Scottish Grandma Charged for Breaching ‘Thought Crime’ Laws Pro-Abortion Activists Say Don’t Exist

Scottish Grandma Charged for Breaching ‘Thought Crime’ Laws Pro-Abortion Activists Say Don’t Exist

“Rose Docherty’s recent arrest justified every iota of Vance’s criticisms of the overreach.”
ByRod Lampard2 weeks ago
Australia Day

Australia Day

“It has been my determination from the time I landed, never to fire on Natives,” wrote Captain Arthur Phillip.
by Staff WriterJan 26, 2025
Australia’s DOGE: Dutton Appoints Jacinta Price to Lead Trump-Style Government Efficiency Role

Australia’s DOGE: Dutton Appoints Jacinta Price to Lead Trump-Style Government Efficiency Role

“There is a lot of waste that’s been generated over the course of the last two and a half years…”
by Staff WriterJan 25, 2025
President Trump Pardons 23 Pro-lifers Burned by Biden’s Judicial Overreach

President Trump Pardons 23 Pro-lifers Burned by Biden’s Judicial Overreach

“Democrats pursued peaceful citizens while they let the Woke grievance cult and its Marxian jihadists violently tear up communities.”
by Rod LampardJan 25, 2025
Why Can’t Many Christians See Obvious Evil?

Why Can’t Many Christians See Obvious Evil?

“Yes, Hamas did evil, but two wrongs do not make a right.”
byMatthew LittlefieldMar 11, 2024
From Ukraine to the Uterus Joe Biden’s SOTU Is About Aborting America

From Ukraine to the Uterus Joe Biden’s SOTU Is About Aborting America

“Biden appears hopeful that aborting Americans will win him four more years.”
byRod LampardMar 9, 2024
Wicked Leaders and Housing

Wicked Leaders and Housing

“The ability to own a home is disappearing for many in the upcoming generations, unless of course, husband, wife, and soon children, work, which is far from a nation under blessing. And will still only work for so long.”
byMatthew LittlefieldMar 8, 2024
DeSantis Vetos ‘Unbalanced’ Bipartisan Ban on Kids Using Social Media, Avoids Parental Rights Landmine

DeSantis Vetos ‘Unbalanced’ Bipartisan Ban on Kids Using Social Media, Avoids Parental Rights Landmine

“Parents, and not bureaucrats, are the adults responsible for partnering with kids to police online use.”
byRod LampardMar 7, 2024
Aliens Have Invaded Earth!

Aliens Have Invaded Earth!

“Under modern paganism, all beliefs are equally valid except the views of the Creator as described in the Bible.”
VDARE vs Cancel Culture: How New York’s Anti-Trump Activist AG Is Weaponizing Hate Speech

VDARE vs Cancel Culture: How New York’s Anti-Trump Activist AG Is Weaponizing Hate Speech

“It’s been two years of us just being crushed under this burden of investigation.”
byRod LampardMar 5, 2024
Can We Remain Neutral in These Crucial Areas?

Can We Remain Neutral in These Crucial Areas?

“Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, not the tormented.”
byBill MuehlenbergMar 4, 2024
Woke Shift That Cancelled Carano Costing Disney $138 Billion

Woke Shift That Cancelled Carano Costing Disney $138 Billion

“Disney adopting wokeness for an economic model is a perilous business move.”
byRod LampardMar 2, 2024
‘For Freedom and Democracy’: A Million Brazilians March Against President Lula’s Authoritarian Regime

‘For Freedom and Democracy’: A Million Brazilians March Against President Lula’s Authoritarian Regime

“The protests take place amid concerns that Brazil’s President, Lula da Silva, is currently installing a brutal authoritarian regime based on the radical suppression of basic human rights and freedoms.”
Inside the Christian Right Conspiracy to “Take Over Government”

Inside the Christian Right Conspiracy to “Take Over Government”

“They’re on a not well-hidden mission to wind back the clock of landmark social progress such as marriage equality, gender theory, reproductive choice, completely decriminalised sex work and legalised voluntary assisted dying.”
byStaff WriterMar 1, 2024
Joe Rogan: “We Need Jesus”

Joe Rogan: “We Need Jesus”

“A lot of people’s moral compass and the guidelines that they’ve used to follow, to live a just and righteous life, has come from religion.”
byStaff WriterFeb 29, 2024
Serious Side Effects and Unlawful Mandates

Serious Side Effects and Unlawful Mandates

“We suspect the ringleaders are hoping everyone just moves on and forgets.”
byBen DavisFeb 29, 2024
Labor MP Vilifies Christian Schools as Hotbeds of ‘Homophobic’ Hate

Labor MP Vilifies Christian Schools as Hotbeds of ‘Homophobic’ Hate

“Dave Kelly should recognise freedom of choice, even if it doesn’t suit his own political agenda.”
byRod LampardFeb 28, 2024
Vindicated U.K. Councillor: Christian Beliefs Are Not Hate Speech

