Our Civilisation Is at the Crossroads

Our Civilisation Is at the Crossroads

“We’ve told them that we don’t really have anything very great, or if we do we ought not to talk about it much. I believe this is wrong because what we have in the cities of Europe and the West are the greatest civilisation the world has known.”
ByBill Muehlenberg3 weeks ago
He Only Is the True King

He Only Is the True King

“In the New Testament Christ is given the combined title ‘King of kings and Lord of lords’, in opposition no doubt to the blasphemies of the emperor cult. No human rule can challenge his authority.”
by Bill MuehlenbergJan 15, 2025
Draining the Swamp: The Enormous Task Facing Trump

Draining the Swamp: The Enormous Task Facing Trump

“The administrative state has gotten increasingly entrenched and out of control, not just in America but much of the West.”
by Bill MuehlenbergJan 14, 2025
Scruton on National Identity: Why the Nation-State Still Matters

Scruton on National Identity: Why the Nation-State Still Matters

“Anybody who understands what is at stake in the global conflict that is developing today will, I believe, come to see that the nation is one of the things that we must keep.”
by Bill MuehlenbergJan 13, 2025
“Trump is Hitler,” Says Democrats Using Hitler’s Tactics

“Trump is Hitler,” Says Democrats Using Hitler’s Tactics

“Donald Trump has never been found guilty of any crime, ever. Most certainly he has never been convicted of insurrection.”
byRod LampardDec 21, 2023
‘I Was Wrong,’ Says Naomi Wolf

‘I Was Wrong,’ Says Naomi Wolf

“Without accountability, and truth and reconciliation commissions, and terrible, commensurate levels of justice served to suit the crimes committed, as South Africa, Sierra Leone, Rwanda and Germany have all learned to their cost, there is nothing at all to ensure that the exact same crimes won’t be committed again.”
byBill MuehlenbergDec 20, 2023
Faith Transcends Culture

Faith Transcends Culture

“Unity is foundationally based on understanding who we are before God.”
byDr Stephen FysonDec 19, 2023
Merchants of Death: Global Oligarchs and Their War On Humanity

Merchants of Death: Global Oligarchs and Their War On Humanity

“…the COVID-19 pandemic has conveniently facilitated an authoritarian decision-making environment and created an unsustainable welfare state while crushing the independent sectors of the global economy.”
byBill MuehlenbergDec 18, 2023
Are Christmas Trees Evil?

Are Christmas Trees Evil?

“It is clear that Jeremiah is not talking about anything like a Christmas tree. He is talking about the Israelites fashioning dumb idols and placing them in shrines of honour in their homes.”
byMatthew LittlefieldDec 16, 2023
We’re Back in the USSR

We’re Back in the USSR

“Once laws prohibited the government from propagandising the public. But now all out propaganda and censorship is the norm. Of course, this is all done to save democracy. What else could it be for?”
WHO Suffers Short-Term Memory Loss

WHO Suffers Short-Term Memory Loss

“World-class gaslighting.”
byStaff WriterDec 14, 2023
Individualism Really Is the Society Killer

Individualism Really Is the Society Killer

“A society where families fracture is one where disorder increases and the large hand of the law must increase to compensate.”
byMatthew LittlefieldDec 13, 2023
1,000 Political Prisoners: The Menace of Judicial Tyranny in Brazil

1,000 Political Prisoners: The Menace of Judicial Tyranny in Brazil

“The world needs to know that Brazil today has more than 1,000 political prisoners who face much harsher sentences than those of rapists, drug traffickers and murderers.”
Widespread Biblical and Historical Illiteracy Is on the Increase

Widespread Biblical and Historical Illiteracy Is on the Increase

“…kids may know next to nothing about the Gospel of Mark, but will know plenty about the gospel of Marx.”
byBill MuehlenbergDec 11, 2023
Why Do the Globalists Want to Stop Us Eating Meat?

Why Do the Globalists Want to Stop Us Eating Meat?

