Words Matter

Words Matter

“Words matter. Ideas matter. Ideologies matter.”
ByDr Stephen Fyson3 weeks ago
Exposed: UK’s Grooming Gangs

Exposed: UK’s Grooming Gangs

“Children were abandoned to suffer in the name of community relations, an unforgivable price.”
by Bill MuehlenbergJan 6, 2025
Whither the Two-Party System?

Whither the Two-Party System?

“We keep losing the big battles of the day – whether over marriage, the life issues, and so on – because we end up with members of ‘conservative’ parties simply going along with those on the left.”
by Bill MuehlenbergJan 4, 2025
Elon Musk Brings Renewed Focus to UK Rape Gangs Scandal and Tommy Robinson’s Imprisonment

Elon Musk Brings Renewed Focus to UK Rape Gangs Scandal and Tommy Robinson’s Imprisonment

“Accounts have surfaced of police arresting fathers who attempted to intervene to protect their daughters while failing to apprehend the offenders.”
by Staff WriterJan 3, 2025
The ‘Yes’ Campaign Are the Moderates

The ‘Yes’ Campaign Are the Moderates

“…although the author does not associate themselves with the Yes campaign, they are giving us a window into some of the more radical views of some of the people whose voice would be seriously empowered if the Yes campaign were successful.”
byMatthew LittlefieldSep 30, 2023
Blacktivist Safe Space Police Allegedly Tried to Cancel “Be Colourblind” TED Talk

Blacktivist Safe Space Police Allegedly Tried to Cancel “Be Colourblind” TED Talk

“Hughes went back and forth with the company over employees offended by his speech – one which emulates the platform of Martin Luther King Jr. – because they said it was racist, dangerous, and irresponsible.”
byRod LampardSep 29, 2023
Multiculturalism Has Failed: U.K. Home Secretary

Multiculturalism Has Failed: U.K. Home Secretary

“It’s a basic rule of history that Nations which cannot defend their borders will not long survive,” Braverman said.
byRod LampardSep 28, 2023
Dictator Dan Departs

Dictator Dan Departs

“Let the celebrations begin.”
byBill MuehlenbergSep 27, 2023
Christian Heritage Month Cancelled by PRIDE Month Activists

Christian Heritage Month Cancelled by PRIDE Month Activists

“What El Dorado County did by backing down was grant power to dishonest critics and left-wing bullies.”
byRod LampardSep 26, 2023
Good News About Rogue Rulers and Evil Tyrants

Good News About Rogue Rulers and Evil Tyrants

“When we see powerful and evil nations today, it still can seem like they are on the ascendancy, and even darker days lie ahead.”
byBill MuehlenbergSep 25, 2023
The Lord Giveth

The Lord Giveth

“Job was able to remain grounded in one of the most terrible moments of his life, because he knew that every good gift he had came from God above…”
byMatthew LittlefieldSep 24, 2023
Social Decline, Family Breakdown, and the Welfare State

Social Decline, Family Breakdown, and the Welfare State

“Those who cry out that the government should ‘do something’ never even ask for data on what has actually happened when the government did something, compared to what actually happened when the government did nothing.”
byBill MuehlenbergSep 23, 2023
Scott Morrison’s New Book Reeks of Hypocrisy

Scott Morrison’s New Book Reeks of Hypocrisy

“Scott Morrison is literally preaching the ‘God over Government’ message he refused to support when protestors gathered in Canberra in the name of freedom.”
byRod LampardSep 22, 2023
Walk For Life: Thousands to Rally in Sydney Against Abortion

Walk For Life: Thousands to Rally in Sydney Against Abortion

Every six minutes a baby is aborted in Australia.
byTom EglintonSep 21, 2023
What Trump Actually Said About Abortion

What Trump Actually Said About Abortion

“What Trump says is true to his position on the issue, which goes back at least as far as 1999. He sees himself as a mediator, hates abortion, but has never been 100 per cent against it.”
byRod LampardSep 21, 2023
A Win for Sanity and for Family Rights

