Transethnicism: The Dissolution of National Identity in the West

Transethnicism: The Dissolution of National Identity in the West

“Transethnicism is to reduce a nation to the property of the world, belonging to no particular people group, subscribing to no particular religion, and living by no particular culture. When anyone and everyone can ‘become British,’ the term is virtually without meaning.”
ByByBen DavisJan 15, 2025
Bible Sales Jump 22% in 2024, Driven by First-Time Buyers

Bible Sales Jump 22% in 2024, Driven by First-Time Buyers

ByByStaff WriterDec 2, 2024
“By the end of October 2024, over 13.7 million Bibles had been sold, a 41% jump from 2019…”
Activists Accuse Rowan Atkinson of Fuelling the Climate “Crisis” After Criticising EVs

Activists Accuse Rowan Atkinson of Fuelling the Climate “Crisis” After Criticising EVs

ByByRod LampardFeb 13, 2024
“Despite being slimed as a climate-denying conspiracy theorist, Atkinson seems to have been vindicated by the general gist of the House of Lords report.”
COVID, Maoist Tactics and Consequences

COVID, Maoist Tactics and Consequences

ByByTim GrantFeb 12, 2024
“The objective was to produce a docile population by transforming almost every act and every utterance into a potential crime.”
We Must Be Aware of Yuval Noah Harari’s Brave New World

We Must Be Aware of Yuval Noah Harari’s Brave New World

ByByBill MuehlenbergFeb 10, 2024
“His views of the future and how we can survive are not based on a belief in a good God working out his purposes but on the worldview of transhumanism.”
The Privileged Sex – Women and Crime

The Privileged Sex – Women and Crime

ByByMatthew LittlefieldFeb 9, 2024
“So-called reverse spouse abuse — note the terminology, which makes clear that the real thing refers to men abusing women — is the most under-reported form of all domestic violence.”
Elon Musk Backs Gina Carano Lawsuit, Damns Disney’s “Racist” DEI Woke Standard

Elon Musk Backs Gina Carano Lawsuit, Damns Disney’s “Racist” DEI Woke Standard

ByByRod LampardFeb 8, 2024
“Musk posted the ABCDs of Disney’s DEI Inclusion Standard for General Entertainment Content, labelling it, ‘mandatory, institutionalized racism and sexism!’”
Florida Flips the Bird to Biden, Fortifies Texas Border

Florida Flips the Bird to Biden, Fortifies Texas Border

ByByRod LampardFeb 7, 2024
“If Texas is helping to erect barriers, putting up razor wire; doing other things to keep illegal aliens out, I want to be helpful with them doing that.”
How the West Was Lost

How the West Was Lost

ByByMatthew LittlefieldFeb 6, 2024
“When I am weaker than you, I ask you for freedom because that is according to your principles; when I am stronger than you, I take away your freedom because that is according to my principles.”
They Already Have a Foot in the Door – Don’t Give Them More!

They Already Have a Foot in the Door – Don’t Give Them More!

“What we are witnessing…is the destruction of the once-Christian culture that made the Western democracies great.”
Conscription: Make the Warmongers Do the Fighting

Conscription: Make the Warmongers Do the Fighting

ByByMatthew LittlefieldFeb 4, 2024
“The most war-hungry people are often those who would never lift a rifle for themselves, but who live in a state of near-constant fear or alert about the world, and who therefore want as many people as possible to go and fight what they are afraid of so they can live in peace.”
NZ’s Libertarian Government Doubles-Down: It’s Sink or Swim Time for Democracies in Decline

NZ’s Libertarian Government Doubles-Down: It’s Sink or Swim Time for Democracies in Decline

ByByRod LampardFeb 3, 2024
“There’s been a cultural shift towards the idea that if there is a problem to be solved, or if life is to get better, the people in [government] will do it for us.”
The Battle for Our Thinking

The Battle for Our Thinking

ByByDr Stephen FysonFeb 2, 2024
“Dead matter simply does not seem to be a viable source of how you are thinking…”
A Crime Against Humanity: False Propaganda and Deadly Covid-19 Policies in Brazil

A Crime Against Humanity: False Propaganda and Deadly Covid-19 Policies in Brazil

“…the government has decided to engage itself in a compulsory vaccination program based on false and misleading propaganda about the efficacy and safety of mRNA vaccines.”
Boycott Backlash: Ripcurl on the Run After Replacing Women’s Ambassador With LGBTrans-Surfer