“Could it be that the demon-inspired oligarchs do not want us to eat meat because of all the positive health benefits? I think so.”
The Must-Watch Alex Jones Interview

The Must-Watch Alex Jones Interview

Alex Jones is about to break the internet again.
byStaff WriterDec 8, 2023
Bombshell Unlawful Censorship Lawsuit Launched by Daily Wire and The Federalist

Bombshell Unlawful Censorship Lawsuit Launched by Daily Wire and The Federalist

“The lawsuit alleges the Biden State Department is actively intervening in the news-media market to render disfavoured press outlets unprofitable.”
byRod LampardDec 8, 2023
Biden’s LGBTQ+ Safetyism Proposal Potentially Bans Christians From Adopting or Foster Parenting

Biden’s LGBTQ+ Safetyism Proposal Potentially Bans Christians From Adopting or Foster Parenting

“Potential parents of orphans, or foster children, will have to agree to create an approved LGBTQ+ ‘safe space.'”
byRod LampardDec 7, 2023
Stop the Treaties: An Anti-Voice Political Party Launches in WA

Stop the Treaties: An Anti-Voice Political Party Launches in WA

“The fact is Aboriginal Australians have been robbed of their dignity through welfare dependency and by left-wing philosophy which has taught them to think of themselves as an oppressed class.”
byStaff WriterDec 5, 2023
Let’s Stop Anti-Science Indoctrination

Let’s Stop Anti-Science Indoctrination

“What amazes me is how quickly a generation can be lost, in fact, destroyed with toxic propaganda like this, which has no basis in science. Is it due to a departure from the basic creation God put in place at the beginning?”
An International “Sorry Day” Is Needed for What We Endured Over the Past Few Years

An International “Sorry Day” Is Needed for What We Endured Over the Past Few Years

“Such an apology – and compensation to boot – seems long overdue.”
byBill MuehlenbergDec 2, 2023
The Colonisation of Australia Was A Blessing

The Colonisation of Australia Was A Blessing

“Unfortunately, there has been very little to no research on the positive contribution that colonization has made to the Australian context. But now is probably a good time to pause and pose the question, ‘What would our nation be like if colonization never occurred?’”
ByMark PowellJun 27, 2022
Trump: ‘God Made the Decision’

Trump: ‘God Made the Decision’

“That sound you’re hearing right now is the chirping of crickets. Because self-appointed cultural watchdogs are now noticeably silent.”
ByMark PowellJun 26, 2022
Family, Not Individualism

Family, Not Individualism

“Western individualism goes too far in making the individual supreme. Socialism goes too far in submitting the individual to society, denying the individual, and the significance of the family unit.”
The Greens Call for Australia to Be Cancelled

The Greens Call for Australia to Be Cancelled

“If the Greens senator doesn’t consider herself an Australian, she should be happy to give up her parliamentary pay cheque, along with the tax-payer-funded political perks attached to her privileged position.”
ByRod LampardJun 26, 2022
Roe v Wade Has Fallen!

Roe v Wade Has Fallen!

“Just as with the falling of the Berlin Wall, there is hope that evil regimes with their murderous laws need not dominate.”
ByMark PowellJun 25, 2022
Feminism Is the Erasure of Women

Feminism Is the Erasure of Women

“‘Equal’ just means ‘same’. The consistent application of it to people can only ever result in the erasure of all gender roles and–this is important–gender distinctions in society.”
Abortion Should Be Illegal

Abortion Should Be Illegal

“If every Christian was to do what they are supposed to do, we would stop abortion tomorrow. No more babies would be killed.”
ByTom EglintonJun 24, 2022
Hollywoke Hypocrites Tell Chinese and Muslim Critics of Disney’s ‘Lightyear’ Film Their “Beliefs Are Backward”

Hollywoke Hypocrites Tell Chinese and Muslim Critics of Disney’s ‘Lightyear’ Film Their “Beliefs Are Backward”

“The blatant disregard for their own politically correct caste etiquette is a new low for Hollywoke hypocrisy and arrogance.”
ByRod LampardJun 23, 2022
When ‘Gospel-Centeredness’ Becomes a Cover for Idolatry

When ‘Gospel-Centeredness’ Becomes a Cover for Idolatry

“By facilitating and encouraging a low view of what Paul called ‘holy, righteous, and good,’ church leaders have left their congregations with an incomplete view of God, and an inability to meaningfully resist the progressive ‘love is love’ tidal wave.”
ByBen DavisJun 22, 2022
Of Course, They Hate the Flag – Do You Know What It Represents?

Of Course, They Hate the Flag – Do You Know What It Represents?

