UK Teacher Cancelled for Criticising Islam, Abortion and LGBTQ Has Dismissal Upheld

UK Teacher Cancelled for Criticising Islam, Abortion and LGBTQ Has Dismissal Upheld

“Dybowski’s dismissal seems to have been upheld on a technicality found in his criticisms of Sharia Law.”
ByRod Lampard1 week ago
Vance: “Nothing More Urgent Than Mass Migration” – Calls for a New Direction for Western Civilization

Vance: “Nothing More Urgent Than Mass Migration” – Calls for a New Direction for Western Civilization

“Of all the pressing challenges that the nations represented here face, I believe there is nothing more urgent than mass migration,” Vance said.
by Staff WriterFeb 15, 2025
Welfare in the West Needs Tough Love and DOGE Is the Answer

Welfare in the West Needs Tough Love and DOGE Is the Answer

“DOGE is the gardener in a garden being choked by overgrowth, overspending, and overreach.”
by Rod LampardFeb 15, 2025
Multiculturalism: Diluting Western Culture Hurts Everyone

Multiculturalism: Diluting Western Culture Hurts Everyone

“While politicians may feign virtue by promoting diversity in harmony, they ultimately refuse to acknowledge what many have recognized for decades: Western civilization, rooted in the Christian religion, has been one of the greatest forces for good in history.”
by Ben DavisFeb 14, 2025
The Persecution of Dr. Jereth Kok

The Persecution of Dr. Jereth Kok

“If a doctor in his spare time can lose his job for discussing vital issues of the day on his own social media page, then none of us are safe.”
byBill MuehlenbergSep 4, 2024
Kansas Attorney General Sues Pfizer for “Misleading Kansans on COVID Vaccine”

Kansas Attorney General Sues Pfizer for “Misleading Kansans on COVID Vaccine”

“Pfizer made multiple misleading statements to deceive the public about its vaccine at a time when Americans needed the truth,” Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach said in a statement.
byStaff WriterSep 3, 2024
Tanzania Bans X to Block Dissent

Tanzania Bans X to Block Dissent

“Tanzania is approaching an election season.”
byRod LampardSep 3, 2024
“Ethnic Erasure”: University Scraps Term “Anglo-Saxon” in an Effort to “Decolonise the Curriculum”

“Ethnic Erasure”: University Scraps Term “Anglo-Saxon” in an Effort to “Decolonise the Curriculum”

“Far-left activists have long been campaigning for the replacement of ‘Anglo-Saxon’ with ‘Early Medieval English,’ claiming that the former recognises a distinct, ethnic, and native English identity. The horror!”
byStaff WriterSep 2, 2024
It Will Be Real Bad News if Team Kamala Gets In

It Will Be Real Bad News if Team Kamala Gets In

“They keep saying ‘On Day 1’ we will solve all your problems. Um, the Dems have been in the White House 12 of the last 16 years – including the last four. THEY are the problem…”
byBill MuehlenbergSep 2, 2024
The Wolf and the Lamb

The Wolf and the Lamb

“The tyrant will always find a pretext for his tyranny…”
byStaff WriterAug 31, 2024
Brazilian Government’s Far-Left War on Free Speech Goes Nuclear, Bans X and Starlink

Brazilian Government’s Far-Left War on Free Speech Goes Nuclear, Bans X and Starlink

“This is an escalation of De Moraes’ weaponised assault on Elon Musk for his support of former Brazilian President, Jair Bolsonaro.”
byRod LampardAug 31, 2024
Evangelicals Became Irrelevant Trying to Be Relevant

Evangelicals Became Irrelevant Trying to Be Relevant

“In their pursuit of relevance with the world, contemporary evangelicals largely rendered themselves irrelevant to the world.”
byBen DavisAug 30, 2024
Zuckerberg vs Durov

Zuckerberg vs Durov

“What does it say about the state of free speech when a Western nation arrests the founder of one of the few platforms that refuses to bow to government censorship?”
byBill MuehlenbergAug 30, 2024
Trump’s “Fight, Fight, Fight” Must Include the Fight for Life and Abolition of Abortion

Trump’s “Fight, Fight, Fight” Must Include the Fight for Life and Abolition of Abortion

“The image of the bloodied former president, rising with fist in the air, saying, ‘fight, fight, fight,’ rhymes with his duty to fight for life.”
byRod LampardAug 29, 2024
God, International Relations, and Divine Judgment

