What Is the Welfare of Our Nation?

What Is the Welfare of Our Nation?

“Neglect of understanding where our core values come from is leading to a fracturing. That is because of the mistake in the dominant ‘multiculturalism’ logic. It has not been discerned that values are derived from beliefs, and beliefs reflect in what we put our faith.”
ByByDr Stephen FysonDec 16, 2024
Hungarian PM to EU: The Rejection of Christianity Has Made Us Hedonistic Pagans

Hungarian PM to EU: The Rejection of Christianity Has Made Us Hedonistic Pagans

ByByRod LampardJul 28, 2023
“The European Union rejects Christian heritage, it is managing population replacement through migration, and it is waging an LGBTQ offensive against family-friendly European nations,” Orban argued.
Whistleblower at UFO Hearing Says US Government in Possession of “Non-Human” Pilots

Whistleblower at UFO Hearing Says US Government in Possession of “Non-Human” Pilots

ByByStaff WriterJul 27, 2023
“Biologics came with some of these recoveries… Non-human.”
Spurgeon and the Culture Wars

Spurgeon and the Culture Wars

ByByBill MuehlenbergJul 26, 2023
“We have had enough of clever men without consciences—let us now see what honest, God-fearing men will do!”
Who Are the Danaans?

Who Are the Danaans?

ByByMatthew LittlefieldJul 25, 2023
“Were the Danaans related to the Danites? Some of the evidence indicates that this may be the case.”
India’s Christians Are Suffering Under Weaponised ‘Anti-Conversion Laws’

India’s Christians Are Suffering Under Weaponised ‘Anti-Conversion Laws’

ByByRod LampardJul 25, 2023
“The Hindu persecution of Christians has intensified since 2021 after India’s updated ‘anti-conversion laws’ helped drive what the New York Times, has called ‘anti-Christian hysteria.'”
The Rise of the Machines: We Do Not Want a Post-Human Future

The Rise of the Machines: We Do Not Want a Post-Human Future

ByByBill MuehlenbergJul 24, 2023
“Humans doing the hard jobs on minimum wage while the robots write poetry and paint is not the future I wanted.”
Gay Couple Have Newborn Killed After Surrogate Is Diagnosed With Cancer

Gay Couple Have Newborn Killed After Surrogate Is Diagnosed With Cancer

ByByStaff WriterJul 23, 2023
“She was able to deliver the baby at 25 weeks, but the purchasing couple had ‘ownership’ of the child after birth. They ordered that life-saving care be withheld. The baby boy died shortly after birth.”
Country Music vs. Cultural Marxism

Country Music vs. Cultural Marxism

ByByRod LampardJul 22, 2023
“They’re coming for Country Music because it’s in the way of them coming for you!”
Real Champions of Freedom Are in Every Age Hostile to Pornography

Real Champions of Freedom Are in Every Age Hostile to Pornography

ByByBen DavisJul 21, 2023
“There are all kinds of legitimate and necessary restrictions on every kind of liberty man has, and these are necessary for the maintenance of liberty, because liberty cannot be equated with anarchy.”
In Honour of Averil: She Trusted in Him Till the End

In Honour of Averil: She Trusted in Him Till the End

ByByBill MuehlenbergJul 21, 2023
“God is too good to be unkind and He is too wise to be mistaken. And when we cannot trace His hand, we must trust His heart.”
Trump Responds to Third “Department of Injustice” Indictment

Trump Responds to Third “Department of Injustice” Indictment

ByByRod LampardJul 20, 2023
“Nothing like this has ever happened in America before. They illegally spied on my campaign, attacked me with a totally fake ‘dossier’ funded by the Clinton campaign, and the DNC. Impeached me twice [and lost], and failed on the Mueller Witch Hunt – there was no Russian collusion.”
Finnish DOJ’s Persecution of Acquitted Bible Quoting Legislator Is a Massive Waste of Taxpayer Funds

Finnish DOJ’s Persecution of Acquitted Bible Quoting Legislator Is a Massive Waste of Taxpayer Funds

ByByRod LampardJul 18, 2023
“Christians in the West need to wake up. You’ve got to understand what’s going on, and what’s happening. This is an absolute strategy designed to take away rights, and the outlawing of Christians would be the end product.”
The Greatest Drama Ever Staged