Did you know the Australian flag is the most overtly Christian flag that any country has ever raised?
ByStaff WriterJun 21, 2022
Second Sporting Body Bans Transgender Athletes From International Competitions

Second Sporting Body Bans Transgender Athletes From International Competitions

“International Rugby League will prohibit ‘male to female’ players from playing in international competitions until further research is carried out.”
ByStaff WriterJun 21, 2022
The Gospel in Ruins

The Gospel in Ruins

“If the Christian church wants to see the glory of Christianity restored in our lands we need to rebuild, from the ruins, our gospel message and start proclaiming the whole counsel of the Lord Jesus Christ.”
We Are Still Here

We Are Still Here

“Only weeks ago, it was the admitted goal of our own leaders to make life unlivable for the unvaccinated. And as a deputized collective, we force-multiplied that pain, taking the fight into our families, friendships, and workplaces. Today, we face the hard truth that none of it was justified…”
Swimming Bans Transgender Athletes Who Transitioned After Puberty

Swimming Bans Transgender Athletes Who Transitioned After Puberty

The organization’s President Husain Al-Musallam said FINA is leading the way for preserving fairness of competition in women’s sports.
ByStaff WriterJun 20, 2022
A Sacred Bond

A Sacred Bond

“Not holding marriage as sacred doesn’t just damage the Church, it encourages the world to do likewise, and that has been a disaster.”
Biden Administration Announces “Ministry of Truth 2.0” 

Biden Administration Announces “Ministry of Truth 2.0” 

“It’s apparent that the Biden administration isn’t serious about solving real societal problems. They seem happy enough instead to coddle distractions because treating the symptoms keeps the masses dependent on the Daddy Government drug.”
ByRod LampardJun 18, 2022
Cancel Culture Lynch Mob Targets Black NFL Legend For Racial Wrong-Think

Cancel Culture Lynch Mob Targets Black NFL Legend For Racial Wrong-Think

“Dungy is a dedicated father and an outspoken Christian who is well-informed enough to know that the political obsession with ‘racism’ in the United States is blinding people to the bigger issue of fatherlessness in black American homes.”
ByRod LampardJun 16, 2022
People Expect Judgement, So Tell Them About It

People Expect Judgement, So Tell Them About It

“I don’t think it is a coincidence that not long after the Church stopped regularly preaching judgement, the Church and society declined… People are primed for that message, and the Green movement moved in and took control of the platform that the Church vacated.”
Christian Schools In Victoria Banned From Firing or Refusing to Hire LGBTQ+ Staff

Christian Schools In Victoria Banned From Firing or Refusing to Hire LGBTQ+ Staff

“Fundamental to the Christian faith is the belief that Jesus is Lord over everything, not just Biblical studies. Math, history, science, biology, art, and everything else, are all grounded in this basic, long-held Christian confession.”
ByBen DavisJun 15, 2022
Over the Rainbow

Over the Rainbow

“It’s been dubbed ‘Rainbow Capitalism,’ and an increasing number of folks, even within the LGBTQ+ community, are beginning to recognize it for the disingenuous, virtue signalling, money-grab that it is.”
ByBen DavisJun 14, 2022
You Are Being Manipulated

You Are Being Manipulated

“Emotive speech is often used to manipulate, and our media elites are masters at this.”
Pastor Arrested for Holding Church Services Preaches to Police Force at Officer’s Funeral

Pastor Arrested for Holding Church Services Preaches to Police Force at Officer’s Funeral

“I’m thankful that I met Jason as a result of our church’s stand during COVID lockdowns…”
ByStaff WriterJun 13, 2022
Eat Crickets: Amended Victorian Legislation Could Ban Hunters From Sharing Game Meat With Family

Eat Crickets: Amended Victorian Legislation Could Ban Hunters From Sharing Game Meat With Family

“If the goal is total government dependency, then hunting, and with it, self-sufficiency, could be a thing of the past.”
ByRod LampardJun 12, 2022
Women Are Needed in the Home, Not the Boardroom

Women Are Needed in the Home, Not the Boardroom

“We are not utilizing women by putting them in the workforce, we are under utilizing them by taking them from the home and the church. The nation suffers from a degraded society as a result.”
Where Is the Humble Apology?

Where Is the Humble Apology?

“Here we are, two years later, listening to politicians, medical experts, and the media now echoing the very thing you would have heard from the stage at almost any of the ‘infamous’ anti-mandate rallies.”
ByBen DavisJun 10, 2022
Love Is Love? Ridiculous

Love Is Love? Ridiculous

“To love your neighbour as yourself is to be honest with them, as you would like someone to be honest with you.”
Senior Banker Suspended for Rightly Calling Climate Change Catastrophisers “Nut Jobs”

Senior Banker Suspended for Rightly Calling Climate Change Catastrophisers “Nut Jobs”

“Twenty-five years in the finance industry, there’s always some nut job telling me about the end of the world,” he said.
ByRod LampardJun 9, 2022
A Good Man in Sport: “We’re a Family That Has Done Everything Together”

A Good Man in Sport: “We’re a Family That Has Done Everything Together”

“Brown gave up a high paying job to prioritize his family. So many fathers and mothers today put career ahead of family. And so much of our society is broken as a result.”
Is The Very Hungry Caterpillar Harmful for Children?

