183 search results for "pro-life "

Last month, thousands of people gathered in Sydney to protest the New South Wales government’s extreme abortion bill that will essentially allow children to be killed for any reason right up until the final moments of pregnancy. The turn out was truly amazing, but there is still work to be done! On Sunday, September 15 at 2:30pm, pro-lifers will gather again for the second Stand for Life Rally to peacefully protest this radical proposed legislation. Organisers for the event have said, “This is our last opportunity to fight against this extreme Bill. We need you there.” For those wishing to…

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Netflix has experienced their worst month in years after the streaming service threatened to boycott the state of Georgia for passing the Heartbeat bill, which would ban abortions after a foetal heartbeat can be detected. The online streaming service had projected growth of 352,000 subscribers in the United States, however, according to their second-quarter earnings report, Netflix witnessed a drop of more than 126,000 subscribers. When Georgia passed the Heartbeat bill, @netflix threatened to stop doing business in the pro-life state. Thousands of pro-life customers expressed their outrage. Now Netflix's last quarter shows a huge drop in subscribers.#ditchNetflixhttps://t.co/lBNlcvveRb — Lila…

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The Pinterest insider who blew the whistle on big tech censorship, including Pinterest’s suppression of Christian and conservative content has been fired. In an interview with James O’Keefe of Project Veritas, Eric Cochran, a software engineer at Pinterest, revealed the company marked Christianity-related terms and Bible verses as “brand unsafe.” Cochran also revealed that such terms were also removed from Pinterest’s auto-complete search results, while other material was either hidden or silently removed. Terrisa Bukovinac, founder and executive director of Pro-Life San Francisco, has set up a Go Fund Me page in support of Cochran, who she described as a…

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Pinterest has permanently suspended pro-life advocacy group Live Action and accused the organisation of spreading “harmful misinformation” that could “have immediate detrimental effects on a Pinner’s health or public safety.” A whistleblower at Pinterest told Project Veritas the social media company were suppressing and censoring pro-life and Christian content prior to Live Action’s ban. After reviewing Pinterest’s “Sensitive Terms List”, Project Veritas discovered that Christianity-related terms like “Christian Easter” and “Bible verses” were marked as “brand unsafe.” The whistleblower explained that such terms are removed from Pinterest’s auto-complete search results, while other material is either “hidden” or “silently removed.” According to…

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In 1791 it’s estimated that about 300,000 people boycotted sugar produced by slaves, causing sales to drop by a third to a half. Thousands of pamphlets were printed encouraging people to join in the protest. The sugar boycott is one of the earliest examples of consumers using their purchasing power to reject unethical organisations. Two hundred years later, we may need to revisit this approach again. A number of US media giants have publicly stated they’ll “rethink” filming in Georgia if the new heartbeat abortion law comes into effect. According to the BBC, Disney, Netflix and WarnerMedia have all objected…

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An elderly sidewalk counsellor has been hospitalised with a broken leg after an abortion clinic customer threw her to the ground for distributing pro-life literature. Donna Durning, a pro-life sidewalk counsellor of 23 years, was assaulted after she approached the young woman exiting Kentucky’s last abortion facility. Durning offered the young woman material that included the number for a pregnancy crisis centre. Durning told local news reporters, “I had a little card from Little Way Crisis Pregnancy Centre, and I just offered it to her. And I said, ‘Honey, if you need to talk to anybody, there’s a number on…

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The pro-life movie ‘Unplanned’ has now been listed as a ‘Propaganda’ film by big tech Google. Anyone searching for the film on the platform will see the label, which the search giant defines as: “information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view.” The film, based on true events, follows the story of former Planned Parenthood Director Abby Johnson, now a pro-life advocate fighting for the right of the unborn after witnessing an abortion first-hand. The film which premiered in theatres on March 29, has continued to surpass box office expectations,…

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The decision to temporarily suspend the official Twitter account of the pro-life film Unplanned backfired yesterday with the account gathering over 200k followers after it was restored. Today, Twitter has responded to the overwhelming support by preventing people from actively ‘following’ Unplanned’s twitter page. “I was following Unplanned Movie, but Twitter has removed them from my follow list,” one user said. “Click follow, hit home and then go back to Unplanned’s twitter page. You won’t be following anymore,” another said. WATCH: Same problem here. I hit Follow. Everything seems OK. Refreshed page. Suddenly not following anymore. Follow again. Looks OK.…

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The decision to suspend the official Twitter account of the pro-life film Unplanned has backfired marvellously, with the page gathering tens of thousands of followers since the suspension was lifted. Twitter has offered no explanation as to why the account was removed during the weekend of the film’s theatrical release, but the move resulted in the account attracting over 30,000 followers. We would like to thank the people who maliciously and falsely reported UnplannedMovie to @Twitter.Notice followers before and after.Your move… #unplannedreaction pic.twitter.com/dHZ7Xxz8u5 — UnplannedMovie (@UnplannedMovie) March 30, 2019 The film’s official Twitter account also pointed out blantant censorship in the…

