US Law Bans Foreign Officials Who Censor Speech Online

US Law Bans Foreign Officials Who Censor Speech Online

“The No Censors on Our Shores Act will hold foreign officials accountable for violating Americans’ First Amendment rights.”
ByStaff Writer2 weeks ago
Anglican Catholics Cancel Calvin Robinson Over Hand Gesture at Pro-life Rally

Anglican Catholics Cancel Calvin Robinson Over Hand Gesture at Pro-life Rally

“Those more interested in Calvin Robinson’s hand gesture than his speech, have missed the point.”
by Rod LampardFeb 4, 2025
Nations as an Extension of the Family

Nations as an Extension of the Family

“Understanding nations as extensions of family helps preserve both national integrity and social unity.”
by Ben DavisFeb 3, 2025
Fans Revolt as Netflix Promises a ‘Kaleidoscopic Reimagining’ of Little House On the Prairie

Fans Revolt as Netflix Promises a ‘Kaleidoscopic Reimagining’ of Little House On the Prairie

“If you wokeify Little House on the Prairie I will make it my singular mission to absolutely ruin your project,” Megyn Kelly warned.
by Rod LampardFeb 1, 2025
The Sky is Beckoning

The Sky is Beckoning

“This is what our man-made religions are like. They are wings of wax and feathers that melt when we encounter the bright beauty of the holiness of God. They can give us the feeling of flying for a time, but in the end, they send us crashing to our death.”
byTom EglintonApr 20, 2024
Exposing ‘Regime Evangelicals’

Exposing ‘Regime Evangelicals’

“Behind it all is often an extremely anti-Christian political cause. A cause that can’t advance if it doesn’t cloak itself in Christian euphemisms and persuade believers, not just to get out of the way, but to jump wholeheartedly onboard, and thank you for the generous donations.”
byBen DavisApr 19, 2024
Bishop Emmanuel, Retaliation, and Self-Defence

Bishop Emmanuel, Retaliation, and Self-Defence

“…we have allowed ordinary Australians to basically be left without any defence when it comes to crime and criminals.”
byBill MuehlenbergApr 19, 2024
Christian Nationalism: Doug Wilson Answers Critics in Tucker Carlson Interview

Christian Nationalism: Doug Wilson Answers Critics in Tucker Carlson Interview

“Christians invented the separation of church and state. That’s our doctrine. But, what people today mean about church and state, is a separation of God and state; morality and state.”
byRod LampardApr 18, 2024
Thoughts on the Attack on Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel

Thoughts on the Attack on Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel

“…when congregants subdued the attacker and rescued the Bishop, the Bishop got up, and despite his many stab wounds, laid his hands on the attacker, and prayed for him.”
byBill MuehlenbergApr 17, 2024
Bondi Tragedy Revives Debate: It’s Self-Defence vs. Quasi-Communist State

Bondi Tragedy Revives Debate: It’s Self-Defence vs. Quasi-Communist State

“…these laws didn’t prevent squat. It took a woman with a gun to take down an allegedly deranged man slashing people with a knife.”
byRod LampardApr 16, 2024
Turning the Trans Tide

Turning the Trans Tide

“The Cass Review underscores the importance of adopting a more holistic approach to gender care, rather than rushing vulnerable young people into medical interventions with unknown long-term effects.”
byBill MuehlenbergApr 15, 2024
What to Make of Trump’s Position on Abortion

What to Make of Trump’s Position on Abortion

“Not without irony, the ‘most pro-life president ever,’ seems to believe the United States cannot be saved without child sacrifice.”
byRod LampardApr 13, 2024
Sexual Insanity and the Terf Wars

Sexual Insanity and the Terf Wars

“Our client has been dragged through the courts for almost two years, but she continues to fight to uphold the simple principle that women are different to men…”
byBill MuehlenbergApr 12, 2024
Could Musk Be the Next Assange? Brazilian Government’s War On X

