183 search results for "pro-life "

“Reproductive rights end where parental rights begin, and those rights begin at conception.”

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“We’ve decided to share the video as there remains a wicked indifference to the horrors of abortion. More outrage can be cultivated by subjecting people to mask mandates than by violently killing them in the womb.”

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“Many of the babies’ bodies showed deep lacerations or other forms of damage that likely resulted from abortion procedures inflicting significant trauma with deep pain prior to their deaths.”

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Smith, of course, went on to receive a standing ovation from his peers. But are we really surprised by the hypocrisy? Hollywood reeks of it. We can all imagine the pearl-clutching and feigned outrage if Rock was assaulted by a white actor. But this sort of selectivity has become standard.

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“The cycle will never end. It is the perfect recipe for endless dictatorship. Keep the masses utterly immersed in fear and panic, keep the variants coming, and offer an endless supply of booster shots (creating an ever-greater class of Big Pharma millionaires), and you have slaves for life.”

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“The massive wave of protests in Australia follows months of protests in France, and the rising wave of visible dissent in Austria, and Italy, as governments continue to pursue a hard-line authoritarian course further into the abyss of therapeutic totalitarianism.”

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While they often claim to be on the side of “science”, pro-abortion supporters repeatedly show themselves to be the real “science-deniers” in our world today.

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“Simply imagine if the media did a similar hatchet job on someone else who became a Premier, be they a Buddhist or a Muslim. Would they even dare to attack his or her faith? Would they dare to say these folks are disqualified because of their religious beliefs? Would they even think about focusing on how many kids they have, or do not have?”

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The professionals I spoke with today assure me that we, as a nation are being railroaded, we are being lied to and it is far from being a “conspiracy theory”.  As a nation, we are facing some very serious issues and time will expose them all.

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In fact, to mischaracterize those who prioritize certain freedom over potential safety as “unloving” and selfish, when that is clearly not by necessity the case, is itself, ironically, a violation of what it means to “love your neighbour as yourself.”

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The text, drafted by Predrag Fred Matić, a Croatian Socialist MEP, also claims the “conscience clause,” which allows doctors to abstain from the killing “on grounds of religion or conscience,” leads to the “denial” of medical care and “endangers women’s lives and rights.”

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Despite Dr Kearney’s belief that his interventions may have saved dozens of babies, a Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service panel last month ordered the doctor to stop offering the treatment for up to 18 months pending an investigation.

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The CHOICE42 notice read: “Pregnant? Need Help? You are not alone.”

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On this firm basis, good government should push to emphasise curing disease, not killing people. Good government should seek to ease their suffering, not erase their humanity, nor the humanity of genuine healthcare providers.

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“We have known this day was coming for months now,” Marketing Director Rebekah Roberts said. “Facebook has been silencing any voice that goes against their beliefs and agenda.”

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“This is why it is a false premise to believe that such a procedure is truly safe,” Dr Luis Durand said.

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Polling prior to the March 13 Election in WA suggests that the incumbent Labor government will retain government, largely due to the single-beat media drumming for months on COVID-19 and overlooking other fundamental freedom issues.

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Thousands of South Australians rallied in Adelaide on Saturday to protest proposed changes to the state’s abortion laws.

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Sometimes truth-affirming criticism comes from the most unexpected of places.

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A family doctor has been suspended from medical practice in Australia after sharing his Christian beliefs online.

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