Vindicated U.K. Councillor: Christian Beliefs Are Not Hate Speech

“Significant factions of the Conservative Party have turned their back on their own supporters and values.”
byRod LampardFeb 27, 2024
Be Good or Be Accepted as Good

Be Good or Be Accepted as Good

“We should be far more willing to suffer and do what is good rather than worry about being seen as good by our decadent society…”
byMatthew LittlefieldFeb 26, 2024
‘Conveyor Belts’ of Fake Conversions and Immigration Scams

‘Conveyor Belts’ of Fake Conversions and Immigration Scams

“Borders and immigration laws exist for a good reason. Doing all we can to circumvent them, even if we think we are doing God a favour, helps no one.”
byBill MuehlenbergFeb 24, 2024
Canada Set to Criminalise Christianity

Canada Set to Criminalise Christianity

“Canada is set to criminalise Christianity with the introduction of an amendment to the Criminal Code that could see believers face jail time for expressing historic Christian teachings.”
byStaff WriterFeb 23, 2024
Woke Woolworths CEO Resigns After an Array of Embarrassing Decisions

Woke Woolworths CEO Resigns After an Array of Embarrassing Decisions

“Banducci’s resignation isn’t just a consequence of bad optics, it’s a consequence of bad politics.”
byRod LampardFeb 23, 2024
NZ Government Passes Language Compliance Law

NZ Government Passes Language Compliance Law

Language compliance laws pave the way for forced speech to replace free speech, with woke jargon concocted in leftist hell, like the soulless slogans “parent 1, parent 2,” “equity,” and “chest-feeding.”
ByRod LampardOct 22, 2022
Letter to the American Church

Letter to the American Church

“So often today we smugly look back and ask, ‘Why did not more German Christians speak out back then?’ Well, simply look at our deathly silence during two years of hardcore statist lockdowns. Most folks went right along with all of it, not saying a word, and actually hating on those who did. Nothing has changed.”
ByBill MuehlenbergOct 21, 2022
Truss Resigns: Arise Christian Men!

Truss Resigns: Arise Christian Men!

“We are impoverished for quality leadership animated by genuine faith.”
ByKenelm TonkinOct 21, 2022
Australia Cancels Jerusalem, Ignores CCP Expansionism in the South Pacific

Australia Cancels Jerusalem, Ignores CCP Expansionism in the South Pacific

“This is also the same party influenced by a radical left faction that condemned churches for opening and helped halt ANZAC Day during COVID lockdowns – accusing both of being super spreaders – only to give a free ride to party members who attended protests hating on Israel at the same time.”
ByRod LampardOct 20, 2022
Are We Winning with Winsomeness? 

Are We Winning with Winsomeness? 

“Perhaps if we sheep want to actually survive we should start looking for good shepherds with battle scars. Men who have paid a price for their convictions. Men whose convictions don’t change with the winds of time, politics, and popularity.”
ByEleanor MatthewsOct 19, 2022
Let’s Talk COVID Apologies – And Reparations

Let’s Talk COVID Apologies – And Reparations

“We are owed not just plenty of apologies, but one can almost now talk about Covid reparations.”
ByBill MuehlenbergOct 19, 2022
The Terminator Would Kill Your Freedom… But Don’t Worry, He Won’t Be Back!

The Terminator Would Kill Your Freedom… But Don’t Worry, He Won’t Be Back!

“The ‘Screw your freedom!’, from a former Republican no less, is chilling.”
ByKenelm TonkinOct 18, 2022
Did John Howard Fail Australia?

Did John Howard Fail Australia?

“Howard had the ring of power. He had the chance to enact a cultural revolution, to reform Australian society in a better direction, to tear down and reshape the organs of the leftist establishment which decides the direction of our culture. Instead, he chose Workchoices.”
ByRio DiazOct 18, 2022
FOI Documents Confirm Avi Yemini’s New Zealand Ban Was Political

FOI Documents Confirm Avi Yemini’s New Zealand Ban Was Political

“Is this a consequence of New Zealand’s Socialist Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern’s proclamation, ‘We will be your single source of truth’?”
ByRod LampardOct 17, 2022
About That Sunrise Interview…

About That Sunrise Interview…

“It was a squandered opportunity. But the video below is not aimed at Guy, or at Kochie. It’s aimed at the millions of Christians that are being told to follow Mason’s example, either explicitly or implicitly.”
ByTom FoordOct 17, 2022
Why Is the Left So Addicted to Tearing Things Down?

Why Is the Left So Addicted to Tearing Things Down?

