183 search results for "pro-life "

Teen Vogue is now offering teenage girls advice on how to have an abortion behind their parents’ backs. In an article published last week, Nona Willis Aronowitz responded to a pregnant 16-year-old who wanted to get an abortion without requiring the permission of her pro-life parents. Aronowitz told the teen that she shouldn’t be ashamed of falling pregnant, despite being only 16-years old. “It’s only logical that if teens are mature enough to become parents, they are mature enough to decide whether or not they want to give birth,” Aronowitz said. “Having access to abortion should be your right, regardless…

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Pennsylvania State Representative and LGBTQ activist Brian Sims has offered $100 to anyone who will DOX the three young teenage girls he filmed quietly praying outside of a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic. “What we’ve got here is a bunch of protesters,” Sims told his followers during the live broadcast. “A bunch of pseudo-Christian protesters who’ve been out here shaming young girls for being here.” As he approached the teens, Sims turned his camera towards them and offered his 50k followers $100 if they could DOX the young girls. “I’ve got $100 to anyone who will identify any of these three.…

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The Australian Labor Party this week announced a new campaign policy: their intention to make abortion on demand legal and free across Australia. With this single policy they have made it impossible for any authentic Christian to vote for them, much less stay silent on the sidelines of this impending federal election. Labor outlined plans to build a new abortion facility in Tasmania, the only state without one. They also heralded their intention to change the state law in NSW, completely dismissing the rights of the residents of that sovereign state to make their own decisions about state laws, but…

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Doctors and medical staff in a Polish hospital left a baby to die after a botched attempt at aborting the infant. According to witnesses, the baby cried and screamed for an hour at Holy Family Hospital in Warsaw before dying. According to Life Site News, medical personnel did not try to help the child in any way. Hospital spokesperson Dorota Jaslowska-Niemyska explain that a patient at the end of the 23rd week of pregnancy came to the hospital, and her medical tests suggested that the baby had Down syndrome. The hospital claims that everything that happened thereafter was according to…

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At midnight on New Year’s Day, the Republic of Ireland’s new abortion law was enacted, following a referendum which showed massive support for legalisation. Despite a huge campaign to save the 8th Amendment – which had previously protected Ireland’s pre-born babies – and courageous opposition from pro-life politicians, years of poor catechesis coupled with injections of cash from pro-abortion globalists meant that the majority of the Irish people were ready to embrace legal child-killing. Irish doctors are outraged, since they are now obliged to refer for abortions, (and possibly to perform them!) and shockingly, will earn more for aborting babies…

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Queensland: Exclusion-zones went into force this week in Queensland, along with the state’s new act that moved abortion into the health code. Queensland is the fourth Australian state to enact the zones – this includes New South Wales, where abortion is still technically illegal; both territories also have the so-called ‘Safe-Access’ zones. Pro-lifers who wish to pray outside abortion mills and offer help to the women entering them will now have to stand 150m away from the entrance or risk huge fines and potential incarceration. Graham Preston, the prominent activist who is one party in the High Court challenge to exclusion-zones, has been…

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Queensland’s abortion decriminalisation bill passed State Parliament Wednesday night, 50 to 41. Abortion will now be removed from the criminal code and made a “health issue,” allowing women to abort their babies up to 22 weeks’ gestation. Abortions after 22 weeks will be allowed with the approval of two doctors. Safe zones will also be established around abortion clinics to prevent pro-lifers and side-walk counselors from reaching out to women seeking an abortion. Queensland Deputy Premier Jackie Trad celebrated the outcome saying, “What a day for women. What a day for Queensland. We finally did it.” Lyle Shelton from the…

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Sometimes pro-life advocates are criticised for using euphemisms employed by pro-choice activists to cloak the horrific reality of abortion. It’s rare these days to hear anyone refer to abortion as legalised murder, even though that’s exactly what it is. But it’s time we drop the euphemisms and face reality, because it’s these euphemisms, according to Ben Shapiro, that let abortion advocates get away with killing the unborn. Also see: When does life begin? Professor of cell biology, anatomy, and human embryology gives the final answer WATCH:

If you’re looking for inspiration, best steer clear of the “Inspiration” section in the latest edition of Oprah Winfrey’s “O” magazine. The July 2018 issue is promoting the ‘Shout your Abortion’ campaign. The online movement encourages women to boast about their abortion experiences without “sadness, shame or regret” for the purpose of “destigmatization, normalization, and putting an end to shame.” In the article titled, “How One Woman Became an Activist With the Hashtag #ShoutYourAbortions,” Amelia Bonow describes how she broke down in tears in 2015 after hearing news that U.S. House of Representatives had voted to defund Planned Parenthood. According…