God, International Relations, and Divine Judgment

“God is not caught off guard by what rulers and nations do, and at the end of the day, they will serve his purposes, even though it may not always seem that way at the time.”
byBill MuehlenbergAug 28, 2024
Don’t Be Quick To War: The Tale of Melibeus

Don’t Be Quick To War: The Tale of Melibeus

“It is rather sad to see so many otherwise serious and good thinkers being manipulated so easily into throwing their support behind our nation funding a war here, there, or somewhere else, because of news reports that are designed to provoke them.”
byMatthew LittlefieldAug 28, 2024
Zuckerberg Says He Regrets COVID Censorship and Caving to Demands of Biden Administration

Zuckerberg Says He Regrets COVID Censorship and Caving to Demands of Biden Administration

“I believe the government pressure was wrong, and I regret that we were not more outspoken about it,” Zuckerberg said.
byStaff WriterAug 27, 2024
John Rich to Jordan Peterson: Christians Are Country Music’s New Outlaws

John Rich to Jordan Peterson: Christians Are Country Music’s New Outlaws

“From tone it down, to you can’t post that, Rich told Peterson, he’s encountered it all.”
byRod LampardAug 27, 2024
Can Common Values Hold in Australia?

Can Common Values Hold in Australia?

“Values cannot be held in common if beliefs are too far apart.”
byDr Stephen FysonAug 26, 2024
Robert F. Kennedy Jr Backs Donald Trump

Robert F. Kennedy Jr Backs Donald Trump

“The Democrats have become the party of war, censorship, corruption, big Pharma, big tech, and big money…”
byBill MuehlenbergAug 24, 2024
The Book That’s Making Many Evangelical Leaders Squirm

The Book That’s Making Many Evangelical Leaders Squirm

“For the elites, the only thing worse than a hick evangelical is one of these whistleblowers.”
byNathan AndersonAug 24, 2024
UK Dads Step Up to Defend Kids’ Events After Southport Knife Attacks

UK Dads Step Up to Defend Kids’ Events After Southport Knife Attacks

“UK Dads are providing free security services for dance classes and kid’s summer events.”
byRod LampardAug 23, 2024
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Ditches the Dems

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Ditches the Dems

“A polarised nation is easy prey for corrupt powers.”
ByRod LampardOct 11, 2023
Oligarchs Are Implementing a ‘Brave New World’

Oligarchs Are Implementing a ‘Brave New World’

“The year 2032 will be 100 years since Huxley published his book. Maybe the UN is emulating a ‘Brave New World.’”
A Vital Reminder to Christians

A Vital Reminder to Christians

“Often, we can look at the society around us and ask ourselves, ‘How long will God let this injustice go unpunished?'”
God Still Curses Nations

God Still Curses Nations

“There are universal principles and there are inbuilt laws written on the hearts and minds of mankind according to which God judges individuals and nations. To break these is to break families, societies, cities and nations.”
Hungarian PM Says: US Democrats, EU, and Soros Empire Are Pressuring Hungary to Fund Ukrainian War, Create Migrant Ghettos, and Sexually Propagandise Children

Hungarian PM Says: US Democrats, EU, and Soros Empire Are Pressuring Hungary to Fund Ukrainian War, Create Migrant Ghettos, and Sexually Propagandise Children

“According to Orbán, failure to comply with the demands will result in funding cuts from Brussels, along with financial support for Hungary’s domestic Left-wing opposition courtesy of the ‘Soros empire.'”
ByStaff WriterOct 6, 2023
Binary is a Biological Fact

Binary is a Biological Fact

“Tyrants always attack the family and substitute the state as parents to the children. That is standard practice of the communist apparatchiks.”
Yes, We Must Discern and We Must Judge

Yes, We Must Discern and We Must Judge

“How many times have you heard it said that we must never judge?”
ByBill MuehlenbergOct 4, 2023
One Reason to Vote ‘No’ to The Voice

One Reason to Vote ‘No’ to The Voice

“The Aboriginal culture on which ‘The Uluru Statement’ stands is nature-worship, ancestor-worship, animism. It is pagan.”
ByTom EglintonOct 3, 2023
We Need a Clear Definition of Good Works

We Need a Clear Definition of Good Works

“The road to hell is paved with good intentions.”
ByEleanor MatthewsOct 2, 2023
Little Candles in a Darkening World

Little Candles in a Darkening World

“When societies have God-honouring people within them, they literally become more humane.”
ByDr Stephen FysonOct 1, 2023
The ‘Yes’ Campaign Are the Moderates

