
U.S. Coast Guard Boots Christians for Opposing Vax Mandate

An estimated 1,200 active service members of the United States Coast Guard have filed a class action against the US government, arguing that “vaccine” mandates violated their religious freedom.

An estimated 1,200 active service members of the United States Coast Guard have filed a class action against the US government, arguing that “vaccine” mandates violated their religious freedom.

In a September 22 information piece, Stars and Stripes said the lawsuit (PDF) was initiated by three Christian members of the U.S Coast Guard, because they (and others like them) face the axe for opposing the Biden administration’s “vax” mandates.

Alaric Stone, Eric Jackson and Michael Marcenelle launched the judicial action aimed at challenging ‘the Coast Guard’s “across-the-board” denial of exemptions, while also seeking to prevent their impending dismissal.’

The three members, Stars and Stripes explained, are ‘not opposed to all vaccines,’ just those ‘developed with aborted foetal cell lines. They also did not want to be injected with a substance with unknown long-term effects.’

According to the class action lodged by the Thomas More Society  – an organisation also representing pro-life political prisoner Mark Houck – the mandates are a ‘blatant violation of the U.S Constitution and federal law.’

Crossing “T’s” and dotting “I’s,” TMS said, the few (Religious Accommodation Requests – RARs) exemptions already honoured by the Coast Guard, were for members ‘slated for retirement or separation.’

The 70-page legal action also challenges the Coast Guard’s current policy denying the effectiveness of natural immunity, a Coast Guard FAQ on the vax states, ‘a positive antibody test or other positive test for COVID-19 does not exempt a Service Member from being required to be vaccinated for COVID-19. The only acceptable proof of immunity is completion of a COVID-19 vaccination series.’

Stone, Jackson and Marcenelle alleged they had ‘contracted COVID-19 and obtained natural immunity, and have been willing and able, and remain willing and able to wear a mask and test periodically.’

This is the latest pushback against reckless COVID-era governance to join the fight for the preservation of civil liberties.

The lawsuit coincides with another case involving seven cadets from the Coast Guard Academy who were booted for ‘failing to comply’ with the dubious COVID-19 medical mandates.

Michael Rose, the group’s lawyer, described their dismissal as ‘mean-spirited.’ The cadets, Rose recounted, ‘were escorted to the gate like they were criminals or something.’

No one helped them to get home, Rose continued, “one had to get to California, one to Alaska. One’s estranged from home and living out of his truck, according to an email I received describing his situation.”

Defending the Republic, a pro-liberty organisation representing the seven, issued an 81-page class action in July, declaring, “All plaintiffs have sincerely held religious beliefs prohibit them from receiving the COVID-19 vaccine and have submitted RARs – none have been granted.”

The July class action added, “Because of their vaccination status, [the seven cadets] have been harassed, treated differently than their peers, singled out publicly by their leaders, had their normal leave and liberty restricted, been removed from senior/leadership positions, been denied promotion, received official discipline, been barred from training, travel, new assignments, and permanent change of station (“PCS”) orders.”

The seven cadets also, “Face imminent involuntary separation, all while they have continued to perform the mission alongside their ‘vaccinated’ peers, in many cases, while their ‘vaccinated’ peers got sick with Covid-19 in large numbers.” (PDF)

The Coast Guard currently only offers the mRNA (aborted foetal) “vaccine” variants: Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, or Johnson & Johnson/Janssen.

Novavax is conspicuously absent.

As of August 19, 2022, Novavax said, their protein-based “vaccine” has ‘not yet been approved or licensed by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).’

Oddly, the least invasive, more bioethical, and less experimental of the COVID “vaccines,” has not been approved by the FDA, unless in an emergency – as per WHO guidelines.

This is despite the fact that Novavax is in use all around the world.  

The apparent refusal to approve Novavax, and the willingness to still persecute fit, and healthy experienced military personnel, suggests Biden’s “vaccine mandates” are less about combat readiness and healthcare and more about the opportunity to purge the military of those who refuse to go woke.

In light of the abysmal performance of the alleged “vaccines,” what other motive could the – “build back better, burn it all down” – President have for firing healthy people from their jobs for no justifiable medical reason? 

The Woke White House not ending these vicious mandates, even after Joe Biden declared the “pandemic” over, strongly suggests that such mandates are about consolidating political power, thus furthering the self-interests of his political party and not the interests of the people they’ve been elected to serve.

Again, the message from the current administration is clear: “anyone, not a Democrat, is to be viewed as a domestic terrorist.

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