Boycott Backlash: Ripcurl on the Run After Replacing Women’s Ambassador With LGBTrans-Surfer

ByByRod LampardJan 30, 2024
“Ripcurl has replaced a woman – a genuine heroine – with a man dressed as a woman, in order to advance women in sport.”
Misinformation: The Science of Political Manipulation

Misinformation: The Science of Political Manipulation

“Politicians by their very nature distort and contradict any true science. They always manipulate it for their own purposes.”
Biden’s Abortion Activists Double-Down as 11 Pro-life Peaceful Protesters Head to Trial

Biden’s Abortion Activists Double-Down as 11 Pro-life Peaceful Protesters Head to Trial

ByByRod LampardJan 27, 2024
“…the punishment, if convicted of Conspiracy Against Civil Rights, includes a USD$250,000 fine, plus 10 years imprisonment.”
10 Reasons to Celebrate Australia Day on the 26th of January

10 Reasons to Celebrate Australia Day on the 26th of January

ByByKurt MahlburgJan 26, 2024
“While the anti-Australia Day movement might feel homegrown, it is a vital branch of a radical global movement best described as Western Marxism.”
Believe in Who?

Believe in Who?

ByByBill MuehlenbergJan 25, 2024
“Over time so many once-great Christian institutions are now just institutions. Some of them still give at least nominal recognition to their Christian past, but they often seem to be doing their best to play it down or ignore it altogether.”
Christian Schools Rally to Scuttle NT Government’s LGBTQ Lawfare Legislation

Christian Schools Rally to Scuttle NT Government’s LGBTQ Lawfare Legislation

“I can’t understand why someone who does not have Christian beliefs would want to work in a Christian school. If political parties and football clubs can choose who they want as members, why can’t Christian schools?”
Pastor Who Spent 21 Days In Jail For Holding Outdoor Church Service Found Not Guilty

Pastor Who Spent 21 Days In Jail For Holding Outdoor Church Service Found Not Guilty

“Pastor Stephens said this is vindication, not only for him, but vindication that the government grossly abused their power.”
We Have No Right to Lecture Israelis or Palestinians

We Have No Right to Lecture Israelis or Palestinians

“Australia is not a global power. We should have no pretensions to be one. We certainly have no right to tell Israel what to do, or Palestinians how they should identify, or really any other nation how to conduct their internal affairs.”
No Amnesty for Pandemic Madness

No Amnesty for Pandemic Madness

“Oster would have hit a better tone if she acknowledged that for many victims, solutions start where restitution begins.”
The New Paganism

The New Paganism

“What used to be a Christianity-infused nation is fast driving out anything Christian-related.”
Syncretism at the Anglican Cathedral in Melbourne

Syncretism at the Anglican Cathedral in Melbourne

“The panels also include an image of the wedge-tailed eagle Bundjil, the creator spirit for the Kulin people.” Andreas Loewe, the Dean of Melbourne’s Anglican cathedral went on to further emphasise, “It’s [Bundjil] able to speak and talk and interact and exchange”.
Former NYC Top-Cop: “The Only Way Democrats Are Going to Win This Time Is Cheat”

Former NYC Top-Cop: “The Only Way Democrats Are Going to Win This Time Is Cheat”

“We need to make sure we have people in the polls. We need to make sure we can get to the courts – and get to the courts on time,” he said.
The 4-Minute Video That Will Shock You to Your Core

The 4-Minute Video That Will Shock You to Your Core

“You cannot watch this and remain unchanged.”
All Saints Eve: A Case for Christians to Celebrate Halloween

All Saints Eve: A Case for Christians to Celebrate Halloween

“What has thoroughly happened to Halloween in Anglo-Saxon countries, is something we see happening with Christmas. Just as Halloween has been paganized, so is Christmas being paganized, right before our eyes. The way we see it celebrated today, is, to me, just another example of how our culture is forgetting its Christian roots and legacy.”
Consider the Children!

Consider the Children!