The Greatest Drama Ever Staged

ByByBill MuehlenbergJul 17, 2023
“We have very efficiently pared the claws of the Lion of Judah, certified him ‘meek and mild,’ and recommended Him as a fitting household pet for pale curates and pious old ladies.”
Canavan Bill Demands Answers Over Labor/Green Confiscation of Christian Hospital

Canavan Bill Demands Answers Over Labor/Green Confiscation of Christian Hospital

ByByRod LampardJul 16, 2023
“The Queensland Coalition senator has tabled a bill asking how, and why, Calvary Hospital was forced to surrender its Christian ethos, and ownership to the Labor/Green cabal by the end of June.”
The Dimming of the Sun: An Apocalyptic Catastrophe

The Dimming of the Sun: An Apocalyptic Catastrophe

“Climate changes! It is driven by the sun, not human activity. And even if you believed humans, with their cattle grazing and farming practices make a contribution, it is infinitesimal compared to the effects of the sun on climate.”
Consent Is No Basis for Morality

Consent Is No Basis for Morality

ByByMatthew LittlefieldJul 14, 2023
“A workable ethic, or morality, should take into consideration what harm can be done to your body, and to your relationships by practicing a certain behaviour. This is why it is important to transcend basing your morality on merely something like consent.”
Facebook Now “Fact-Checking” Your Interpretation of the Bible

Facebook Now “Fact-Checking” Your Interpretation of the Bible

ByByRod LampardJul 13, 2023
“The policing of thought, appearances, and speech, is proof that the concept of governing bodies making themselves the ‘single source of truth’ isn’t a future possibility, it’s already a reality.”
Senator Hanson Calls for a Royal Commission Into the Australian Governments’ Handling of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Senator Hanson Calls for a Royal Commission Into the Australian Governments’ Handling of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Senator Hanson said the Australian people deserve a comprehensive account of the decisions made by their governments to manage the COVID-19 pandemic.
Over 90% Of People Who Died With Covid in the UK Had Pre-existing Health Conditions

Over 90% Of People Who Died With Covid in the UK Had Pre-existing Health Conditions

For comparison, the average number of deaths from the flu each year in the UK ranges from 10,000 to 25,000.
Big Pharma and the Big State: The Neverending Story

Big Pharma and the Big State: The Neverending Story

“Whether or not all this is good ‘science,’ it certainly is a good way to have a dictatorship for life. And it is certainly a good business model – one that has the masses permanently hooked on your product.”
Scottish Pastor Calls Pro-Mandate Churches to Repent

Scottish Pastor Calls Pro-Mandate Churches to Repent

“The Church’s default position has been a proof-texting of Romans 13, and an almost blind compliance of everything that our government has said…[through] the propaganda machinery of state news channels, spouting out the latest narrative that we are being expected to follow.”
Reconsidering Romans 13: We Need to Properly Understand What Paul Means Concerning Government Authority

Reconsidering Romans 13: We Need to Properly Understand What Paul Means Concerning Government Authority

“It’s not morally permissible for the government to direct me to wrong one of my fellows, nor is it morally permissible for the government to direct me to submit without resistance or protest to its wronging of me.”
Government Overreach in the Name of the “Greater Good” Is Catastrophic for Liberty

Government Overreach in the Name of the “Greater Good” Is Catastrophic for Liberty

“Any serious student of the 1930s is struck by the familiarity of the debate.”
Let Earth Receive Her King

Let Earth Receive Her King

“There is not one square inch in the whole [of creation] over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry: Mine!” – Abraham Kuyper
They’re Now Demanding That All Parents Surrender Their Children to the State: “Make Raising Your Own Children Illegal”

They’re Now Demanding That All Parents Surrender Their Children to the State: “Make Raising Your Own Children Illegal”

“…if you can destroy the family unit, you then have the naked individual fully dependent on and enslaved to the State.”
Victorian Government-Funded Youth Body Tells Teens To Go on “Vax Dates” And Get Vaccinated Without Their Parents’ Permission

Victorian Government-Funded Youth Body Tells Teens To Go on “Vax Dates” And Get Vaccinated Without Their Parents’ Permission

“You don’t actually need to get their permission. Wanna go do it now, go on a vax date?”