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Weapons were seized and a man was arrested after pro-choice activists attempted to shut down a peaceful pro-life march in Melbourne today. The ninth annual March for the Babies attracted several thousand pro-life advocates intent on ending the cruel and heartless slaughter of the unborn. According to Bill Muehlenberg: “Since the horrific abortion on demand law was passed here ten years ago, there have been over 200,000 babies killed with official state sanction. Some 20,000 poor preborn children are taken to their slaughter each year thanks to one of the most liberalised abortion laws in the world.” WATCH:

Footage of the shocking moment a young pro-life woman was kicked by an abortion advocating, male feminist has gone viral on social media. Youth coordinator with Campaign Life Coalition Marie-Claire Bissonnette was roundhouse-kicked by Toronto hairdresser Jordan Hunt because he didn’t agree with her pro-life stance. Soon after the 40-second clip went viral, Hunt was identified and the footage was forwarded to his employers at Noble Studio 101, who promptly fired him. “It has been brought to our attention that Jordan Hunt has been caught on camera assaulting an innocent bystander at a pro-life rally,” Noble Studio 101 said on…

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Earlier this month incredible grassroots action from the pro-life majority forced a feminist group to drop a legislative clause that would legalise abortion when the mother’s life was not at risk. According to LifeNews, Women Transforming the World (a project of the UN Population Fund, which has been known to support coercive abortion and involuntary sterilisation), told AFP “we’re not ready to talk about” abortion in Guatemala.” Without the abortion clause, the bill would provide social and educational support for girls who become pregnant and is slated to be adopted by Parliament. Another upcoming bill toughens abortion laws, prohibits same-sex…

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Argentina chooses life as members of the senate reject bill that would legalise abortion in the first 14-weeks of pregnancy. Lawmakers voted 38-31 against the measure, leaving abortion in Argentina only available in cases of rape, severe disabilities or if the mother’s life is in danger. Hundreds of thousands of pro-life supporters rallied in the streets to hear the decision. Footage shared on social media shows crowds erupt in celebration and fireworks after the result was revealed. And Life won over Death. #ArgentinaEsProvida pic.twitter.com/ISS0yfpDfo — Obianuju Ekeocha (@obianuju) August 9, 2018 Pro-abortionists also took to the streets in protest following…

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Queensland’s Labor state government is set to decriminalise abortion, in an effort to “bring Queensland into the 21st century,” according to Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk. Currently abortion is only legal in Queensland if the mother’s mental or physical health is in serious risk. The new laws will allow women to abort their babies up to 22 weeks, no questions asked. Doctors may refuse to perform abortions, but they must refer the patient to another practitioner. Also to be introduced is a 150-metre safe access zone around abortion clinics that could see pro-life protesters and sidewalk counsellors facing up to one year…

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Jeff Durbin from Apologia Studios explains, “Legislators have to legislate based on issues of justice, morality, and if a woman who has an abortion is ultimately a victim, as much a victim as the baby – as some people say in the Pro-Life movement – then she’s not guilty of a crime. And if it’s not a crime, it doesn’t need to be criminalized.” Watch:

Live Action has shared an amazing speech by Dr Kathi Aultman, a former abortionist turned pro-life advocate. The speech can be viewed below: I continued to do abortions without reservation, even while pregnant. But after my delivery, I made the connection between fetus and baby. The fact that the baby was unwanted was no longer enough justification for me to kill it and I could no longer do abortions… I don’t believe a woman can remain unscathed after killing her child. At some point, usually after child birth or the inability to get pregnant, the realization of what she did…

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Last week a small group of protesters rallied in front of LifeChoice’s O-Week stall at the University of Sydney. Their message was scrawled across the ground in chalk: “Abortion is good,” “Abortion saves lives,” “It’s just cells,” “Fetuses have no personhood.” The protesters took turns screaming into a megaphone, urging disinterested passersby to, “Come and get some chalk. Tell LifeChoice they suck. Go for it.” We’ve tried to get it de-registers a lot of times, similar to German cockroaches but for some f-cking reason they just keep going… I think that ultimately a stall like this has no place in…

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In 2012, a group called the Pro-Life Action League hosted a conference featuring seven former abortion workers. The speakers included former secretaries, nurses, clinic managers, and even abortionists as well as one who has performed up to 1,200 abortions. Their journey from pro-choice abortion providers to pro-life activists can be viewed below: Dr Anthony Levatino Obstetrician-Gynecologist, Abortionist Linda CouriFormer Planned Parenthood Social Worker Catherine AdairFormer Planned Parenthood Worker Ruth YorstonFormer Clinic Secretary Sue ThayerFormer Planned Parenthood Manager John BruchalskiFormer Abortionist Tony CarusoFormer IVF Practitioner

“If a doctor in his spare time can lose his job for discussing vital issues of the day on his own social media page, then none of us are safe.”

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“The image of the bloodied former president, rising with fist in the air, saying, ‘fight, fight, fight,’ rhymes with his duty to fight for life.”

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