Could Musk Be the Next Assange? Brazilian Government’s War On X

“De Moraes responded by adding Musk to the Brazilian government’s criminal investigation into ‘digital militias’ – more aptly termed ‘misinformation militias.'”
byRod LampardApr 11, 2024
­­­Socialist Plot Twist Unravels UK Trans Trial in Teacher’s Unfair Dismissal Case

­­­Socialist Plot Twist Unravels UK Trans Trial in Teacher’s Unfair Dismissal Case

“You cannot have a panel presiding over a serious case involving a Christian who has lost their career because of their beliefs, with panel members who appear to hold significant prejudice against Christians and conservatives.”
byRod LampardApr 10, 2024
The Troubles of Marriage

The Troubles of Marriage

“Life has always been a challenge, for all people, but especially those who want to do it right.”
byMatthew LittlefieldApr 9, 2024
Biden’s J6 Reign Terror Demands Prison for Praying Grandma

Biden’s J6 Reign Terror Demands Prison for Praying Grandma

“She didn’t yell, didn’t shout, spoke to one police officer about nothing memorable, and saw no violence or vandalism.”
byRod LampardApr 8, 2024
Easter Without Jesus?

Easter Without Jesus?

“…many of our leaders do not want to admit that they are not in charge, so they minimise the competition – Jesus.”
byDr Stephen FysonApr 6, 2024
New Habitable Worlds, Aliens, and New Organisms Existing in Interplanetary Space

New Habitable Worlds, Aliens, and New Organisms Existing in Interplanetary Space

“Here we have another effort of pagans searching for their own gods.”
Even Dawkins Can See the Cultural Value of Christianity

Even Dawkins Can See the Cultural Value of Christianity

“The Christian worldview is what made Western civilization, and without it, the West would never have come into being.”
byBill MuehlenbergApr 4, 2024
Thousands Sign Christian Petition Seeking Christmas Truce in Ukraine

Thousands Sign Christian Petition Seeking Christmas Truce in Ukraine

“Further evidence suggesting the bipartisan Christian petition for a Christmas truce in Ukraine is doomed, comes from Zelensky himself, who, in his speech to the United States congress gave lip-service to peace, while ramping up rhetoric against an already belligerent Iran.”
ByRod LampardDec 23, 2022
ABC Found Guilty of Misleading Australians

ABC Found Guilty of Misleading Australians

So why should the ABC change? They have the power and there’s nobody even pretending to try and take it away from them.
ByRio DiazDec 23, 2022
Islam: A Scottish Perspective

Islam: A Scottish Perspective

“God has brought the mission field to us.”
What Does It Mean to Leave an Inheritance?

What Does It Mean to Leave an Inheritance?

“Leaving an inheritance for your children’s children is about more than just leaving them a house or money. It is also about leaving them their nation as their nation, not allowing it to be just bought and sold carved up by any who wish…”
Another Right Wing Nut Job Questions the Jabberwocky

Another Right Wing Nut Job Questions the Jabberwocky

“Hey, we all know she must be a right-wing bigot who is seeking to kill grandma. Away with her!”
ByBill MuehlenbergDec 21, 2022
Papacy Purges Priest Over Pro-life Protest

Papacy Purges Priest Over Pro-life Protest

“So, in every profession, including the priesthood, if you defend the unborn, you will be treated like them! The only difference is that when we are ‘aborted,’ we continue to speak, loud and clear.”
ByRod LampardDec 20, 2022
The Desire to Be Left Alone Is Quickly Being Denied Us by the Ever-Expanding State

The Desire to Be Left Alone Is Quickly Being Denied Us by the Ever-Expanding State

“Everything is now being politicised – including our leisure time, sport, entertainment, and even what we might grow in our own home veggie patch.”
ByBill MuehlenbergDec 19, 2022
A Little Town’s Christmas Tree vs The Christian-Hating LGBT

