183 search results for "pro-life "

From the day Donald Trump announced his candidacy in 2015, I was sceptical. He was a mogul from liberal New York, unfaithful in marriage, divorced twice, and verbally ruthless towards his opponents. None of that has changed. And while there is still lots to dislike about Trump’s persona, his performance has surprised me. I’ve lived in America for the last six months. I’ve heard lots of perspectives on Trump, and I’ve kept a close eye on the media. I’ve explored Washington DC, visited the Capitol Building, and I even got to see Trump speak at a live event. For a…

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One of the best and brightest conservative commentators, Rita Panahi, said something unusually absurd on Twitter – and that’s saying something. Worse, leftist abortion-without-limits apologist Leah Torres called her on it, and she has a point. Here’s the conversation’s context. Past Pellowe Talk guest, Dr Ash Saleh challenged Dr Torres which scenario necessitated an abortion at 8 months gestation. Dr Torres claimed, “The medical scenario of ‘I’m 8 months pregnant and my life is in danger if I continue this pregnancy.’” She also complained that the doctor described ending a living human’s life as “killing” – evidence it’s hard to win the Dumb Tweet of…

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Dr Michael Brown is the special guest speaker at the Church And State Summit 2020 in Brisbane and host of a daily, live radio show syndicated across the United States during which he takes calls, interviews guests and tackles the big controversies facing Western culture. He’s seen and heard it all and has a gift for graciously yet unflinchingly offering truth with love. You could say it’s hard to shock him, and harder still to make him cry. But he was moved to tears when he interviewed the Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel, Mat Staver,  about his organisation’s legal defence of Sandra…

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The Trudeau era and its burgeoning “progressive” totalitarianism got an extension this week as Canadians voted. Consequently, Canadian Liberals were reinstated, winning 157 seats, against the Conservatives who secured 121. Conservatives scored a narrow loss, winning the popular vote at 34.4%, but not securing enough seats to win a majority. [i] In an opinion piece for Crisis Magazine, Canadian Professor Emeritus at St. Jerome’s University, Donald, DeMarco, presented a grim analysis of Canada’s Trudeaun landscape. DeMarco expressed concern about apathy, and a general lack of awareness at the slow erosion of hard-won, tried and true, classical liberal freedoms, stating that…

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The Deputy Premier of Queensland is hosting an abortion party to celebrate the state’s one year anniversary of the decriminalisation of abortion. Labor MP Jackie Trad invited her Facebook followers to “come party” and “celebrate” 12 months since it was made legal for mothers to kill their unborn babies up to 22 weeks and beyond that point with the approval of two abortion doctors. The Abortion Law Reform last year also established safe zones around abortion clinics, preventing pro-lifers and side-walk counsellors from reaching out to women seeking to abort their babies. Trad created an official Facebook event for the…

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Thousands of pro-life Australians turned out in Melbourne this month to protest Victoria’s extreme abortion laws and show support for mothers and their babies. This year’s ‘March For The Babies’ marks the 10th anniversary of the protest, which has been held annually since the decriminalization of abortion in Victoria. Avi Yemini of TR News, who has said he does not hold a strong opinion on the issue of abortion, also attended the event. During the march, Yemini interviewed folks on both sides of the debate, and the contrast between the two groups couldn’t be starker. Following the protest, Yemini described…

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March for The Babies is marking the 10th anniversary of their continuing stand against the Victorian Abortion Law Reform Act 2008. Victoria’s abortion law passed 11 years ago. It defines abortion as ‘intentionally causing the termination of a woman’s pregnancy by – using an instrument; drug, combination of drugs or any other means.’ The law allows for this violent interruption of a pregnancy up to 24 weeks without question. It also allows for abortions past 24 weeks, if a Doctor ‘reasonably believes that the abortion is appropriate and has consulted at least one other medical practitioner who agrees’ with the…

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Jane Caro is one of those feminists who seem to have been dared to say something increasingly stupid or evil every day, and still isn’t finding that hard. I’m personally grateful for the many authentic revelations she offers into the toxic cult which is feminism. Today is a day ending in /y/, and yet again we can observe the perverse post-truth abomination which feminism has become over the last few generations. Untold trillions of potential humans have never been born. They neither noticed nor cared, nor did we. — Jane Caro (@JaneCaro) September 16, 2019 Feminists might not care, but…

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In a sign of just how far Western Civilisation has declined, the most dangerous place for a child to be is in her mother’s womb. Similarly, if the rest of Australia follows the leftist fad being currently pursued in states such as Victoria, then euthanasia laws will slowly erode our sense that life is sacred, as well as the belief that doctors should protect our lives. In the midst of this moral crisis, one group, in particular, seems to be somewhat selective in their moral outrage. Mainstream Christians—most of whom identify as Protestant—are often reluctant to speak out publicly in…

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In a speech on Tuesday night, One Nation MP, Mark Latham, joined a growing chorus of opposition voicing their concerns over the poor process applied to the recent NSW abortion bill. Latham joins Liberal MP Natasha Maclaren-Jones, the National Party’s, Barnaby Joyce and Dr David Gillespie, in criticising the rushed bill, deceptively called ‘The Reproductive Health Care Reform Bill’. The abortion bill passed the lower house (legislative assembly) by 59 to 31 on August 9. The MP responsible for introducing the bill was “Independent” member for Sydney, Alex Greenwich, whose candidacy (for context) was backed by Leftist golden girl, and…