新南威尔士州卫生厅厅长布莱德哈泽德已经表示:疫苗不能阻止新冠病毒奥密克戎变种的传播。但他仍然敦促新州居民一旦满足疫苗接种间隔的要求,应尽快接种加强针。 在周三的新闻发布会上,哈泽德称该变种的传染性非常强。根据他给出的数据,新州仅有百分之五的居民还没有接种疫苗,而且那些没有接种疫苗的公民已经受到长达数月的社交限制。 据SBS新闻报道,在刚刚过去的一周内感染者增加了三倍,这也是新州几个月以来首次单日新增感染超过1000例。 哈泽德以危言耸听的口吻说道:“根据对病毒传播导致潜在感染剧增的模拟预测,新州正在为将要发生的更多新增感染做准备。” 哈泽德告诉记者:“我们获得的信息是,到一月底每日新增感染可能在二万五千例左右。” 现在,哈泽德终于承认了疫苗对于阻止奥密克戎变种几乎毫无用处!而政府这几个月以来一直在实施强制疫苗、禁止不打疫苗的居民出入咖啡馆、酒吧、餐馆以及其他公共场合,如学校、医院、养老院和紧急服务机构。 哈泽德称:“我们了解到,这些疫苗看起来似乎不能阻止奥密克戎变种的传播。这个变种的传染性非常强。”他还说: “在纽卡斯尔一个人口密集的夜总会里发生的感染情况,使我们意识到该病毒的传染性很强。年轻人会到处活动,病毒很有可能将会传遍全州 。” 那么值得思考的是:如果注射疫苗并不能阻止病毒传播,也不能阻止病毒变异,为何政府还执意推行疫苗证书呢? 许多未接种疫苗的澳洲人,因为被认为具有将病毒传染给他人的风险而被限制在家、禁止出行或探望亲人长达数月之久!据报道,昨天两个满载航班的乘客将被强制在圣诞节期间隔离,而这仅仅因为航班上的一位乘客检测出新冠阳性,昆州卫生厅便以航班上的每个人都是密切接触者为由强行隔离所有乘客。 也有许多未接种疫苗的澳洲人因为被当局认为具有传染风险而被迫失业! 一位因疫苗强制令而失业的前警官告知本新闻网: “由于我被视为对他人有潜在的威胁,我的职业就这样结束了。”“现在执政者却说:疫苗根本不能阻止病毒的传播!那我怎么可能比其他人更有传播病毒的威胁呢?既然疫苗不能阻止病毒传播,岂不是疫苗接种者与我具有同样的威胁吗?” 一位曾在大型超市工作过六年的前机械工说道,他这个月接到通知,如果他想保持他的工作就必须“完全接种”!他说:“像我这样还未被停职或强制无薪休假的人们,现在都有权要求一个解释:为何让我们失业?为何需要接种疫苗才能保住工作?” 他接着说道:“这些疫苗不能阻止病毒传播,因此之前因疫苗强制令而被迫辞职、被迫停职或停薪留职的人们,应该立即恢复他们之前的职位。” 网络教育资源天国思想家学院(Kingdom Thinkers Academy)的创立者卡利. 尼尔告诉本网站:“(基于全球数据,如以色列的数据)信息灵通的大众早就知道接种新冠疫苗不能阻止病毒传染。” 他接着说道:“显然,政府的疫苗强制令并不是为了公众健康,而是为了控制人民。我不知道这些政府官员是否会努力恢复那些因为疫苗强制令而失业的人们的工作?看起来不太可能!”


