183 search results for "pro-life "

In the United States, Planned Parenthood performs over 320,000 abortions every year; 887 abortions each day; and 1 abortion every 97 seconds. For every 1 adoption referral, Planned Parenthood commits 160 abortions. Planned Parenthood perform less than 2% of U.S. breast exams; less than 1% of the nation’s pap tests; less than 2% of U.S. cancer screenings for women; 0% mammograms; but a staggering 34.9% of all U.S. abortions. Planned Parenthood receives over half a billion dollars of taxpayer money every year. In a recent Facebook post, the “advocacy and political arm” of the organisation, said: “We should all be deeply…

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John Piper, Abortion: The Innocent Blood of Our Sons and Daughters: “If we were made to watch a doctor pull off the little baby’s legs and arms one by one and place them on the table like a dentist removing cotton from your mouth—if all [people] were made to see what it really is, the pro-life goal of abortion being unthinkable (not just illegal) would be much nearer.” LiveAction recently posted a series of shocking photos depicting the victims of second trimester abortions. The children photographed were aborted at the University of Wisconsin Hospital in the early 1980s. Their bodies were…

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Things are looking gloomy in the Sunshine State. Up to 148 Queensland election candidates have signed up to Fair Agenda’s pro-abortion candidate pledge. The independent group is pressuring candidates to vow, if elected, they will, “vote to remove abortion from the criminal code, and support laws to ensure all Queenslanders can safely and legally access full reproductive healthcare, without being harassed or intimidated.” The pledge has also gained backing from The Human Rights Law Centre, Women’s Legal Service Queensland, White Ribbon, and Queensland Council of Unions. Candidates who have signed up commit to supporting three reforms in particular: Treat abortion like other medical procedures,…

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