A Win for Sanity and for Family Rights

“A California school district has settled a lawsuit for $100,000 with a mother who alleged her daughter was socially transitioned to a new ‘gender identity’ by school staff without informing or getting her permission.”
byMatthew LittlefieldSep 20, 2023
Activists Silent as “YES23” Rally Used to Salute Communism

Activists Silent as “YES23” Rally Used to Salute Communism

“The same activists who attacked Moira Deeming over neo-Nazis hijacking a Let Women Speak rally are both silent and out of sight.”
byRod LampardSep 19, 2023
New School a Beacon of Hope for Christian Families in Scotland

New School a Beacon of Hope for Christian Families in Scotland

“Christian education is something greatly needed in this nation and a big part of claiming back what the churches almost willingly gave up to the state: our children.”
byJohn-William NobleSep 18, 2023
What Jacinta Price Said About Colonialism in Australia Deserves to Be Heard

What Jacinta Price Said About Colonialism in Australia Deserves to Be Heard

“If we keep telling Aboriginal people that they are victims, we are effectively removing their agency and giving them the expectation that someone else is responsible for their lives. That is the worst possible thing you can do to any human being, to tell them that they are a victim without agency.”
byBill MuehlenbergSep 17, 2023
Team Deeming Takes on Canberra

Team Deeming Takes on Canberra

“We are standing against a legal regime that’s going all around the world. It’s utterly destroying not just sex-based rights in law and culture. It is destroying every other democratic right since the Magna Carta.”
byRod LampardSep 16, 2023
Presbyterian Church of Australia Bans Welcome to Country

Presbyterian Church of Australia Bans Welcome to Country

“As Christians, we have to avoid wording that suggests final ownership of land is vested in people rather than with the Creator.”
byStaff WriterSep 15, 2023
CIA Analysts Allegedly Bribed to Dismiss COVID Lab Leak Theory

CIA Analysts Allegedly Bribed to Dismiss COVID Lab Leak Theory

“A senior CIA officer claims lab leak analysts were allegedly bribed to back the COVID-19 wet market narrative.”
byRod LampardSep 14, 2023
Video of Justin Trudeau Praising China’s Dictatorship Goes Viral

Video of Justin Trudeau Praising China’s Dictatorship Goes Viral

“…their basic dictatorship is allowing them to actually turn their economy around on a dime and say we need to go greenest fastest.”
ByStaff WriterFeb 16, 2022
Abraham Kuyper on Resistance Theory

Abraham Kuyper on Resistance Theory

“Vaccination certificates will therefore have to go—and will be gone at least from our free schools. The form of tyranny hidden in these vaccination certificates is just as real a threat to the nation’s spiritual resources as a smallpox epidemic itself.”
ByBill MuehlenbergFeb 16, 2022
State Government Accused of ‘Falsifying Data’ After Admitting They ‘Skewed’ Hospitalisation Numbers

State Government Accused of ‘Falsifying Data’ After Admitting They ‘Skewed’ Hospitalisation Numbers

“If you were 22 years of age, you had Covid three weeks ago, you recovered from that, fell off your bicycle, broke your arm, and came to hospital, we would count you as a Covid admission.”
ByStaff WriterFeb 15, 2022
With, For, or Against Christ: Forging a New Militant Ecumenicalism 

With, For, or Against Christ: Forging a New Militant Ecumenicalism 

“New battle lines are being drawn around these issues, and Christians who stand on the wrong side should no longer be seen as being ‘for Christ.'”
Who’s To Blame for Ukraine?

Who’s To Blame for Ukraine?

Australia evacuates Ukraine embassy in Kyiv, issues “Get Out Now” warning to its citizens.
ByRod LampardFeb 14, 2022
The Caldron Pool Show: Episode 4 Is Here!

The Caldron Pool Show: Episode 4 Is Here!