罗伯特马龙医生,病毒学家与核糖核酸技术(被应用于新冠疫苗)的发明者,被推特“永久”禁言! 这位对疫苗推广的批评者表示,他被主流社交媒体禁言是必然的,但社交媒体这一做法正说明他对于疫苗推广的批评犀利而准确! 马龙医生在被禁言后申明:“我们都知道这件事迟早会发生。” 马龙医生说:“现在这件事的确发生了。眨眼间我的超过五十万的关注者消失了。这也意味着我的批评戳中了他们的痛处,正中目标。” 马龙医生认为推特对他禁言这一行为为社会敲响了警钟,急需停止对儿童实施疫苗接种强制令,急需停止政府、医疗工业综合体和制药行业的腐败! 他长期直率地批评全球新冠疫苗的推行,警告公众仓促实施疫苗接种的风险,并表示在新冠疫苗的批准和推行没有遵循正常程序。 在12 月 18 日接受 GBN 主持人 Neil Oliver的 采访时,马龙医生表示:他认为疫苗不安全,尤其是对儿童而言。 他说:“数据非常清楚,新冠疫苗的风险收益比率完全颠倒,死于这些疫苗的儿童将会多于得救的儿童。” 马龙医生说道,他不反对使用疫苗,但他反对普遍接种疫苗和强制接种疫苗,并说疫苗的使用应该只考虑给感染风险最高的人群。 即便如此,马龙医生还补充道,“越来越多地数据出现,我现在甚至不确定疫苗是否真的会对那些风险最高的人受益。” 此外,与 Omicron 变异相关的数据显示,疫苗对于控制疫情的风险收益更加不平衡。 完整采访如下: 马龙医生会参与即将上映的一集《乔罗根体验》访谈节目。您可以在Substack、Gab和 LinkedIn 上关注他的相关信息。
Mother’s Powerful Pro-Life Video Goes Viral: “Do You Want To See What You’ll Miss?”

Mother’s Powerful Pro-Life Video Goes Viral: “Do You Want To See What You’ll Miss?”

“Becky said she had considered abortion at the time because she fell victim to a toxic form of feminism that had convinced her that her baby would ruin her future.”
Iranian Authorities Threaten Trump With Assassination ‘Simulation’ on American Soil

Iranian Authorities Threaten Trump With Assassination ‘Simulation’ on American Soil

The BBC reported that Twitter had been ‘urged to act after several users pointed out what they saw as the inconsistency of banning Mr Trump but not the Iranian leader.’
New Documentary ‘Battleground Melbourne’ Attracts Over 200,000 Views In Two Days

New Documentary ‘Battleground Melbourne’ Attracts Over 200,000 Views In Two Days

“Much has been said about Melbourne’s freedom movement and those behind it. This film is their reply to the lies and misrepresentations they’ve endured for the past two years.”
When People Are Denied Basic Health Care Because of Their Personal Choices, We Have Moved Into Full-Tilt Tyranny

When People Are Denied Basic Health Care Because of Their Personal Choices, We Have Moved Into Full-Tilt Tyranny

“The surgery has now rung my parents and said that he cannot have the surgery unless he has a 1st dose of the vax. Wow. They would just leave him to die of cancer instead.”
Former Drug Addict Says She Would Be Dead if Church Had Not Defied Health Bureaucrat Edicts

Former Drug Addict Says She Would Be Dead if Church Had Not Defied Health Bureaucrat Edicts

“None of these things would have happened if Trinity closed its doors and was solely online… I’d be dead right now if God had not used this church in my life.”
Rutherford and His ‘Lex, Rex’ Are Still Vital for Today

Rutherford and His ‘Lex, Rex’ Are Still Vital for Today

“To oppose tyranny is to honour God. The office of the magistrate demands our respect, but we need not blindly respect the ruler in that office.”
Coptic Journalist Ramy Kamel Released After Two-Years of Solitary Confinement

Coptic Journalist Ramy Kamel Released After Two-Years of Solitary Confinement

Kamel was arrested in 2019 on what the United States Commission on International Freedom said were “spurious” charges.
We Must Never Forget Victoria’s Two Months of Brutal Medical Tyranny

We Must Never Forget Victoria’s Two Months of Brutal Medical Tyranny

“We must never forget what happened. We must frequently remind ourselves of the terrible cruelty that a Government which has become drunk on power is capable of inflicting upon a dissenting minority, with no robust scientific basis, even in a so-called ‘liberal democracy’. We must remember how fragile basic freedoms are, and how easily civil liberties can be trampled on.”
‘Free Novak Djokovic’ Petition Gets Over 80,000 Signatures In Three Days

‘Free Novak Djokovic’ Petition Gets Over 80,000 Signatures In Three Days

“If a successful, internationally recognized professional athlete can fall victim to the human rights violations of the ruling class, anybody can.
Judge Rules Against Biden’s Jab Mandates in Favour of Navy Seals Seeking “Vax or the Axe” Exemptions