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Thousands of Australians gathered at Martin Place in Sydney on Tuesday evening to take a stand for the unborn and ‘be a voice for the voiceless’. The ‘Stand for Life‘ rally was organised in response to the Reproductive Healthcare Reform Bill 2019, which last week passed the lower house 59 to 31. The bill will essentially throw open the doors to late-term abortion, on-demand, by any method, no matter how abhorrent, up to 22 weeks. Beyond that point, right up until birth, all that is required for an abortion is the consent of two abortion doctors. It’s estimated that at…

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I like Twitter because there’s a much higher concentration of people with opposite views to me, compared to the opportunity for engagement beyond like-minded people on my Facebook page. I subscribe to the philosophy that my ideas are only as strong as the strongest criticism I expose them to. Sincerely wanting to pursue Truth and share what I have – as opposed to simply scoring ego points – I enjoy the arguments while they remain civil. It comes as no surprise to anyone that there’s also plenty of opportunity for wasting time engaging people completely devoid of sincerity with absolutely…

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A top US abortionist has left a BBC reporter lost for words after admitting he has no problem killing “babies.” Life Site News shared a short portion of the interview between reporter Hilary Andersson and abortionist LeRoy Carhart, which was filmed at a Maryland abortion clinic in July for a thirty-minute segment titled America’s Abortion War. During the interview, Ms Andersson asked Carhart how late in the pregnancy he would perform an abortion. Carhart refused to respond on camera, but then left Ms Andersson visibly stunned by saying: “To the fetus, it makes no difference if it’s born or not…

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It’s my fault killing babies is legal in Australia. I am responsible for the fact abortion on demand has been legally available for so long in Australia, and I’m sorry. The first Australian liberal abortion legislation was passed in the South Australian Parliament in 1969. Attorney General Robin Millhouse was the architect of the radical abortion laws. Forty-five years later he admitted great regret for laws which were [predictably destined to be] interpreted too widely resulting in abortion on demand. That legislation received the assent of the Governor and came into effect on January 8, 1970. However, the first legalisation…

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It all starts to make sense now why the New South Wales government censored the bus ad’s stating the scientific fact that a heart beats at 4 weeks. They’ve been secretly maneuvering to rapidly introduce laws imitating those in Victoria and Queensland to liberalise abortion. The remarkable difference is there will be no referral to a Law Reform Commission, no community consultation, and no opportunity for critique. The laws are to be rushed through on Thursday with the full cooperation of the NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian. Far-left MP Alex Greenwich who was a leader in the campaign to undefine marriage…

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A scientifically accurate, pro-life billboard in New South Wales will be immediately removed after members of the community voiced outrage. The billboard was created by pro-life group Emily’s Voice, and depicts a pregnant woman along with the words: “A heart beats at four weeks.” Despite the fact that the claim is entirely accurate, Transport Minister Andrew Constance called the adverts “appalling,” after pulling the same graphic from buses last month. According to Nine News, a spokesperson for the billboard company said the ad was reviewed and not found to breach any of its advertising codes, however, following the backlash the…

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Two Catholic priests and two other individuals were arrested inside a New Jersey abortion clinic on Saturday after the pro-life group entered the facility to offer help to women seeking an abortion. Life News reports: “Police arrested four pro-life advocates during the Red Rose Rescue: Father Fidelis Moscinski, Father Dave Nix, William Goodman and another unnamed individual, according to the pro-life group organizing the effort. The demonstration took place Saturday morning at the Garden State Gynecology, an abortion facility in Morristown, New Jersey.” ‘Red Rose Rescue’ is a non-violent, pro-life organisation that peacefully enters abortion clinics to offer information and…

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In a recent interview with Andrew Denton, Madonna has said that she wants to challenge the Pope regarding the Catholic Church’s opposition to abortion. Not only that, but she double-down and said that Jesus would support a woman’s right to choose. Is it just me, or is Madonna looking and sounding like the product of a computer-generated deep fake? But there’s a fundamental problem with her approach here, and it’s that it betrays the underlying feminist rhetoric of #NoUterusNoOpinion. Because both the Pope and Jesus are men. So, doesn’t that mean that their opinions should be automatically excluded? For example,…

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An Emily’s Voice promotional which featured the words, “a heart beats at four weeks”, on four Newcastle buses has been removed. The action was taken after an outraged Newcastle resident accused the pro-life promotional material of being “dangerous propaganda; a guilt driven directive on what [a woman should] do with their body.” The complaint was posted on Facebook to the NSW Transport Minister’s page and “action was immediately taken” to tear the material down. Emily’s Voice is an organization that seeks to encourage people to consider alternatives to abortion. Their mission is to “help Australians fall in love with the…

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Pro-lifers grow accustomed to all sorts of insults, the most unimaginative being ‘Fascist’ or ‘Nazi.’ But this pro-abortion writer takes the prize for being the biggest tyrant of all when he applauds abortion for wiping out the ‘undesirables’. His fairly bizarre article appeared in Quadrant this week, singing the praises of abortion, but also – surprisingly – of eugenics. The author, William D Rubenstein, apparently lives in Australia but used American statistics to prove his point that killing babies is good for society. Especially when those babies belong to underprivileged mothers. Rubenstein’s article makes three points: that abortion has long-term demographic consequences…

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