The Caldron Pool Show – Episode 4 with Savanah Hernandez
ByEvelyn RaeFeb 14, 2022
If I Were Given the Stage In Canberra, Here’s What I’d Say…

If I Were Given the Stage In Canberra, Here’s What I’d Say…

The walls we build to protect ourselves today may well become the walls of cells that confine us and our children for generations.
ByMurray KnightFeb 13, 2022
The Canberra Rally for Freedom Is a Massive Game-Changer

The Canberra Rally for Freedom Is a Massive Game-Changer

There is one thing that will always be with us: those who want to tyrannically rule over others. But there is also this: those who will resist such tyranny. 
ByBill MuehlenbergFeb 12, 2022
Western Governments Tried to Gag Doctor Who Identified Omicron as “Mild”

Western Governments Tried to Gag Doctor Who Identified Omicron as “Mild”

Dr Coetzee alleges that she was told by European governments “not to publicly state that Omicron was a mild illness.”
ByRod LampardFeb 12, 2022
Middle Management Morrison Should Be Banished by the LNP to a Desk Job

Middle Management Morrison Should Be Banished by the LNP to a Desk Job

All this turned to pessimism, as we slowly watched the Christian Prime Minister bow before “post-Christian” pagan culture. Morrison went from being strong on words to being weak in everything else.
ByRod LampardFeb 11, 2022
Is COVID-19 the Autoimmune Disease of Our Age?

Is COVID-19 the Autoimmune Disease of Our Age?

“They’re telling us to put a mask over our mouths, but one gets the distinct impression they are also trying to pull the wool over our eyes.”
ByMurray KnightFeb 10, 2022
Australia Needs More New Faithful Churches Than Ever: Why I Am Planting a Church and, Maybe, You Should Plant One Too

Australia Needs More New Faithful Churches Than Ever: Why I Am Planting a Church and, Maybe, You Should Plant One Too

“Church leaders were not forced to become what they were not, but they were rather tested by the Lord and their basic default was exposed for all to see.”
ByGiuliano BordoniFeb 9, 2022
The Gospel Has Many Political Implications for a Nation

The Gospel Has Many Political Implications for a Nation

A generation that refuses to apply the political implications of the Gospel to their society will be a generation that quickly watches their nation return to its pagan roots. It’s not a coincidence that we are seeing this happen in our day, because many people have forgotten just how the Gospel affected change in the West.  
Our Warnings, Although Ignored, Have Proven to Be Right

Our Warnings, Although Ignored, Have Proven to Be Right

“So many of the things we said but were rejected out of hand have turned out to be entirely correct. We warned of so many things yet were hated on and abused by so many.”
ByBill MuehlenbergFeb 7, 2022
The Caldron Pool Show: Episode 3 – Andrew Bogut

The Caldron Pool Show: Episode 3 – Andrew Bogut

Episode #3 of The Caldron Pool Show, featuring Andrew Bogut.
ByEvelyn RaeFeb 7, 2022
Reinstate Whoopsie Goldberg, Then Bring On the Debate

Reinstate Whoopsie Goldberg, Then Bring On the Debate

“Where Goldberg gets an inclusive, easy ride, conservatives Gina Carano, Rosanne Barr, and Mel Gibson, were thrown to the wolves.”
ByRod LampardFeb 6, 2022
The Branch Covidian Crackdown on the Churches

The Branch Covidian Crackdown on the Churches

“If people give their allegiance to God, and not the State, they are always going to be much harder to control. So dictators have always warred against religion.”
ByBill MuehlenbergFeb 6, 2022
Will Christian Leaders Who Platformed Francis Collins Correct the Record?

Will Christian Leaders Who Platformed Francis Collins Correct the Record?

“What we now know about the Wuhan lab leak, Collins’ emails and the contested science on masks and lockdowns should prompt these leaders to question their willingness to act as the mouthpiece of the government.”
ByKurt MahlburgFeb 5, 2022
Scott Morrison: Australia’s Worst Ever Prime Minister?