A Little Town’s Christmas Tree vs The Christian-Hating LGBT

“I found out today that my beautiful library will not have its Christmas tree this year. Zero explanation. When I asked, I was told, ‘People were made uncomfortable last year looking at it.'”
ByRod LampardDec 18, 2022
More Trojan Horses in Education and What You Can Do

More Trojan Horses in Education and What You Can Do

“Everything associated with science was thrown out the window – scientific questioning, rational thought, and indeed scientific proofs. The most dangerous lesson being taught was to uncritically accept what they heard and to suspend disbelief (a practice of cult groups the world over).”
ByShona ArcherDec 17, 2022
Politicians Come and Go – But God Is Still Working Out His Purposes

Politicians Come and Go – But God Is Still Working Out His Purposes

“Bernie Finn was one of the best politicians Victoria has seen in a very long time. He excelled in the three Fs: faith, family and freedom.”
ByBill MuehlenbergDec 16, 2022
Woketivists Cancel Carson: “He’s Trump in Blackface”

Woketivists Cancel Carson: “He’s Trump in Blackface”

Detroit’s school board has cancelled acclaimed neurosurgeon, Dr. Ben Carson, based upon claims “his name was synonymous with having Trump in blackface.”
ByRod LampardDec 16, 2022
Trojan Horses in Education and What You Can Do

Trojan Horses in Education and What You Can Do

“In a post-Christian world where truth is regularly sacrificed on the altar of the latest ‘good cause,’ we have to help our children identify and deconstruct the hidden messaging.”
ByShona ArcherDec 15, 2022
Pro-abortion Extremists Protest in Perth

Pro-abortion Extremists Protest in Perth

“The Australian media doesn’t really have a problem with promoting extremists, as long as they’re left-wing extremists of course.”
ByRio DiazDec 14, 2022
Trade-Offs of Women Working

Trade-Offs of Women Working

“There is a principle, that every increase in one area, comes with a trade-off in another area…”
The Big Brother War on Farming Should Horrify All of Us

The Big Brother War on Farming Should Horrify All of Us

“The truth is, whenever you have the state coming in to tell us mere mortals that they can do things much better than we can, you should always be very worried indeed.”
ByBill MuehlenbergDec 13, 2022
Twitter Files Five Teaser Takes Aim At Force-The-Jab Fauci

Twitter Files Five Teaser Takes Aim At Force-The-Jab Fauci

“Exposing Dr. Fauci and the unnecessary totalitarian response to COVID seems to be next.”
ByRod LampardDec 12, 2022
Five Basic Home Truths on Jordan Peterson – And Others

Five Basic Home Truths on Jordan Peterson – And Others

“Just because someone is not a Christian does not mean we can never work together with them on certain important projects or tasks. Complete separation from everyone who is not fully on our same theological page is not all that helpful or wise.”
ByBill MuehlenbergDec 12, 2022
Dan Andrews Wants Us to Embrace Islam – So Does He Embrace the Recent Indonesian Law Changes?

Dan Andrews Wants Us to Embrace Islam – So Does He Embrace the Recent Indonesian Law Changes?

“I have no doubt that there will not be one journalist in Victoria smart enough and moral enough to call him out on all this.”
ByBill MuehlenbergDec 11, 2022
How the Church Undermined Slavery

How the Church Undermined Slavery

“As Christianity declines in the West, the old pagan ideas of the powerful or government owning people’s bodies are coming back. It’s our job to resist that…”
Iran Moves to Freeze Bank Accounts of Hijab Mandate Protestors

Iran Moves to Freeze Bank Accounts of Hijab Mandate Protestors

“Being locked-out, instead of being locked-up is still a prison sentence. The former just means less pesky paperwork for tyrants. The state doesn’t have to house, clothe, and feed offenders.”
ByRod LampardDec 10, 2022
Marxists March Against Jail Term for Climate Bridge Blocker

Marxists March Against Jail Term for Climate Bridge Blocker

It’s probably time more people woke up and realised who they’re supporting when they go along to some of these seemingly harmless protests.
ByRio DiazDec 9, 2022
Victims Demand an End to Pakistan’s Unjust Islamic Blasphemy Laws