The ‘Yes’ Campaign Are the Moderates

“…although the author does not associate themselves with the Yes campaign, they are giving us a window into some of the more radical views of some of the people whose voice would be seriously empowered if the Yes campaign were successful.”
Blacktivist Safe Space Police Allegedly Tried to Cancel “Be Colourblind” TED Talk

Blacktivist Safe Space Police Allegedly Tried to Cancel “Be Colourblind” TED Talk

“Hughes went back and forth with the company over employees offended by his speech – one which emulates the platform of Martin Luther King Jr. – because they said it was racist, dangerous, and irresponsible.”
ByRod LampardSep 29, 2023
Multiculturalism Has Failed: U.K. Home Secretary

Multiculturalism Has Failed: U.K. Home Secretary

“It’s a basic rule of history that Nations which cannot defend their borders will not long survive,” Braverman said.
ByRod LampardSep 28, 2023
Dictator Dan Departs

Dictator Dan Departs

“Let the celebrations begin.”
ByBill MuehlenbergSep 27, 2023
Christian Heritage Month Cancelled by PRIDE Month Activists

Christian Heritage Month Cancelled by PRIDE Month Activists

“What El Dorado County did by backing down was grant power to dishonest critics and left-wing bullies.”
ByRod LampardSep 26, 2023
Good News About Rogue Rulers and Evil Tyrants

Good News About Rogue Rulers and Evil Tyrants

“When we see powerful and evil nations today, it still can seem like they are on the ascendancy, and even darker days lie ahead.”
ByBill MuehlenbergSep 25, 2023
The Lord Giveth

The Lord Giveth

“Job was able to remain grounded in one of the most terrible moments of his life, because he knew that every good gift he had came from God above…”
Social Decline, Family Breakdown, and the Welfare State

Social Decline, Family Breakdown, and the Welfare State

“Those who cry out that the government should ‘do something’ never even ask for data on what has actually happened when the government did something, compared to what actually happened when the government did nothing.”
ByBill MuehlenbergSep 23, 2023
Scott Morrison’s New Book Reeks of Hypocrisy

Scott Morrison’s New Book Reeks of Hypocrisy

“Scott Morrison is literally preaching the ‘God over Government’ message he refused to support when protestors gathered in Canberra in the name of freedom.”
ByRod LampardSep 22, 2023
Walk For Life: Thousands to Rally in Sydney Against Abortion

Walk For Life: Thousands to Rally in Sydney Against Abortion

Every six minutes a baby is aborted in Australia.
ByTom EglintonSep 21, 2023
What Trump Actually Said About Abortion

What Trump Actually Said About Abortion

“What Trump says is true to his position on the issue, which goes back at least as far as 1999. He sees himself as a mediator, hates abortion, but has never been 100 per cent against it.”
ByRod LampardSep 21, 2023
A Win for Sanity and for Family Rights

A Win for Sanity and for Family Rights

“A California school district has settled a lawsuit for $100,000 with a mother who alleged her daughter was socially transitioned to a new ‘gender identity’ by school staff without informing or getting her permission.”
Activists Silent as “YES23” Rally Used to Salute Communism

Activists Silent as “YES23” Rally Used to Salute Communism

“The same activists who attacked Moira Deeming over neo-Nazis hijacking a Let Women Speak rally are both silent and out of sight.”
ByRod LampardSep 19, 2023
New School a Beacon of Hope for Christian Families in Scotland

New School a Beacon of Hope for Christian Families in Scotland

“Christian education is something greatly needed in this nation and a big part of claiming back what the churches almost willingly gave up to the state: our children.”
ByJohn-William NobleSep 18, 2023
What Jacinta Price Said About Colonialism in Australia Deserves to Be Heard

What Jacinta Price Said About Colonialism in Australia Deserves to Be Heard

“If we keep telling Aboriginal people that they are victims, we are effectively removing their agency and giving them the expectation that someone else is responsible for their lives. That is the worst possible thing you can do to any human being, to tell them that they are a victim without agency.”
ByBill MuehlenbergSep 17, 2023
Team Deeming Takes on Canberra

Team Deeming Takes on Canberra

“We are standing against a legal regime that’s going all around the world. It’s utterly destroying not just sex-based rights in law and culture. It is destroying every other democratic right since the Magna Carta.”
ByRod LampardSep 16, 2023
Presbyterian Church of Australia Bans Welcome to Country