Judge Rules Against Biden’s Jab Mandates in Favour of Navy Seals Seeking “Vax or the Axe” Exemptions

“Although limited, the legal win for the Seals offers hope to the broader American public concerned about government coercion trumping citizen consent.”
Moonbat Government Policies Are the Real Danger, Not the Virus

Moonbat Government Policies Are the Real Danger, Not the Virus

“If we ever get out of all this alive, one day the historians will marvel at the utter insanity that swept the world – certainly the Western world.”
Five Books You Must Read on COVID

Five Books You Must Read on COVID

“One way to be equipped to think critically and discern truth from error in the current environment is to listen to the arguments and views of those who dissent from popular opinion.”
Governor Ron DeSantis’ Family Photos Used by Leftists to Push False MIA Narrative

Governor Ron DeSantis’ Family Photos Used by Leftists to Push False MIA Narrative

“Ignoring context, and recklessly inflating the Governor’s schedule in order to paint him as going AWOL during COVID-19, proves yet again that Leftists are about politics and power, not people.”
Djokovic Granted Vaccine Exemption As Australians Lose Their Careers to Strict “No Jab, No Job” Mandates

Djokovic Granted Vaccine Exemption As Australians Lose Their Careers to Strict “No Jab, No Job” Mandates

“We’re losing good nurses, doctors, police officers, firefighters, aged care workers, and more. But this is where exemptions are offered? Tennis?”


据《每日邮报》报道:新南威尔士州相当大一部分被计入新冠病例住院者,是因其他医疗原因入院。 新南威尔士州政府数据显示,该州每日因新冠入院人数被夸大,因其统计时包含了由于其他原因需要住院的病人,如骨折、分娩阵痛及精神疾病等,在这些住院者入院后,只要他们的新冠测试结果为阳性,都被计入了因新冠入院人数。 新南威尔士健康部长布莱德哈泽德(Brad Hazzard)承认,被计入新冠入院人数中,多至一半的病例属于非新冠引起的入院病例,而是医院对因非新冠入院的病人,在其住院后进行新冠例行测试,测试结果为新冠阳性。 哈泽德(Hazzard)说:“在新冠流行期间,社区中心脏病、生产、摔伤等情况并不会停止。病人来到医院后,需要做新冠测试,结果为阳性的,都被计算为新冠病例。然而这个测试结果,只能说明社区中有新冠病例,但并不能说明新冠病毒是病人住院的主要原因。” 去年,英国医院的新冠入院统计方法也受到同样的指责,由于其他原因已经住院的病人,若其住院后的新冠测试为阳性,都算作因新冠而住院的病人,使其因新冠病毒而住院数据被夸大。根据英国国民保健署泄露出来的一份包含了所有英国保健署分布的数据显示,因新冠病毒住院的病人中,只有44%是在住院时就被确认感染的。 牛津大学的循证医学中心主任卡尔赫尼根(Carl Heneghan)当时已告诉《电讯报》,已公布的数据可能误导公众得出错误的结论。他说:“当人们听说住院者有新冠病毒时,他们会认为新冠病毒是引发住院的原因,而真实的数据所揭示的是不一样的事实:测试结果只能说明在因各种原因住院的患者身上发现了新冠病毒而已。这些错误的报道需要被紧急更正。
YouTube Removes Joe Rogan’s Interviews With Dr Robert Malone & Dr Peter McCollough

YouTube Removes Joe Rogan’s Interviews With Dr Robert Malone & Dr Peter McCollough

“Not allowing legitimate alternative scientific thought from the ‘narrative’ on COVID should make everyone wake up.”
Up to Half of COVID-19 Hospitalizations Admitted for Non-COVID Reasons, Including Broken Bones, Labour Pains

Up to Half of COVID-19 Hospitalizations Admitted for Non-COVID Reasons, Including Broken Bones, Labour Pains

“A reasonable proportion of cases being classified as Covid hospitalisations are actually people with other reasons for admission,” NSW Health Minister said.
John MacArthur Urges Pastors to Preach on Biblical Sexuality to Protest “Conversion Therapy” Laws

John MacArthur Urges Pastors to Preach on Biblical Sexuality to Protest “Conversion Therapy” Laws

“This means as of January 8, 2022, it will be against the law to preach, teach, or counsel regarding God’s design for marriage and sexuality.”
Man Sets Himself On Fire Over Vaccine Mandates: “No Vax ID!”

