Romanian Government Stops Election, Arrests Winning Candidate “To Save Democracy”

Romanian Government Stops Election, Arrests Winning Candidate “To Save Democracy”

“Ultimately, it seems Georgescu isn’t a threat to democracy, he’s a threat to the Industrial Military Bureaucracy.”
ByRod Lampard1 week ago
Two History Buffs Jailed for Hate Speech Expose the Impact of Laws Restricting Free Speech

Two History Buffs Jailed for Hate Speech Expose the Impact of Laws Restricting Free Speech

“Cameron and Elston’s detention without concern for intentions exposes the subjective flaw in all hate speech laws.”
by Rod LampardFeb 13, 2025
NSW Health Nurses Under Investigation After Boasting of Killing Israeli Patients

NSW Health Nurses Under Investigation After Boasting of Killing Israeli Patients

Will these two get a mandatory custodial sentence under the new hate speech and violence laws?
by Staff WriterFeb 12, 2025
The Spirit and Letter of the Law

The Spirit and Letter of the Law

“Suppress the knowledge of God, and then stand back and see what replaces it.”
by Dr Stephen FysonFeb 12, 2025
Yes, There Is a Spiritual War Going On

Yes, There Is a Spiritual War Going On

“Be not deceived, God is not mocked.”
byBill MuehlenbergJul 27, 2024
Hydrogen Gas: Another Climate Cult Myth Busted

Hydrogen Gas: Another Climate Cult Myth Busted

“The physics of this universe defies every Climate Cult’s dream.”
Whither the Heart?

Whither the Heart?

“The idea of a personal centre that is engaged with both our physical and non-physical aspects of life is clearly missing in our professional worlds.”
byDr Stephen FysonJul 26, 2024
Neil Oliver Warns Evil Walks Among Us: “Christ and Christianity Firmly In Its Sights”

Neil Oliver Warns Evil Walks Among Us: “Christ and Christianity Firmly In Its Sights”

“If you’re watching something and you can’t understand it, that’s because you’re not meant to understand it. You’re only meant to be afraid.”
byStaff WriterJul 25, 2024
Musk: “I’m a Big Believer in the Principles of Christianity”

Musk: “I’m a Big Believer in the Principles of Christianity”

“I would say I’m probably a cultural Christian,” Musk said.
byBen DavisJul 24, 2024
Elon Musk Says “Woke Mind Virus” Killed His Son

Elon Musk Says “Woke Mind Virus” Killed His Son

“I was tricked… The people that have been promoting this should go to prison,” Musk said.
byStaff WriterJul 23, 2024
The West’s Drug-Induced Nightmare Is Building

The West’s Drug-Induced Nightmare Is Building

“A society given to increasing drug use will reap a whirlwind of destruction in its wake.”
byMatthew LittlefieldJul 23, 2024
God’s Promise to All Mankind: Earth Will Never Again Be Globally Covered by Water

God’s Promise to All Mankind: Earth Will Never Again Be Globally Covered by Water

“No climatic changes on the scale caused by a global flood will ever occur again… The warnings of catastrophic climate change from the rent-seeking billionaires are just fear-mongering.”
The RNC: Final Reflections and Highlights

The RNC: Final Reflections and Highlights

“If you pull back and look at this thing, strength versus weakness, a bullet couldn’t stop Trump. A virus just stopped Biden.”
byBill MuehlenbergJul 20, 2024
The RNC: Reflections and Highlights So Far

The RNC: Reflections and Highlights So Far

“The Republicans are fully united behind Trump. The Democrats are fully united behind Biden – but united in wanting to get rid of him!”
byBill MuehlenbergJul 19, 2024
Tucker Carlson Calls For Open Discussion About Mass Movement of People Into Western Nations

Tucker Carlson Calls For Open Discussion About Mass Movement of People Into Western Nations

“Why would you want to watch the people whose ancestors built the country die, mock them as they die, and then replace them? I don’t understand,” Carlson said.
byStaff WriterJul 18, 2024
The Harms of “Psychology”

The Harms of “Psychology”

“Psychology is an entire profession designed to palm off responsibility to some other source and exculpate yourself from being the main problem in your life.”
byMatthew LittlefieldJul 17, 2024
Trump, the Left, and Hate: More on the Shooting

Trump, the Left, and Hate: More on the Shooting

“Why was the building that the assassin used not in the frozen zone? It is just 130 yards from where Trump was speaking and in direct line of sight. Why were no drones and the like being used?”
byBill MuehlenbergJul 16, 2024
It Was No Accident: All Forms of Energy Were Provided by the Creator