“The secular world would try to convince us that we need to give our children ‘the space to become who they want to be,’ believe what they want to believe, and find truth wherever they want to find it. Meanwhile, secular society is aggressively and insidiously indoctrinating our children with their neo-paganism. It’s not just hypocritical, it’s diabolical.”
The Threat of Transhumanism

The Threat of Transhumanism

Orwell, Huxley and C.S. Lewis’ concerns about “unethical science and unconstrained technology” have largely gone unheeded.
PayPal Denies Reinstating $2,500 Misinformation Fine, as Vague Rules Spark Concern

PayPal Denies Reinstating $2,500 Misinformation Fine, as Vague Rules Spark Concern

“Whilst the note about misinformation was removed from the acceptable use terms, the $2,500 penalty for violations remains, causing continued concern.”
Just What Is the Biblical View of Civil Government?

Just What Is the Biblical View of Civil Government?

“If government cannot produce morality, it must be provided with morality from a religious source. If it does not have this element among its people, then government itself becomes corrupt and tyrannous.”
Christless Conservatism is a Failure

Christless Conservatism is a Failure

“Conservatives now find themselves compelled to contend with Progressives on Progressive turf, according to Progressive rules, which can be summed up in one: Conservatives lose, whatever it takes, and to hell with the rules.”
EU Fines France for Violating Feminist’s ‘Rights’ Over Kill Christmas: Abort-Jesus Stunt

EU Fines France for Violating Feminist’s ‘Rights’ Over Kill Christmas: Abort-Jesus Stunt

“Kitted out with ox livers to illustrate the termination of a baby’s life in the womb, Bouton then urinated on the floor in full view of the congregation.”
We’re Seeing Encouraging Signs of a Fightback Against the COVID Cult

We’re Seeing Encouraging Signs of a Fightback Against the COVID Cult

“We all know that the three hardest words to say in English are ‘I was wrong.’ Admitting you erred or fell for a con job is never easy. But it is the mark of intellectual integrity to do so.”
NHS Admits Most ‘Transgender’ Kids Are Just Going Through a ‘Phase’

NHS Admits Most ‘Transgender’ Kids Are Just Going Through a ‘Phase’

“The proposal comes in light of a sharp increase in referrals to gender identity services, from just 250 in 2011-12 to over 5,000 last year.”
A Tale of Two Revolutions

A Tale of Two Revolutions

“The Enlightenment, with its impious view of human perfectibility, was a collective manifestation of the sin of pride – an ‘insurrection against God’. The violence of the Revolution was entirely what must be expected, when people attempt to deny the reality of original sin and take their destiny into their own hands.”
NT Anti-Discrimination Amendments Set to Abolish Religious Freedom

NT Anti-Discrimination Amendments Set to Abolish Religious Freedom

“Should a Drag Queen, or member of the ‘Church’ of Satan decide to teach in a Christian school, there would be no solid legal ground for that Christian school to reasonably refuse employment.”
Statism and Its War on God

Statism and Its War on God

“…since the totalist state wants to take upon itself godlike status and powers, then all rival Gods must be destroyed. And with Christianity being the one true faith, and the one that is most opposed to all other claimants to the divine throne, the totalitarians reserve their real animus and rage for it.”
Another Jesus

Another Jesus

“As the evangelical Christian church has been pummelled by secular critics for being hateful for her biblical views on ethics, many church leaders have responded by shifting the focus from ethics to ‘Jesus.'”
Statist Religion and Its War on Christianity

Statist Religion and Its War on Christianity

“Whoever strikes against God strikes down himself… Liberation from God is enslavement in creatures. Absolute humanism is the sure road to absolute despotism. Denial of God as truth begets the imprisonment of man in the self-imposed darkness of his own myths.”
NZ Government Passes Language Compliance Law

NZ Government Passes Language Compliance Law

Language compliance laws pave the way for forced speech to replace free speech, with woke jargon concocted in leftist hell, like the soulless slogans “parent 1, parent 2,” “equity,” and “chest-feeding.”
Letter to the American Church

Letter to the American Church

“So often today we smugly look back and ask, ‘Why did not more German Christians speak out back then?’ Well, simply look at our deathly silence during two years of hardcore statist lockdowns. Most folks went right along with all of it, not saying a word, and actually hating on those who did. Nothing has changed.”
Truss Resigns: Arise Christian Men!

Truss Resigns: Arise Christian Men!

“We are impoverished for quality leadership animated by genuine faith.”
Australia Cancels Jerusalem, Ignores CCP Expansionism in the South Pacific

Australia Cancels Jerusalem, Ignores CCP Expansionism in the South Pacific

“This is also the same party influenced by a radical left faction that condemned churches for opening and helped halt ANZAC Day during COVID lockdowns – accusing both of being super spreaders – only to give a free ride to party members who attended protests hating on Israel at the same time.”
Are We Winning with Winsomeness? 