Victims Demand an End to Pakistan’s Unjust Islamic Blasphemy Laws

“Pressured into converting to Islam, on the premise her death sentence would become life in prison, Shagufta refused, declaring ‘I would rather be hanged than deny Jesus Christ.'”
ByRod LampardDec 9, 2022
In Danistan Islam Is Promoted While Christianity Is Attacked

In Danistan Islam Is Promoted While Christianity Is Attacked

“So let me get this straight: Dan Andrews hates with a passion biblical Christianity, especially because it condemns homosexuality. But he loves Islam, even though it also condemns homosexuality, and is happy to see the death penalty applied to homosexuals.”
ByBill MuehlenbergDec 8, 2022
Will the Victorian Liberals Ever Learn?

Will the Victorian Liberals Ever Learn?

“At this rate, Dan Andrews might reach retirement age before being voted out.”
ByRio DiazDec 7, 2022
Why We Refused to Use Vax Passports and What Happened Next

Why We Refused to Use Vax Passports and What Happened Next

“Within two weeks of that sign going up, our congregation almost doubled in size, on a weekly basis.”
ByTony ArcherDec 7, 2022
Iran Dumps Unpopular Morality Militia, Keeps Unpopular Hijab Rule

Iran Dumps Unpopular Morality Militia, Keeps Unpopular Hijab Rule

“Matin labelled the protests a victory, pointing to how they have motivated the Islamic regime to at least look at making ‘concessions’ to protesters. Something, he said, the regime is not used to doing.”
ByRod LampardDec 6, 2022
Why Did Australian Communists Protest Jordan Peterson?

Why Did Australian Communists Protest Jordan Peterson?

“Whether they’re harassing Prime Ministers, professors or ordinary people the aim is the same. To bully anyone who disagrees with their absurdly extreme worldview into silence.”
ByRio DiazDec 6, 2022
The New Director ID Laws Under the Corporations Act and Your Privacy

The New Director ID Laws Under the Corporations Act and Your Privacy

“In the midst of the shift towards a digital currency, the growing rise of cancel culture, and the threat of the social credit system being a reality in the west – what protections do our personal and corporate information have on these Government platforms?”
ByAndrea TokajiDec 6, 2022
Liberal Party Left Faction Blocks Pro-life, Anti-lockdown Candidate

Liberal Party Left Faction Blocks Pro-life, Anti-lockdown Candidate

“Liberal Party left faction powerbrokers on the party’s NSW nomination review committee have excluded a pro-life, anti-lockdown candidate from running for preselection in the safe seat of Castle Hill for next year’s state election.”
ByRio DiazDec 5, 2022
Death by Cowardice and Pragmatism

Death by Cowardice and Pragmatism

“Whilst acknowledging the intrinsic value of life, saying that murder is wrong, and taking a firm stand on the refusal to perform any VAD procedures, Queensland Baptists failed to refuse to play any part whatsoever in the killing of the elderly and other vulnerable people due to the need to meet ‘the minimum obligations for an entity required by the Act.'”
ByGiuliano BordoniDec 5, 2022
The Left Is in a Real Quandary Over Qatar

The Left Is in a Real Quandary Over Qatar

“The left’s hatred of the West includes at least two things: affirmation of Islam and affirmation of homosexuality. So what happens when a major sporting event is held in a Muslim-majority nation? Do they condemn Qatar for its very anti-gay stance, or do they condemn gays for not respecting Islamic culture and values?”
ByBill MuehlenbergDec 4, 2022
Greens Mock Workers’ Rights, Vote Against Informed Consent

Greens Mock Workers’ Rights, Vote Against Informed Consent

“The fact that The Greens can sit in that corner over there, mock, and laugh [at] the vaccine injured – these people are not anti-vaxxers, they believed what the government told them. You want to talk about trust and transparency, go to the vaccine injured and talk to them.”
ByRod LampardDec 3, 2022
DeSantis Warns Apple: Nuking Twitter App to Mute Musk Is a Mistake