It Was No Accident: All Forms of Energy Were Provided by the Creator

We don’t have to commit suicide to “save the planet.”
President Trump, Prayer, and Politics

President Trump, Prayer, and Politics

“The truth is, the hardcore secular left, including too many Democrats, have been spouting off hatred and even violence-inducing talk concerning Trump for years now.”
byBill MuehlenbergJul 14, 2024
Trump Survives Assassination Attempt

Trump Survives Assassination Attempt

“For years, concerns have been raised about the violent and dehumanising rhetoric expressed by prominent Democratic figures against President Trump and his supporters. It was only a matter of time before those words turned into actions.”
byStaff WriterJul 14, 2024
How to Bless Abraham, Biblically

How to Bless Abraham, Biblically

“Nations are meant to be focused on their own affairs, not the affairs of other nations…”
byMatthew LittlefieldJul 14, 2024
Jihad Through the Judiciary: Tommy Robinson’s Chilling Warning to Jordan Peterson

Jihad Through the Judiciary: Tommy Robinson’s Chilling Warning to Jordan Peterson

“By refusing to play along with the dangerously ignorant idea that criticising Islam is racism, Tommy Robinson was entombed in enmity. In his words, it’s nearly cost him his life.”
byRod LampardJul 13, 2024
Parental Rights Declared “Hateful Extremism” by SPLC

Parental Rights Declared “Hateful Extremism” by SPLC

“It’s NOT ‘extremist’ to make sure parents have a say in their children’s education. It IS extremist to call a group of patriotic moms a ‘hate group.'”
ByRod LampardJun 20, 2023
WATCH: Pandemic Amnesty for Pandemic Sins?

WATCH: Pandemic Amnesty for Pandemic Sins?

“The only problem is, there’s been no acknowledgement of wrongs, no admission of guilt, no public repentance, no assurance of any change. Victims are effectively being told to just get over it, move on, and if they don’t, they’re worse than their abusers.”
ByStaff WriterJun 19, 2023
We Have Forgotten God, That’s Why All This Has Happened

We Have Forgotten God, That’s Why All This Has Happened

“Christianity overwhelmingly helped to give birth to the West, but now the child is rejecting its parent. It has forgotten who has given it birth.”
ByBill MuehlenbergJun 19, 2023
The West Has A Schizoid Attitude Toward Children

The West Has A Schizoid Attitude Toward Children

“The radical left wants our children. And they want them young. Their strategy is quite simple: Divide children from their parents by any means possible.”
ByBill MuehlenbergJun 18, 2023
WA Mother Battles Therapeutic Totalitarian Horror Story

WA Mother Battles Therapeutic Totalitarian Horror Story

“The six-year-old was removed from her care, then sentenced to a foster home for the two-year duration of his State-sanctioned treatment.”
ByRod LampardJun 17, 2023
Too Much Capitalism

Too Much Capitalism

“You cannot monetise everything and keep the soul of your society. Because monetising everything is akin to making money your god, and Mammon is an exacting deity that holds long and merciless accounts of debts owed.”
Amazon Shutdown Smart Home for a Week After Hate Speech Allegation

Amazon Shutdown Smart Home for a Week After Hate Speech Allegation

“News of Amazon locking out a Smart Home user over hate speech allegations is raising questions about technocratic overreach.”
ByRod LampardJun 15, 2023
Unheeded Warnings of the Past

Unheeded Warnings of the Past

“No truth is more evident to my mind…”
ByBen DavisJun 14, 2023
In the Name of Welfare, We Have Been Creating a Power State

In the Name of Welfare, We Have Been Creating a Power State

“The welfare state is the oldest con game in the world. First, you take people’s money away quietly and then you give some of it back to them flamboyantly.”
ByBill MuehlenbergJun 13, 2023
A.I. Could Rewrite the Bible and Correct Religion, Says Professor and WEF Member

A.I. Could Rewrite the Bible and Correct Religion, Says Professor and WEF Member

“In a few years, there might be religions that are actually correct. Just think about a religion whose holy book is written by an A.I.”
ByStaff WriterJun 13, 2023
The Caldron Pool Show Is Back!

The Caldron Pool Show Is Back!