Is The Very Hungry Caterpillar Harmful for Children?

“Purely and simply this research shows, there’s a lack of representation of boys and girls in non-traditional gender roles in these books – this can contribute to children from these families and backgrounds feeling excluded or marginalised,” Dr Adam argued.
ByMark PowellJun 8, 2022
Mother Loses Custody of Kids After Smacking Son With Wooden Spoon

Mother Loses Custody of Kids After Smacking Son With Wooden Spoon

“The court heard that the single mother smacked her 10-year-old son after he used her credit card to purchase $600 worth of video games.”
ByStaff WriterJun 7, 2022
More Than 50 Christians Massacred in Nigeria and Woke World of BLM Hardly Lifts Its Head

More Than 50 Christians Massacred in Nigeria and Woke World of BLM Hardly Lifts Its Head

“Surely, the mass killing of Christians in a Nigerian church by extremists is deserving of the same solidarity, support and sympathy, as the mass killing of Kiwi Muslims in a Christchurch Mosque?”
ByRod LampardJun 7, 2022
The Johnny Depp Trial: A Loss for #MeToo, but a Win for Blind Justice

The Johnny Depp Trial: A Loss for #MeToo, but a Win for Blind Justice

“All women making allegations of sexual assault should be taken seriously. But not all such women should be believed simply because they are women. This fact is as self-evidently true as the statement that not all white people should be believed when making criminal accusations against those of a minority race.”
ByKurt MahlburgJun 6, 2022
Recognise This?

Recognise This?

“…it’s one of those ‘hidden in plain sight’ things they don’t teach at university and don’t talk about on the news.”
ByMurray KnightJun 5, 2022
1989: One of the Most Incredible Years of Political Upheaval

1989: One of the Most Incredible Years of Political Upheaval

“The Revolution of 1989, an expression of this revolution of the spirit, was a reminder that there are still surprises left in history, and that the good guys do indeed sometimes win.”
ByBill MuehlenbergJun 5, 2022
A Call for Peace

A Call for Peace

“It’s one thing to associate yourself with the “other” you consider your equal, but it’s quite another to expect a toleration, and even an association with those we consider dishonourable.”
ByBen DavisJun 4, 2022
Power Corrupts, and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely… Or Does It?

Power Corrupts, and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely… Or Does It?

“Power does not corrupt. Power is not the source of corruption.”
ByTom EglintonJun 4, 2022
The Pastors Have Gone Astray

The Pastors Have Gone Astray

“The chaos of the last two and a half years demonstrated that many of our church leaders have greater loyalty to the State than to God’s word.”
We Need to Talk About the Islamist Genocide of Nigerian Christians

We Need to Talk About the Islamist Genocide of Nigerian Christians

“Westerners being muted on the matter is a stark contrast to 2020’s black squares, black power fists, BLM protests, and the blank cheque pandering to the ‘Black Lives Matter’ narrative.”
ByRod LampardJun 2, 2022
‘Climate Emergency’ Declared One Week After COVID State of Emergency Ends

‘Climate Emergency’ Declared One Week After COVID State of Emergency Ends

Just one week after ending its two-year-long COVID State of Emergency, South Australia has declared a Climate Emergency Declaration.
ByStaff WriterJun 1, 2022
Secularism Is a Lie

Secularism Is a Lie

“Secularism is not an end goal for a society, it is a transition phase.”
Who Is Peter Dutton, and Will He Fight for Freedom and Reclaim the Line?

Who Is Peter Dutton, and Will He Fight for Freedom and Reclaim the Line?

“As hopeful as Dutton’s election is for centre-right Christians and classical liberals, until they see proof of the new LNP leader’s resolve, and effectiveness, Dutton’s election will mean diddly squat.”
ByRod LampardMay 31, 2022
The Transgender Origins of Feminism

The Transgender Origins of Feminism

“Shelley held a utopian vision that gender differences, ‘detestable distinctions’, as he called them in a letter, would ‘surely be abolished in a future state of being.’”
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The Caldron Pool Show: #10 – Dr Jereth Kok


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