
­­­Socialist Plot Twist Unravels UK Trans Trial in Teacher’s Unfair Dismissal Case

"You cannot have a panel presiding over a serious case involving a Christian who has lost their career because of their beliefs, with panel members who appear to hold significant prejudice against Christians and conservatives."


A socialist plot twist has unravelled an employment tribunal in the United Kingdom.

Lawyers defending, “Hannah,” – a Christian teacher allegedly dismissed for refusing to comply with LGBT forced speak – forced the entire panel to step down on the grounds of activist bias.

Six days into the trial, “trans-tribunal” member, Mr Jed Purkis was recused after information drawn from his public social media accounts exposed the
non-legal panel “judge” as a Christian-hating socialist.

There Purkis, a trade unionist referred to conservatives as “tumours,” and complained his news feed was “clogged up with right-wing nut jobs.”

Clearly not a 20th century historian, Purkis also said he favoured atheists in office, because ‘they wouldn’t kill in the name of their non-god.’

Representing “Hannah” Christian Legal Centre also added, Purkis had backed comments stating that “Christians worse than Woke,” saying, “If they are so f***ing super how come there is so much s**t going on in the world.”

He then added (not without irony, given his behaviour online), “I need no higher power to tell me the right way to treat people and behave.”

To double down, Purkis was also linked to a derogatory remark targeting British MP, Suella Bravermann, famed for being ditched from a Conservative cabinet after declaring “multiculturalism a failure.”

Further evidence showed Purkis calling “cancel culture an alt-right crank,” and implying that Wokeism was a right-wing invented “bogeyman.”

Due to Mr Purkis’ hostile bias, “Hannah’s” lawyers requested the panel be stood down because Mr Purkis’ social media exchanges “appear to show that he advocates for religious discrimination in public life.”

Her lawyers then requested the trio panel of judges be stood down, on the grounds they would be “perceived as having been influenced” by Purkis’ Christian-hating activism.

The tribunal considered the argument, found that the panel was compromised, and had it disbanded.

“Hannah” – a pseudonym used to comply with a gag order issued by the former panel members – alleges she was fired for not “affirming” Child X’s new name and preferred pronouns.

“She could not go against her conscience affirming what she believed would cause Child X, and potentially other children, short and long-term harm,” Christian Concern recounted.

As a school teacher, “Hannah” had been with the school, problem-free, for five-years.

She is now challenging her employers against unfair dismissal, discrimination, and victimisation.

Alongside refusing to use Child X’s new name and pronoun, ‘Hannah’ alleges that the school fired her for ‘blowing the whistle on the school’s ‘trans-affirming’ policies.”

Those policies, Christian Concern said, “appear to allow any child at the school, without medical evidence, to be affirmed in whichever gender they choose.”

If true, the policy goes against new U.K. guidelines which state that a teacher cannot be compelled “to go against their conscience and use a pupil’s preferred pronouns which are contrary to their biological sex.’

CC said, “Hannah” is shocked, yet determined, stating, “I was informed by my conscience as a Christian to live right before my God and also by the body evidence I had researched which informed me clearly that social transitioning young children is harmful.”

Christian Legal Centre CEO, Andrea Williams, added, “This is the latest in a series of high-profile Christian cases where it has transpired that panel members have a vocal and active bias against Christians and about the key issues involved.

“You cannot have a panel presiding over a serious case involving a Christian who has lost their career because of their beliefs,” with “panel members who appear to hold significant prejudice against Christians and conservatives.”

They, she added, “ack any understanding of what it means to be a person of faith.”

Given the “trans tribunal” precedents so far, it’s uncertain as to whether or not “Hannah” will get justice.

Precedents working against her include judgements like the one handed down to former U.K. school teacher Joshua Sutcliffe.

Despite his exemplary record, Sutcliffe was banned from teaching indefinitely for allegedly “misgendering” a student in 2017.

Like Sutcliffe, “Hannah” is now among the new faithful few fighting LGBTQ lawfare cases targeting conscientious objection.

For now, at least, “Hannah” has had a stay of execution.



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