Man Sets Himself On Fire Over Vaccine Mandates: “No Vax ID!”

“…our governments and media have waged a psychological campaign against the people to pressure, coerce, and “incentivize” an action many would have otherwise not taken. You’re only allowed to be treated as an equal, you’re only capable of rising to the highest tier of society, you’re only permitted to maintain your employment, friendships, and family if you take the vaccine, once, twice–no, thrice, maybe more.”
The Worshipers of the Vax: The Rise of a New Global Religion

The Worshipers of the Vax: The Rise of a New Global Religion

“With the rise of a new priestly and evangelistic class, we have also witnessed the revelation of a new class of worshippers.”
Greens Senator Tweets “Happy New Year” In Response to Fire At Old Parliament House

Greens Senator Tweets “Happy New Year” In Response to Fire At Old Parliament House

“Seems like the colonial system is burning down,” Senator Thorpe tweeted. “Happy New Year everyone.”
Twitter Permanently Suspends Virologist and mRNA Inventor

Twitter Permanently Suspends Virologist and mRNA Inventor

“I must have been on the mark, so to speak. Over the target,” Dr Robert Malone said.
Businesses Were Once Threatened With Large Fines For Exploiting Fears About SARS and Exaggerating Health Benefits of Masks

Businesses Were Once Threatened With Large Fines For Exploiting Fears About SARS and Exaggerating Health Benefits of Masks

“As soon as they become saturated with the moisture in your breath, they stop doing their job and pass on the droplets.”
Police Remove “Unvaccinated” Child From Restaurant, Threaten To Arrest Anyone Without Vaccination Cards

Police Remove “Unvaccinated” Child From Restaurant, Threaten To Arrest Anyone Without Vaccination Cards

“Is this what justice looks like for you? Is this what you dreamed of when you wanted to be a cop?”
Scott Morrison Remembers Desmond Tutu: “Spiritual Leader of the Anti-Apartheid Movement”

Scott Morrison Remembers Desmond Tutu: “Spiritual Leader of the Anti-Apartheid Movement”

“The Prime Minister would do well to reflect a little longer on the qualities he remembers the Archbishop representing. In his own words, without a real belief in human dignity, the power of freedom, and opposition to apartheid, the world cannot be a better place.”
How Do We Know What and Who to Believe?

How Do We Know What and Who to Believe?

“One thing we can be certain about: relying on the mainstream media here is almost useless – probably even harmful. In so many ways it has become an absolute waste when it comes to getting real news. Propaganda has usually replaced real reporting of news. That is why the various alternative media outlets may be a much better place to start with.”
The Gift You Need This Christmas

The Gift You Need This Christmas

At Christmas, a gift was given. But many people today wonder what they are supposed to do with it.
Steyn: “In the Last Two Years, There Has Been a Great Absence of the Church in the Life of the Nation”

Steyn: “In the Last Two Years, There Has Been a Great Absence of the Church in the Life of the Nation”

“You would think a society in the slough of despond, in and out of lockdown for almost two years, would be a grand opportunity for Christian ministry. Instead, the church meekly accepted their designation as non-essential.”
We Are Now Witnessing the Development of a New Underground

We Are Now Witnessing the Development of a New Underground

“The West today is moving in such perilous and dangerous directions that the need for new underground movements is now imminent. In fact, it is already upon us.”
Freedom Isn’t a Threat to the People, the Politician Who Says Otherwise Is

Freedom Isn’t a Threat to the People, the Politician Who Says Otherwise Is

“They need the people to believe that the only solution to the current ‘crisis,’ whatever it may be, is wearing the shackles of the state. But this cannot be accomplished without a relentless propaganda campaign, designed to instil enough fear that people start begging for the safety of slavery while rejecting the risks of freedom.”
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The Caldron Pool Show: #25 – Traditional Schooling Is Dying – Featuring Kale Kneale

From the Christosphere



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