own leadership.”
ByRod LampardMar 30, 2022
Hollywood Is Full of Hypocrites and the Circus Is Just a Distraction

Hollywood Is Full of Hypocrites and the Circus Is Just a Distraction

Smith, of course, went on to receive a standing ovation from his peers. But are we really surprised by the hypocrisy? Hollywood reeks of it. We can all imagine the pearl-clutching and feigned outrage if Rock was assaulted by a white actor. But this sort of selectivity has become standard.
ByBen DavisMar 29, 2022
How to View the War in Ukraine?

How to View the War in Ukraine?

“This war is not a border crisis between a major power and minor power. It is a war between a regional power and the global aggressive empire, with the minor power caught in the middle.”
The Glory of the Mundane

The Glory of the Mundane

“When God made bread, he made it knowing that Jesus would be the bread of life and that we would use bread to remind us of Christ in the Lord’s Supper for millennia. Bread wasn’t a mistake.”
ByTom EglintonMar 27, 2022
Trump Sues Clinton & Co. Over “Russia, Russia, Russia” False Narrative

Trump Sues Clinton & Co. Over “Russia, Russia, Russia” False Narrative

“This is a defiant reminder from the former President that he isn’t going anywhere, and the DNC, Hillary Clinton and company, are not going to get away scot-free.”
ByRod LampardMar 26, 2022
Disney CEO Apologises for Not Being “Woke” Enough, Vows to Include More LGBTQA+ Content

Disney CEO Apologises for Not Being “Woke” Enough, Vows to Include More LGBTQA+ Content

“How can Disney claim to support ‘family values’ if it rejects the objective biological basics which give life and meaning to the very word, family?”
ByRod LampardMar 25, 2022
Three Ways Social Media Is Killing You

Three Ways Social Media Is Killing You

“It’s clear that social media is an instrument that can bring about tremendous good or harm, depending on how it is used.”
ByJames JefferyMar 24, 2022
Kyle Sandilands Says He ‘Conned’ the Public Into Getting Vaccinated Through ‘National Campaign’

Kyle Sandilands Says He ‘Conned’ the Public Into Getting Vaccinated Through ‘National Campaign’

“I’m fit and proper to do the national campaign to con everyone into getting vaccinated.”
ByStaff WriterMar 23, 2022
UN Accuses Australia of Contributing to “Mutually Assured Destruction” for Not Rapidly Phasing Out Coal

UN Accuses Australia of Contributing to “Mutually Assured Destruction” for Not Rapidly Phasing Out Coal

“Full of newspeak, Guterres’ speech is a glaringly obvious example of the UN’s utter irrelevance.”
ByRod LampardMar 23, 2022
Disney Includes Homosexual Kiss Scene in Upcoming Kids Film ‘Lightyear’

Disney Includes Homosexual Kiss Scene in Upcoming Kids Film ‘Lightyear’

“Creatives within the studio have been working for years to incorporate LGBTQ identity into its storytelling in ways big and small.”
ByStaff WriterMar 22, 2022
Babylon Bee’s Twitter Account Locked for “Hateful Conduct”

Babylon Bee’s Twitter Account Locked for “Hateful Conduct”

“We’re not deleting anything. Truth is not hate speech.”
ByStaff WriterMar 21, 2022
Done With Dunking

Done With Dunking

“Why would God initiate a sacrament to be administered across the globe that requires deep pools of water? Give a Presbyterian minister a go-bag containing a Bible, a loaf of bread, a bottle of wine, and a flask of water and he has every element needed to conduct a complete worship service anytime and anywhere for the people of God.”
Unvaccinated Police Officers Dishonourably Discharged

Unvaccinated Police Officers Dishonourably Discharged

“…one of the more devastating aspects of this blanket directive is watching the heartless treatment of long serving sworn officers, some on the verge of complex PTSD from all they have seen and done for us.”
ByEvelyn RaeMar 20, 2022
Facebook to Expand Its “Fact-Checking” Apparatus for Australian Federal Election

Facebook to Expand Its “Fact-Checking” Apparatus for Australian Federal Election

“Meta still has what amounts to a gag order on a sitting member of the Australian parliament. Thus, inadvertently giving the member’s political opponents a clear advantage.”
ByRod LampardMar 19, 2022
New Bill Decriminalizes Infanticide Up to 28 Days After Birth

New Bill Decriminalizes Infanticide Up to 28 Days After Birth

“The barbarous bill illustrates once again, that the more a society seemingly ‘progresses’ from traditional Christian values, the clearer that society’s regressive trajectory becomes.”
ByBen DavisMar 18, 2022
‘COVID Army’ To Go ‘Door to Door’ Testing Symptom-Free Australians

‘COVID Army’ To Go ‘Door to Door’ Testing Symptom-Free Australians

“Hundreds of residents in Belmont, Bassendean, Claremont, and Melville are set to be among the first to be visited by teams conducting the testing, which has not yet been approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration.”
ByStaff WriterMar 18, 2022
Three Biblical Pillars of Non-interventionism: Borders and Alliances (Part II)

Three Biblical Pillars of Non-interventionism: Borders and Alliances (Part II)

“Nations have every right to defend themselves or to attack neighbours who are provoking them in dangerous ways. But not to simply extend their power over another nation, or rule another nation.”
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The Caldron Pool Show: #43 – The Voice: Yes or No?


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