Presbyterian Church of Australia Bans Welcome to Country

“As Christians, we have to avoid wording that suggests final ownership of land is vested in people rather than with the Creator.”
ByStaff WriterSep 15, 2023
CIA Analysts Allegedly Bribed to Dismiss COVID Lab Leak Theory

CIA Analysts Allegedly Bribed to Dismiss COVID Lab Leak Theory

“A senior CIA officer claims lab leak analysts were allegedly bribed to back the COVID-19 wet market narrative.”
ByRod LampardSep 14, 2023
How the Communists Broke People

How the Communists Broke People

“Wickedness wants others to have guilt on their hands, because those who have a guilty conscience often find it harder to stand up in boldness, because they are already defeated in their own mind.”
1,600 Experts From 59 Countries Declare: There Is No Climate Emergency

1,600 Experts From 59 Countries Declare: There Is No Climate Emergency

“There’s much more to the story of global temperature change than ‘humans are warming the earth.'”
ByRod LampardSep 12, 2023
Distance Makes No Difference

Distance Makes No Difference

“When Jesus left to be with His Father, He wasn’t abandoning His people. Instead, He was strengthening them.”
ByWill CobbinSep 11, 2023
The Ongoing War on Christians

The Ongoing War on Christians

“The once-Christian West is now the most anti-Christian part of the planet.”
ByBill MuehlenbergSep 10, 2023
Divine Sovereignty and Spurgeon the Soul-Winner

Divine Sovereignty and Spurgeon the Soul-Winner

“If you really long to save men’s souls, you must tell them a great deal of disagreeable truth.”
ByBill MuehlenbergSep 9, 2023
Martyn Iles Talks Touring in ‘24, and What Life Holds Post-ACL

Martyn Iles Talks Touring in ‘24, and What Life Holds Post-ACL

“The Church in Australia gains more than it has lost.”
ByRod LampardSep 8, 2023
How J6 Sentencing Sets the Stage for Biden’s DOJ to Label Trump a Terrorist

How J6 Sentencing Sets the Stage for Biden’s DOJ to Label Trump a Terrorist

“These sentencings are more than well-intentioned, firm examples designed to warn off anyone who might attend a lively protest, or voice reasoned concerns about election interference.”
ByRod LampardSep 7, 2023
Forget Fatalism

Forget Fatalism

“The ‘grin and bear it’ approach to life just does not get you very far. Nor does a dogged stoicism. And the ‘crap just happens so get used to it’ approach of Dawkins et. al., is not of any use either.”
ByBill MuehlenbergSep 6, 2023
Five Jailed After Pro-Abortion Judge Rejects Key Evidence as “Gossip From Propagandists”

Five Jailed After Pro-Abortion Judge Rejects Key Evidence as “Gossip From Propagandists”

Five pro-life advocates face 11 years in prison and USD $350,000 each in fines for a non-violent protest in 2020.
ByRod LampardSep 5, 2023
NZ PM Claims Jabs Were Never Compulsory: “People Made Their Own Choices”

NZ PM Claims Jabs Were Never Compulsory: “People Made Their Own Choices”

“Sure, we might call that a ‘choice,’ but it was the government that reduced their options, like an armed robber demanding his victim either hand over their cash or get shot.”
ByStaff WriterSep 4, 2023
Mental and Moral Clarity on Truth Versus Opinion

Mental and Moral Clarity on Truth Versus Opinion

“…interfaith worship services – and interfaith marriages – can only really work when those involved do not take their particular faiths very seriously.”
ByBill MuehlenbergSep 3, 2023
Former DEI Trainer Called Racist for Questioning “Anti-Racism”

Former DEI Trainer Called Racist for Questioning “Anti-Racism”

“We’re not doing rhetoric anymore. We’re doing Woke studies, and I think that’s a shame.”
ByRod LampardSep 2, 2023
Just When Do We Need Doctrinal Checklists?

Just When Do We Need Doctrinal Checklists?

“When do we need to know where another person or group stands in terms of their religious beliefs and theological stances, and when does it not matter so much?”
ByBill MuehlenbergSep 1, 2023
Court Invalidates Alberta Public Health Orders, Drops Charges Against Pastors

Court Invalidates Alberta Public Health Orders, Drops Charges Against Pastors

Pastor imprisoned for keeping his church open during the 2021 lockdowns has charges dropped.
ByRod LampardAug 31, 2023
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The Caldron Pool Show: #28 – Bill Muehlenberg


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