It’s about time!
ByStaff WriterJun 12, 2023
We Are the Communists Now

We Are the Communists Now

“We are the Communists now. We now live in the anti-free world. We now live in the world that rejects national sovereignty, and promotes globalized empire. We now live in the world that rejects political speech, but promotes degraded speech and calls it free speech. We now live in the world where Christianity is under increasing attack and is being increasingly sidelined.”
Parents Could Have Their Children Removed if They Refuse to ‘Affirm’ A Child’s Gender Identity Under Newly Amended California Bill

Parents Could Have Their Children Removed if They Refuse to ‘Affirm’ A Child’s Gender Identity Under Newly Amended California Bill

“…courts would be given the authority to remove children from their homes if their parents refused to accept LGBTQ+ ideology.”
ByStaff WriterJun 11, 2023
“Digital Prison”: Aldi Slammed for Implementing “No App, No Food” System

“Digital Prison”: Aldi Slammed for Implementing “No App, No Food” System

“In-store cameras will track shoppers, adding items to each personal account as they’re picked up or bagged.”
ByStaff WriterJun 10, 2023
Trump Indicted, Again

Trump Indicted, Again

“…they want to wear down voters by infecting them with ‘Trump fatigue.'”
ByRod LampardJun 10, 2023
Christians Are Called to Be Countercultural

Christians Are Called to Be Countercultural

“Have evangelicals come full circle in just fifty years – from fundamentalist isolation to mainstream acceptance? Have we embraced a national creed that values personal growth over doctrinal orthodoxy?”
ByBill MuehlenbergJun 9, 2023
Northern Ireland Schools Forced to Adopt Pro-Abortion Curriculum

Northern Ireland Schools Forced to Adopt Pro-Abortion Curriculum

“…this could potentially mean a Drag Queen is allowed to teach biology in a secondary school, whereas a pro-life biologist is not.”
ByRod LampardJun 8, 2023
For the Umpteenth Time: Christians Must Engage With the World Around Them

For the Umpteenth Time: Christians Must Engage With the World Around Them

“Just imagine if Wilberforce foolishly listened to his Christian critics who told him to stop wasting his time in political and cultural battles: we would still have slavery today.”
ByBill MuehlenbergJun 7, 2023
He’s Back! Tucker On Twitter: Watch Episode 1

He’s Back! Tucker On Twitter: Watch Episode 1

“We’re told there are no gatekeepers here. If that turns out to be false, we’ll leave.”
ByStaff WriterJun 7, 2023
Gender Gnosticism

Gender Gnosticism

“Rather than teaching the true roles of men and women, the Church has almost universally capitulated to Gender Gnostic teachings.”
BLM Is Borderline Bankrupt

BLM Is Borderline Bankrupt

“On the back of George Floyd, Black Lives Matter logged a massive USD $76.9 million in contributions and grants.”
ByRod LampardJun 6, 2023
Two-Year-Old Jailed for Life After Parents Found With Bible

Two-Year-Old Jailed for Life After Parents Found With Bible

“A two-year-old has been sentenced to life in prison in North Korea after officials found a Bible belonging to the infant’s parents.”
ByStaff WriterJun 5, 2023
Children Need Their Parents, Not Big Government

Children Need Their Parents, Not Big Government

“I homeschool because I have seen the village and I don’t want it raising my child.”
ByBill MuehlenbergJun 5, 2023
Pilgrims and Propaganda

Pilgrims and Propaganda

“Eventually, the ruse will be revealed, and everybody will see our current cultural trend for what it is: a rotting corpse.”
BySamuel LindsayJun 4, 2023
Forget the 99 Shades of Grey – We Need to Again Affirm Truth

Forget the 99 Shades of Grey – We Need to Again Affirm Truth

“A man was meant to be doubtful about himself, but undoubting about the truth; this has been exactly reversed.”
ByBill MuehlenbergJun 3, 2023
Australian Senators Condemn Woke ESG Regional Bank Closures

Australian Senators Condemn Woke ESG Regional Bank Closures

“We have to put a stop to the woke mind virus that is destroying our sense of community.”
ByRod LampardJun 2, 2023
Three Years Jail for a ‘Bigoted’ Facebook Post?

Three Years Jail for a ‘Bigoted’ Facebook Post?

“Social media giants, with all of their billions of dollars, have demonstrated that wrong-speak cannot be policed with either a fair or consistent approach. A prevailing ideology always ends up punishing religious dissent while pardoning the sins of their own.”
ByBen DavisJun 2, 2023
Petition Protesting the ACT’s Hostile Takeover of Calvary Hospital Reaches Over 33,000 Signatures

Petition Protesting the ACT’s Hostile Takeover of Calvary Hospital Reaches Over 33,000 Signatures

“Despite the far-left Labor Prime Minister’s denials and assurances, many are calling the acquisition a dangerous first step towards the takeover of the Church by the State.”
ByRod LampardJun 1, 2023
Was Jesus Really a Card-Carrying Socialist?