Scott Morrison: Australia’s Worst Ever Prime Minister?

“He presides over an illiberal government that has been directly responsible for the most appalling violations of basic human rights.”
Johns Hopkins Study Shows Lockdowns Did More Harm Than Good

Johns Hopkins Study Shows Lockdowns Did More Harm Than Good

“Lockdowns in Europe and the United States only reduced COVID-19 mortality to 0.2% on average.”
ByRod LampardFeb 4, 2022
Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson, and The Silence of the Lambs

Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson, and The Silence of the Lambs

“…church leaders have fallen over each other to bow to Caesar over vaccine mandates and heartless, unscientific lockdowns while people have gone hungry and thirsty for the truth.”
ByMurray KnightFeb 3, 2022
Banning the Exposition of the Bible Is One Step Away From Banning the Bible

Banning the Exposition of the Bible Is One Step Away From Banning the Bible

“In the message, MacArthur said the notion that you are something other than your biology is a cultural construct, which he described as ‘an assault on God.'”
ByStaff WriterFeb 3, 2022
Justin Trudeau Says Freedom Truckers Are Antisemitic, Islamophobic, Anti-Black Racist, Homophobic, Transphobes

Justin Trudeau Says Freedom Truckers Are Antisemitic, Islamophobic, Anti-Black Racist, Homophobic, Transphobes

“Members of Parliament unanimously condemned the antisemitism, Islamophobia, anti-Black racism, homophobia, and transphobia that we’ve seen on display in Ottawa…”
ByStaff WriterFeb 2, 2022
Shock Jock Calls on Meat Loaf’s Family to Denounce Him as an “Anti-vaxxer”

Shock Jock Calls on Meat Loaf’s Family to Denounce Him as an “Anti-vaxxer”

“Bullying the singer’s grieving family so soon after Meat Loaf’s passing, shows how low those drunk on the government-approved COVID-19 narrative are willing to go.”
ByRod LampardFeb 2, 2022
Unvaccinated Parents Banned From Seeing Their Sick Children In Hospital

Unvaccinated Parents Banned From Seeing Their Sick Children In Hospital

What we’re talking about here is “confronting,” “shocking,” and “challenging” people during one of the darkest and most terrifying periods a parent could ever endure.
ByBen DavisFeb 1, 2022
What an Inspiration the Canadian Freedom Convoy Is

What an Inspiration the Canadian Freedom Convoy Is

“Despite the Big Brother Statist overreactions, and Trudeau calling this a ‘fringe minority,’ this protest IS massive and is sending shock waves throughout, not just Canada, but all around the world.”
ByBill MuehlenbergFeb 1, 2022
The Caldron Pool Show: Episode 2 – Elijah Schaffer

The Caldron Pool Show: Episode 2 – Elijah Schaffer

Episode #2 of The Caldron Pool Show, featuring Elijah Schaffer.
ByEvelyn RaeJan 31, 2022
Dan Andrews Hints at Mandating Fourth and Fifth Vaccine, Additional Mandates “Only A Matter of Time”

Dan Andrews Hints at Mandating Fourth and Fifth Vaccine, Additional Mandates “Only A Matter of Time”

“As for fourth and fifth, let’s wait and see how this goes. Being vaccinated saves lives,” the Premier said.
ByStaff WriterJan 30, 2022
“Go Woke” Disney & “Get Woke” Dinklage Rebuked for Cancel Culture Attack on Snow White

“Go Woke” Disney & “Get Woke” Dinklage Rebuked for Cancel Culture Attack on Snow White

“I get it, Peter Dinklage is the biggest dwarf actor, probably of all time, but that doesn’t make him king. It doesn’t make him king dwarf.”
ByRod LampardJan 30, 2022
“I Feel Rather Ashamed”: Rev Says Church Hasn’t Adequately Fulfilled Its Prophetic Role During COVID