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AT LEAST 27 babies were born alive and ‘left to die’ without medical treatment after failed abortion procedures in Western Australia. Some of the babies were potentially as old as 34-weeks, parliamentary questioning revealed. More than 7,000 people called for an inquiry to investigate the ‘systemic failures’ that allowed at least 26 [at the time of the petition] Western Australians to be left to die, WA Today reported. The petition was tabled by pro-life parliamentarian Nick Goiran who wants the deaths to be thoroughly investigated, especially after it was revealed there was “no record of medical intervention or resuscitation.” Mr Goiran…

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A Brisbane based pro-life group says eight babies have been saved since the launch of their ministry several months ago. The group, known as Project 139, took to their Facebook page yesterday revealing parents made the decision to follow through with their pregnancy as a result of a conversation with a counselor outside an abortion clinic. “We are there to give them another choice, to show them how abortion is not their only option,” the group said. The ministry also extends support once a family make the decision not to abort their baby. “We have been able to give to…

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Don’t you find it ironic that the same people who pride themselves in being “pro-choice” are now essentially advocating no-choice by pushing for pro-life exclusion zones around abortion clinics? Just take a look at the abuse sidewalk counsellors from We Support Women have copped on Twitter simply for ensuring women fully understand their choice. All in the name of love, of course. Watch:

In Psalm 139 verses 13 and 14, David wrote, “You formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.” This passage has been the tagline for many organisations and groups in the pro-life movement, and for good reason. Life comes from life, and all life ultimately comes from the author of life itself. The video below offers a truly amazing glimpse at what that actually looks like, from fertilisation to birth. Watch:

Abortion activists are at it again, attempting to introduce bubble-zones around New South Wales abortion facilities. As stated many times on this website, these so-called ‘safe-access zones’, also known as exclusion zones, are designed to stop advocates for life from offering assistance to desperate women who feel pressured to abort their children. They also hamper the freedom of political communication which should exist in a free society like Australia. They also hamper the freedom of political communication which should exist in a free society like Australia. Exclusion-zone law, very similar to that being proposed in New South Wales will be…

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From fertilisation to death all life is precious. At Project 139, we seek to rescue babies, minister to mothers and tell people the good news about the Lord Jesus. Today, we see families being destroyed from the earliest stages of life. We are determined to be a pro-life ministry that proclaims Christ. We don’t want to be a moral voice, but a Christian voice. We hope that Project 139 stirs you to action. Please stand with us as we seek to lovingly reach out to those who are considering abortion. Also see: The stages of fetal development

Abolish Human Abortion has shared disturbing footage of a pro-life advocate being assaulted in the street by a deranged woman. The footage shows a man, holding a pro-life sign, in discussion with three members of the public. At about the 39 second mark, a woman can be seen knocking the man to the ground as she rips the sign from his hands. Things only escalate from there. You can watch the video below. Language warning.

Initially, I thought it may have been a prank. Perhaps a pro-life group created this love-heart frame to see how many mindless pro-aborts would take a photo while holding it. But no, it was no prank – they are really just that ignorant. The sign reads, “Pro-Choice: Everyone deserves the right to choose.” The right to choose what? The right to choose to end the life of your unborn child. And what of that child’s right to choose life? Apparently “everybody” doesn’t have the right to choose after all. So, are the pro-aborts at University of Sydney Women’s Collective just…

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According to LifeSiteNews, “Church groups must support abortion as part of their ‘core mandate’ in order to receive summer student job grants…” “Justine Trudeau’s Liberal government changed the application process for Canada Summer Jobs after vowing last year to stop pro-life groups from receiving grants through the federal program. “Employment Minister Patty Hajdu added the requirement that employers sign an attestation that their ‘core mandate’ supports reproductive and transgender ‘rights.’” The new clause in the grant application demands applicants check a box that says: My organisation’s core mandate respect individual human rights in Canada… these include reproductive rights and the…

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Tens of thousands of people gathered in Washington D.C. yesterday for the 45th March for Life,  the largest annual pro-life event. For the first time in history, a sitting president addressed the gathering. “Americans are more and more pro-life,” said President Trump. You see that all the time. In fact, only 12% of Americans support abortion on demand at any time. Under my administration, we will always defend the very first right in the Declaration of Independence, and that is the ‘right to life.’ President Trump’s full speech can be viewed below. The full transcript can be read at LifeSiteNews.