DeSantis Warns Apple: Nuking Twitter App to Mute Musk Is a Mistake

Following Google in 2017, Apple cancelled free speech, Christian social media app, Gab, under the false premise of “hate speech” and “far-right extremism.”
ByRod LampardDec 2, 2022
WATCH: Coverage of Lockdown Protests in China Reveals Unbelievable Hypocrisy of Manipulative Western Media and Politicians

WATCH: Coverage of Lockdown Protests in China Reveals Unbelievable Hypocrisy of Manipulative Western Media and Politicians

“News outlets and politicians that once slammed anti-lockdown protesters in the West and described them as selfish extremists are today praising the ‘bravery’ and ‘courage’ of crowds in China protesting the government’s ‘Covid-zero’ approach.”
ByStaff WriterDec 1, 2022
Cambridge Dean Says Jesus Could Have Been Transgender

Cambridge Dean Says Jesus Could Have Been Transgender

“Heath, whose PhD was supervised by the former Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, also told worshippers that in the Prayer Book of Bonne of Luxembourg, from the 14th century, this side wound was isolated and ‘takes on a decidedly vaginal appearance.'”
ByBill MuehlenbergDec 1, 2022
They Understand, That’s Why They Hate

They Understand, That’s Why They Hate

“A world that believes 2+2 = 5 can only persuade people of such a ridiculous lie by suppressing those who refuse to deny the real answer is 4.”
Freedom Is Being Thrown Away in the West While Being Fought for in Communist China

Freedom Is Being Thrown Away in the West While Being Fought for in Communist China

“Victorians with a clear case of Stockholm Syndrome and Battered Woman Syndrome are pleased as punch to vote back in their thuggish leader, while liberty-loving Chinese protesters are facing certain arrest, imprisonment, torture and death to get rid of theirs as they stand up for freedom.”
ByBill MuehlenbergNov 30, 2022
Protests in China as Communists Tighten “Zero COVID” Trademark

Protests in China as Communists Tighten “Zero COVID” Trademark

“Why is the American left so silent about what’s happening in China? Because they’re secretly jealous of the control the CCP has over its citizens. They don’t condemn it. They crave it.”
ByRod LampardNov 29, 2022
The Bible “No Longer Appropriate In Modern Society,” Says Crown Prosecution Service

The Bible “No Longer Appropriate In Modern Society,” Says Crown Prosecution Service

“There are references in the bible which are simply no longer appropriate in modern society and which would be deemed offensive if stated in public,” lawyers claimed.
ByStaff WriterNov 28, 2022
To Understand the Diabolical Nature of the Davos Deities, Read This Book

To Understand the Diabolical Nature of the Davos Deities, Read This Book

“The satraps of Davos don’t want to simply reset a post-Covid world. Or a post-fossil fuels world. Or even a post-racial world. They want to run it, forever, and while they no longer have need of a god, they’ll always need an enemy. They may not believe in a power higher than themselves, but they certainly believe in demons, and their most irksome devil is you.”
ByBill MuehlenbergNov 27, 2022
Here’s My Early Victorian Election Prediction

Here’s My Early Victorian Election Prediction

“Right now, I’m quietly confident in making this prediction, however ghastly it may be.”
ByKenelm TonkinNov 26, 2022
Twitter Unplugged: Musk Makes War on Child Sexploitation, While Leftists Scream ‘Democracy Is Dead’

Twitter Unplugged: Musk Makes War on Child Sexploitation, While Leftists Scream ‘Democracy Is Dead’

“Most impressive of all feats so far is Elon Musk’s determination to eradicate child sexual exploitation (CSE) material from Twitter; and, if I’ve read the sentiment right, he plans to take the fight against CSE beyond the bird.”
ByRod LampardNov 26, 2022
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The Caldron Pool Show: #34 What is Christian Nationalism? (with Doug Wilson)


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