“I Feel Rather Ashamed”: Rev Says Church Hasn’t Adequately Fulfilled Its Prophetic Role During COVID

Dr Philip said, “When you throw out truth, ultimate truth, because you throw out the ultimate rule of God, it doesn’t lead to liberation as people think it will, it leads to bondage.”
ByStaff WriterJan 30, 2022
Zuby Nails It: ‘Millions Have Replaced God With Pfizer, Safer to Criticise God Than the Shot’

Zuby Nails It: ‘Millions Have Replaced God With Pfizer, Safer to Criticise God Than the Shot’

The cult of Covid is nothing short of the state religion of the day.
ByStaff WriterJan 29, 2022
We Should Have Heeded Schaeffer’s Prophetic Warnings

We Should Have Heeded Schaeffer’s Prophetic Warnings

“I call for Christian radicals, and especially young Christian radicals, to stand up in loving confrontation, but confrontation – looking to the living Christ moment by moment for strength – in loving confrontation with all that is wrong and destructive in the church, our culture, and the state.”
ByBill MuehlenbergJan 29, 2022
Actress Joins Protests Against Vaccine Mandates, Post Support for Canadian Truckers

Actress Joins Protests Against Vaccine Mandates, Post Support for Canadian Truckers

“I believe nobody should ever be forced to inject their body with anything, against their will…”
ByStaff WriterJan 28, 2022
“Get Woke”: Dinklage’s Snow White Rant Shows Why Woke Supremacism Is Full of Doctrines for Dunces

“Get Woke”: Dinklage’s Snow White Rant Shows Why Woke Supremacism Is Full of Doctrines for Dunces

“The WOKE ideological paradigm would rather annihilate Walt Disney’s warm, selfless, lovable characters than use them to educate.”
ByRod LampardJan 28, 2022
The Beta Variant – A Pandemic of Softness

The Beta Variant – A Pandemic of Softness

“The Covid-19 response has proven that most men are betas who are comfortably enslaved by fear, and thus, they willingly surrendered their rights. It’s as if they like the way their shackles match their purse.”
ByTom FoordJan 27, 2022
Jordan Peterson’s Recent Realization About the Bible

Jordan Peterson’s Recent Realization About the Bible

“So, it isn’t that the Bible is true, it’s that the Bible is the precondition for the manifestation of truth. Which makes it way more true than just true. It’s a whole different kind of true. And I think this is not only literally the case, factually, I think it can’t be any other way.”
ByBen DavisJan 26, 2022
Are All Laws Good Laws?

Are All Laws Good Laws?

“The truth is, just as there are unjust rulers and unjust governments, so there are unjust laws. And that is never a good situation to be in.”
ByBill MuehlenbergJan 26, 2022
Massive Canadian Convoy Challenges Trudeau’s “Vax or the Axe” Mandates

Massive Canadian Convoy Challenges Trudeau’s “Vax or the Axe” Mandates

“Twitter users were reporting the Freedom Convoy had grown to 70 kilometres long.”
ByRod LampardJan 25, 2022
The Church Weighed, Measured, and Found Wanting

The Church Weighed, Measured, and Found Wanting

“Despite the plethora of biblical injunctions to ‘fear not!’ the church, on the whole, has not exhibited a robust spirit of courage.”
The Pending Russian Invasion of Ukraine Reflects the Biden Administration’s Incompetence

The Pending Russian Invasion of Ukraine Reflects the Biden Administration’s Incompetence

“Joe Biden’s apparent optimism is a smokescreen for the arrogant under-estimating of the Russian president, and an over-estimation of the abilities of his own administration.”
ByRod LampardJan 24, 2022
The Caldron Pool Show: Episode 1 – Zuby

The Caldron Pool Show: Episode 1 – Zuby

The Caldron Pool Show is here!
ByStaff WriterJan 24, 2022
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The Caldron Pool Show: #31 – The Ezekiel Declaration


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