Are We Winning with Winsomeness? 

“Perhaps if we sheep want to actually survive we should start looking for good shepherds with battle scars. Men who have paid a price for their convictions. Men whose convictions don’t change with the winds of time, politics, and popularity.”
Let’s Talk COVID Apologies – And Reparations

Let’s Talk COVID Apologies – And Reparations

“We are owed not just plenty of apologies, but one can almost now talk about Covid reparations.”
The Terminator Would Kill Your Freedom… But Don’t Worry, He Won’t Be Back!

The Terminator Would Kill Your Freedom… But Don’t Worry, He Won’t Be Back!

“The ‘Screw your freedom!’, from a former Republican no less, is chilling.”
Did John Howard Fail Australia?

Did John Howard Fail Australia?

“Howard had the ring of power. He had the chance to enact a cultural revolution, to reform Australian society in a better direction, to tear down and reshape the organs of the leftist establishment which decides the direction of our culture. Instead, he chose Workchoices.”
FOI Documents Confirm Avi Yemini’s New Zealand Ban Was Political

FOI Documents Confirm Avi Yemini’s New Zealand Ban Was Political

“Is this a consequence of New Zealand’s Socialist Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern’s proclamation, ‘We will be your single source of truth’?”
About That Sunrise Interview…

About That Sunrise Interview…

“It was a squandered opportunity. But the video below is not aimed at Guy, or at Kochie. It’s aimed at the millions of Christians that are being told to follow Mason’s example, either explicitly or implicitly.”
Why Is the Left So Addicted to Tearing Things Down?

Why Is the Left So Addicted to Tearing Things Down?

“The culture of death is of course the domain of the secular left. And since the left is so much enamoured with socialism, which is a form of theft, they can certainly be accused of favouring stealing as well.”
Anti-Musk Feds to Investigate the Billionaire’s Twitter Deal ‘Conduct’

Anti-Musk Feds to Investigate the Billionaire’s Twitter Deal ‘Conduct’

“The buyout also spurred an array of typical tantrums from the Left, with the Daily Mail alleging in May, that ‘George Soros, Clinton, and Obama staffers, as well as European governments,’ were behind a ‘campaign’ to stop Musk’s Twitter deal.”
Are Communists More Welcome Than Christians in Today’s Australia?

Are Communists More Welcome Than Christians in Today’s Australia?

“It is no longer normal and acceptable to hold mainstream Christian religious beliefs and doing so is now a disqualifier from holding any prominent public position in corporate Australia.”
Emmanuel Macron and Other MPs Have Not Been Vaccinated, says Former Presidential Candidate

Emmanuel Macron and Other MPs Have Not Been Vaccinated, says Former Presidential Candidate

“I did not know that Emmanuel Macron was not vaccinated,” he said. “I did not know that most of the government members were not, and I did not know as many of my fellow MPs were not either.”
Christian Witness in a Hostile Culture

Christian Witness in a Hostile Culture

“Things have changed, and just trying to be nice no longer cuts it. We may need to go back to our gospel roots – the actual four gospels in fact.”
Radically Orthodox

Radically Orthodox

“It’s very rarely the conservatives who achieve anything. It’s the outspoken radicals who get stuff done.”
Pfizer Admits to Never Testing Vaccine’s Ability to Stop C-19 Transmission

Pfizer Admits to Never Testing Vaccine’s Ability to Stop C-19 Transmission

“‘Get vaccinated for others’ was always a lie. The only purpose of the COVID passport: forcing people to get vaccinated,” Roos said.
Dear Tallulah, My Animal Justice Flatmate

Dear Tallulah, My Animal Justice Flatmate

“Good luck trying to emancipate those enslaved guide dogs. Blind people can be so thoughtless sometimes.”
Leftist McCarthyism Is Alive and Well

Leftist McCarthyism Is Alive and Well

“The chief and persistent question being asked of anyone who seeks any public role or job or influence is this: ‘Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Christian Church?'”
Jeffrey Dahmer, Jesus, and Accountability

Jeffrey Dahmer, Jesus, and Accountability

“If a person doesn’t think that there is a God to be accountable to, then what’s the point of trying to modify your behavior, to keep it within acceptable ranges? That’s how I thought, anyway.”
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The Caldron Pool Show: #45 – The Case for the Christian Family

From the Christosphere



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