183 search results for "pro-life "

“We need to make sure we have people in the polls. We need to make sure we can get to the courts – and get to the courts on time,” he said.

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“You cannot watch this and remain unchanged.”

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“The buyout also spurred an array of typical tantrums from the Left, with the Daily Mail alleging in May, that ‘George Soros, Clinton, and Obama staffers, as well as European governments,’ were behind a ‘campaign’ to stop Musk’s Twitter deal.”

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“…deliberations [would have been] made at the sole discretion of PayPal and [might have] subjected the user to damages — including the removal of $2,500 debited directly from your PayPal account per offense.”

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If and when intimidation, threats, and violence against the peaceful Christian protesters by the communist organised mob occur on Saturday it will be at least in part thanks to non-extremist left-wing journos who continually run cover for their more extreme violent friends.

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They want to stifle dissent, suppress speech, and criminalize opposition.

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An estimated 1,200 active service members of the United States Coast Guard have filed a class action against the US government, arguing that “vaccine” mandates violated their religious freedom.

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MacArthur cautioned the Governor, saying his “soul lies in grave, eternal peril,” and noted Paul’s warning in Romans 14:12 that, “each one of us will give an account of himself to God.”

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“Above all I say the embarrassing ones are not us. The embarrassing ones are those who support practices like surrogacy, abortion at nine months, and blocking the development of children with drugs at eleven years of age. That is embarrassing.”

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ANTIFA gets a free ride, just don’t fly the American flag, or you might end up being raided by the FBI.

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“Today’s suspensions once again highlight the fact that big tech corporations have assumed the role of the narrative gatekeepers. You’ll hear what they want you to hear. You will not see what they don’t want you to see. They will treat you like children, incapable of thinking for yourself, because that’s what they want you to be.”

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“As is often the case, emotional reasoning tramples facts, and the very people exhibiting hate are those who say they’re fighting against it.”

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“We need to shut them down all around the country,” Warren said.

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“If believers cannot rejoice when a horrific evil like the slaughter of babies is lessened and/or curtailed in various places, then there is nothing worth rejoicing in.”

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“What the debate comes down to is whether a woman’s supposed ‘right’ not to be pregnant trumps another person’s right not to be murdered.”

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“If every Christian was to do what they are supposed to do, we would stop abortion tomorrow. No more babies would be killed.”

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“When the history books recount this event, let it be said that Bernie Finn was dumped by a ‘conservative’ party for expressing conservative views in the great, free Australian tradition of larrikinism.”

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“A politician who will not lead according to what is right, even if the majority, at the time, disagreed with him, is more of a liability than an asset.”

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“There is no way around this one, folks. From conception onward, aborting a baby is one of the pinnacles of moral evil.”

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“They burned churches in Canada for the alleged murder of children. Now they’re burning churches for the ‘right’ to murder children.”

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