“The culture of death is of course the domain of the secular left. And since the left is so much enamoured with socialism, which is a form of theft, they can certainly be accused of favouring stealing as well.”
ByBill MuehlenbergOct 16, 2022
Anti-Musk Feds to Investigate the Billionaire’s Twitter Deal ‘Conduct’

Anti-Musk Feds to Investigate the Billionaire’s Twitter Deal ‘Conduct’

“The buyout also spurred an array of typical tantrums from the Left, with the Daily Mail alleging in May, that ‘George Soros, Clinton, and Obama staffers, as well as European governments,’ were behind a ‘campaign’ to stop Musk’s Twitter deal.”
ByRod LampardOct 15, 2022
Are Communists More Welcome Than Christians in Today’s Australia?

Are Communists More Welcome Than Christians in Today’s Australia?

“It is no longer normal and acceptable to hold mainstream Christian religious beliefs and doing so is now a disqualifier from holding any prominent public position in corporate Australia.”
ByRio DiazOct 14, 2022
Emmanuel Macron and Other MPs Have Not Been Vaccinated, says Former Presidential Candidate

Emmanuel Macron and Other MPs Have Not Been Vaccinated, says Former Presidential Candidate

“I did not know that Emmanuel Macron was not vaccinated,” he said. “I did not know that most of the government members were not, and I did not know as many of my fellow MPs were not either.”
ByStaff WriterOct 14, 2022
Christian Witness in a Hostile Culture

Christian Witness in a Hostile Culture

“Things have changed, and just trying to be nice no longer cuts it. We may need to go back to our gospel roots – the actual four gospels in fact.”
ByBill MuehlenbergOct 14, 2022
Radically Orthodox

Radically Orthodox

“It’s very rarely the conservatives who achieve anything. It’s the outspoken radicals who get stuff done.”
Pfizer Admits to Never Testing Vaccine’s Ability to Stop C-19 Transmission

Pfizer Admits to Never Testing Vaccine’s Ability to Stop C-19 Transmission

“‘Get vaccinated for others’ was always a lie. The only purpose of the COVID passport: forcing people to get vaccinated,” Roos said.
ByRod LampardOct 13, 2022
Dear Tallulah, My Animal Justice Flatmate

Dear Tallulah, My Animal Justice Flatmate

“Good luck trying to emancipate those enslaved guide dogs. Blind people can be so thoughtless sometimes.”
ByKenelm TonkinOct 12, 2022
Leftist McCarthyism Is Alive and Well

Leftist McCarthyism Is Alive and Well

“The chief and persistent question being asked of anyone who seeks any public role or job or influence is this: ‘Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Christian Church?'”
ByBill MuehlenbergOct 12, 2022
Jeffrey Dahmer, Jesus, and Accountability

Jeffrey Dahmer, Jesus, and Accountability

“If a person doesn’t think that there is a God to be accountable to, then what’s the point of trying to modify your behavior, to keep it within acceptable ranges? That’s how I thought, anyway.”
ByStaff WriterOct 11, 2022
PayPal Backtracks After $2,500 “Misinformation” Fine Backlash

PayPal Backtracks After $2,500 “Misinformation” Fine Backlash

“…deliberations [would have been] made at the sole discretion of PayPal and [might have] subjected the user to damages — including the removal of $2,500 debited directly from your PayPal account per offense.”
ByRod LampardOct 11, 2022
Matt Kean Declares Gender Quotas for NSW Liberals

Matt Kean Declares Gender Quotas for NSW Liberals

“…the change means at least 50 per cent of candidates selected for spots coming up in the forthcoming poll would be female.”
ByRio DiazOct 10, 2022
This Is About One Thing Only: Rabid Christophobia

This Is About One Thing Only: Rabid Christophobia

“So why are the AFL and Dan Andrews and all the media tarts not seeking to force HER out, publicly shame and humiliate her, and make a lesson out of her? Oh, that’s right: Islam good, Christianity evil.”
ByBill MuehlenbergOct 10, 2022
CCP Ramps up Propaganda After Solomon Islander Protests

CCP Ramps up Propaganda After Solomon Islander Protests

“Pro-freedom protests in the Solomons are an opportunity for the West to re-engage and offer meaningful support by exchanging photo-op virtue signalling with substance, stability, life, liberty, and regional security.”
ByRod LampardOct 9, 2022
Liberal Left Faction MP Calls Christians “Reactionary Extremists”

Liberal Left Faction MP Calls Christians “Reactionary Extremists”

“Reactionary extremists” with a “menacing agenda of hatred, repression, exclusion, division and opposition to hard-won women’s rights.”
ByRio DiazOct 8, 2022
The War in Ukraine and What Nato’s “Defensive” Alliance Actually Means

The War in Ukraine and What Nato’s “Defensive” Alliance Actually Means

“The reality is that NATO’s eastward expansion in Eastern Europe, and especially across the Russian borders, has inevitably triggered the present war in Ukraine.”
The Temptation to Fix Things

The Temptation to Fix Things

“To rule over many nations tends to make people think and act as gods who believe they have the right to control the destinies of other peoples.”
Christians Not Welcome: Presbyterian Church of Australia Responds, Urges Believers to Stand Firm

Christians Not Welcome: Presbyterian Church of Australia Responds, Urges Believers to Stand Firm

“We believe that this marks a watershed moment in Australian history – the day we’ve departed from some well-established common law principles, social tolerance of different views and freedom of religion, to being a society where only certain views are permitted in public life.”
ByStaff WriterOct 7, 2022
Is Daniel Andrews a Catholic?

