183 search results for "pro-life "

“I’m doing this for our freedoms, for all Australians who are sick and tired of the bullying and the harassment of the radical left who expect us all to comply with their Woke religion.”

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“…the punishment, if convicted of Conspiracy Against Civil Rights, includes a USD$250,000 fine, plus 10 years imprisonment.”

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“Well, I’ve thought of murder,” she said, as the panel laughed. “Murder.”

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“The 11 pro-life advocates were federally charged after being singled out by Joe Biden’s newly formed, Reproductive Rights Task Force in October 2022.”

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“Our most vulnerable are simply left to die… that in a single year, 33 babies aborted after 20 weeks gestation were born alive in Victoria while, in Queensland, 204 babies were born alive as a result of abortions over a 10-year period.”

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“If you defend the unborn, be prepared to be treated like them.”

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“So, in every profession, including the priesthood, if you defend the unborn, you will be treated like them! The only difference is that when we are ‘aborted,’ we continue to speak, loud and clear.”

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“Liberal Party left faction powerbrokers on the party’s NSW nomination review committee have excluded a pro-life, anti-lockdown candidate from running for preselection in the safe seat of Castle Hill for next year’s state election.”

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The elderly volunteer received a ‘gunshot wound to the back/shoulder while leaving a residence during a heated conversation.’

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“The continued weaponization of the FBI and persecution of Biden’s DOJ against ordinary Americans is an outrage…”

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“No American worker should have to fear termination, intimidation, or any other reprisal merely for speaking out against having their own money spent, purportedly in their name, to promote an agenda they find abhorrent.”

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“This is a clear message to conservative voters that the Liberal Party doesn’t want them,” Finn said.

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“Human life is not a political matter and should have never been made to be so. It has only been made to be controversial politics for the sake of creating another means by which division and control can be used by those who exercise their power for ill-gotten profit and immoral, evil agendas.”

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“Becky said she had considered abortion at the time because she fell victim to a toxic form of feminism that had convinced her that her baby would ruin her future.”

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“This is why a common phrase among Planned Parenthood sex educators is ‘Parents are a barrier to service.'”

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“Our greatest foe in this fight is the pro-life industry,” Pastor Durbin said.

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Students from a university pro-life group have been arrested after writing “Black Preborn Lives Matter” in chalk outside a Planned Parenthood abortion mill in Washington D.C.

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A deadly plague has stolen the lives of some 17,500 people in Australia so far this year. That’s almost 200 people every day, or one every eight minutes. What plague could possibly be so deadly? It is the plague of abortion. We learn some important lessons when we compare this to how many Australians have lost their lives to the coronavirus so far—a national tally that currently stands at 28. First, it provides us with a much-needed perspective. This is no time for complacency, to be sure. But compared with other potential threats to life or the scale of what could…

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An abortion doctor in Phoenix, Arizona has been arrested after pulling a gun on a pro-life minister who was peacefully protesting outside an abortion facility. Footage released by Apologia Studios last week showed the moment Dr Ronald Yunis exited the Acacia Women’s Centre and pointed his weapon at Elvis Kesto, a pro-life minister who was demonstrating in the area. Despite viewing the video evidence, the police who were called to the scene initially refused to make an arrest. Apologia Studios later uploaded the footage to social media and urged members of the public to contact Phoenix Police and demand Dr…

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Thousands of pro-life families gathered at Sydney’s Hyde Park on Sunday afternoon to take a stand for the lives of the most vulnerable members of our society. The ‘Stand for Life’ rally, which reportedly attracted 10,000 people, was organised in response to one of the most radical abortion bills in the country. The Reproductive Healthcare Reform Bill 2019, as it’s euphemistically named, will legalise abortion on demand, by any method, up to 22-weeks. Beyond that point, right up until birth, all that is required for an abortion is the consent of two abortion doctors. The bill even prevents an aborted…

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