Was Jesus Really a Card-Carrying Socialist?

“Too many Christians have some very foggy notions about what the Bible in general and Jesus, in particular, have to say about wealth, work and economics.”
ByBill MuehlenbergMay 31, 2023
The Truth About the One World Government and Global Conspiracies

The Truth About the One World Government and Global Conspiracies

“Through the forces of compelled multiculturalism, mass immigration, aggressive de-Christianization, and the degradation of biblical morals, our nations currently bear little resemblance to the world our grandparents once knew.”
ByBen DavisMay 31, 2023
Resistance Rappers Crash ‘Boycott Target’ Into the Hip/Hop Top Ten

Resistance Rappers Crash ‘Boycott Target’ Into the Hip/Hop Top Ten

“The PRIDE line features PRIDE flag onesies for infants, and bathing suits to encourage boys to be girls through ‘tucking,’ and girls to be boys by providing ‘extra crotch coverage.'”
ByRod LampardMay 30, 2023
The Harmful Trans Tsunami Being Aided and Abetted By Woke Wonders

The Harmful Trans Tsunami Being Aided and Abetted By Woke Wonders

“The level of mass stupidity here is mind-boggling. And the big losers are women and children.”
ByBill MuehlenbergMay 29, 2023
Passive Man, Wicked Woman

Passive Man, Wicked Woman

“…passive men are more common than abusive men. Far more common. It is like a plague in our society today.”
We Make Men Without Chests and Expect of Them Virtue and Enterprise

We Make Men Without Chests and Expect of Them Virtue and Enterprise

“We remove the organ and demand the function. We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honour and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and bid the geldings be fruitful.”
ByBill MuehlenbergMay 27, 2023
Lockdowns Likely Caused ‘More Harm Than Benefit’: New Study Suggests We Were Right, Yet Again

Lockdowns Likely Caused ‘More Harm Than Benefit’: New Study Suggests We Were Right, Yet Again

“Research revealed significant increases in mental health issues, including anxiety and depression, as well as spikes in domestic violence, drug overdoses, and child abuse.”
ByStaff WriterMay 26, 2023
Petition Calls for Immediate Reinstatement of Moira Deeming

Petition Calls for Immediate Reinstatement of Moira Deeming

“The petition calls on Pesutto to immediately reinstate Deeming to the Victorian parliamentary Liberal Party and issue a joint statement clearing Deeming of Nazi associations and any wrongdoing.”
ByStaff WriterMay 26, 2023
Curing the Corruption of Medicine: Dr Aseem Malhotra’s Australian Tour

Curing the Corruption of Medicine: Dr Aseem Malhotra’s Australian Tour

“After the past few years of mandates and now emerging injuries, this topic is crucial and the timing critical.”
ByJulie SladdenMay 25, 2023
DeSantis Announces ‘Great American Comeback’ 2024 Presidential Run

DeSantis Announces ‘Great American Comeback’ 2024 Presidential Run

“Facts instead of fear, education instead of indoctrination, law and order over rioting and disorder.”
ByRod LampardMay 25, 2023
UK Teacher Banned for Pronoun Blasphemy After Saying ‘Well Done, Girls’

UK Teacher Banned for Pronoun Blasphemy After Saying ‘Well Done, Girls’

“Sutcliffe praised a group of students during a maths lesson, stating, ‘Well done, girls.'”
ByRod LampardMay 25, 2023
Small Citizens Make Big Government

Small Citizens Make Big Government

“It doesn’t take a great deal of strength to snap a single twig with your bare hands. Those who wish to dominate us understand this truth.”
ByStaff WriterMay 24, 2023
C.S. Lewis Sounded the Alarm, but We Paid No Heed

C.S. Lewis Sounded the Alarm, but We Paid No Heed

“I am very doubtful whether history shows us one example of a man who, having stepped outside traditional morality and attained power, has used that power benevolently.”
ByBill MuehlenbergMay 24, 2023
You’ve Probably Never Seen A Comedy Act Like This

You’ve Probably Never Seen A Comedy Act Like This

Probably the world’s first and only anti-abortion stand-up routine…
ByStaff WriterMay 23, 2023
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The Caldron Pool Show: #6 – Lauren Southern (Canada Special)


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