Is Daniel Andrews a Catholic?

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews apparently thinks he has a better grasp of Catholicism than the Archbishop of Melbourne, the entire Catholic hierarchy, and the Pope.
ByRio DiazOct 7, 2022
Communists Organising to Confront March for The Babies

Communists Organising to Confront March for The Babies

If and when intimidation, threats, and violence against the peaceful Christian protesters by the communist organised mob occur on Saturday it will be at least in part thanks to non-extremist left-wing journos who continually run cover for their more extreme violent friends.
ByRio DiazOct 6, 2022
Medical Groups Call On Biden’s DOJ to Investigate Opponents of LGBTQ+ Gender Therapy

Medical Groups Call On Biden’s DOJ to Investigate Opponents of LGBTQ+ Gender Therapy

They want to stifle dissent, suppress speech, and criminalize opposition.
ByRod LampardOct 6, 2022
Enabling Our Enemies and Empowering Our Persecutors

Enabling Our Enemies and Empowering Our Persecutors

“Being an outspoken Christian has always been costly. Many have not just lost their jobs but their very lives.”
ByBill MuehlenbergOct 5, 2022
Christians Will Not Be Tolerated

Christians Will Not Be Tolerated

“…within hours of my appointment being announced, the media and leaders of our community had spoken. They made it clear that my Christian faith and my association with a Church are unacceptable in our culture if you wish to hold a leadership position in society.”
ByBill MuehlenbergOct 5, 2022
Behavioural Experts Used to Psychologically Manipulate the Public Into Compliance

Behavioural Experts Used to Psychologically Manipulate the Public Into Compliance

Behavioural scientists were similarly employed in the UK to scare or ‘nudge’ the public into compliance through the use of propaganda – a tactic that has been slammed as “anti-democratic.”
ByBen DavisOct 4, 2022
Christian Nationalism Rising?

Christian Nationalism Rising?

What is Christian nationalism? Is it the danger that some make it out to be?
ByStaff WriterOct 4, 2022
Communists Attempt to Storm Sydney Conservative Conference

Communists Attempt to Storm Sydney Conservative Conference

A reported seven police vehicles and large amounts of police on foot kept the little lefties from what would probably have been a rather embarrassingly feeble attempted re-enactment of the storming of the winter palace.
ByRio DiazOct 3, 2022
Restitution: Just Law and a Good Idea

Restitution: Just Law and a Good Idea

“Paying back more than what was stolen is just. It returns to the owner what was taken and punishes the offender.”
Leaving a Legacy: A Study in Contrasts

Leaving a Legacy: A Study in Contrasts

These two are hugely influential – but only one leaves an everlasting legacy.
ByBill MuehlenbergOct 2, 2022
U.S. Coast Guard Boots Christians for Opposing Vax Mandate

U.S. Coast Guard Boots Christians for Opposing Vax Mandate

An estimated 1,200 active service members of the United States Coast Guard have filed a class action against the US government, arguing that “vaccine” mandates violated their religious freedom.
ByRod LampardOct 1, 2022
John MacArthur Pens Powerful Open Letter to Governor Newsom For Using Jesus’ Words to Promote Baby Killing

John MacArthur Pens Powerful Open Letter to Governor Newsom For Using Jesus’ Words to Promote Baby Killing

MacArthur cautioned the Governor, saying his “soul lies in grave, eternal peril,” and noted Paul’s warning in Romans 14:12 that, “each one of us will give an account of himself to God.”
ByBen DavisSep 30, 2022
84-Year-Old Pro-life Volunteer SHOT Over Abortion Bill That Could Protect Paedophiles and Exploit Women

84-Year-Old Pro-life Volunteer SHOT Over Abortion Bill That Could Protect Paedophiles and Exploit Women

The elderly volunteer received a ‘gunshot wound to the back/shoulder while leaving a residence during a heated conversation.’
ByRod LampardSep 29, 2022
Giorgia Meloni and Hope for Italy

Giorgia Meloni and Hope for Italy

“Above all I say the embarrassing ones are not us. The embarrassing ones are those who support practices like surrogacy, abortion at nine months, and blocking the development of children with drugs at eleven years of age. That is embarrassing.”
ByBill MuehlenbergSep 28, 2022
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The Caldron Pool Show: #22 – Rod Lampard


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