183 search results for "pro-life "

This is about the third rewrite of this article, and it will likely need to be rewritten or revised several more times.

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Donald Trump’s personal beliefs have been much scrutinised throughout his presidency.

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Many people are saying that they can’t vote for Donald Trump because of his character, implying that Joe Biden is completely upstanding.

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In the history of Australia, no sitting leader has gone to an election promising to legalise euthanasia as part of their party platform.

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Democrats have gone so far to appeal to the person of Jesus as the standard for their policies, whether it be on immigration, socialism, climate change, abortion, or critical race theory.

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I’ve noticed something, and I’m sure you have too. We’re facing a time of major cultural upheaval across the Western world.

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“Why do these ‘mistakes’ keep happening to us?”

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A conservative professor who was forced to resign from the University of North Carolina due to his “controversial views” was found dead at his home in New Hanover County on Thursday afternoon.

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Former punter for the Kansas City Chiefs and Super Bowl Champion, Dustin Colquitt has urged the public to raise their voices for the voiceless and speak out in opposition to abortion. “I fear what’s currently happening in our state,” Colquitt said in a video for pro-life organisation Live Action. “Previously we’d made lots of progress to protect our women and our children, specifically our children in the womb. And as a father of five children myself, I think it’s insane that killing babies through abortion is legal at all.” Despite the pro-life movement making significant progress to reduce the number…

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Rapper Kanye West has said Planned Parenthood clinics have been placed inside cities by “white supremacists” to carry out the “devil’s work.” West made the comments to Forbes last week during his first interview since announcing his plans to run for President. “Planned Parenthoods have been placed inside cities by white supremacists to do the Devil’s work,” he said. West went on to say: “I am pro-life because I’m following the word of the Bible.” Planned Parenthood, an organisation that performs a third of all abortions in the United States, responded to West’s remarks in a statement to TMZ on…

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An African-American woman has been filmed preaching to protesters within CHAZ, the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, telling them that only Jesus can save them, not Black Lives Matter or the Democratic Party. Bevelyn Beatty, a pro-life advocate, entered the area to expose fake news reports about the movement currently occupying approximately 6-9 blocks in Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighbourhood. Video of the event, which was live-streamed to Beatty’s YouTube channel, shows the woman calling out the Democrats as harmful to the black community, suggesting a vote for Joe Biden would have a devastating impact on African-Americans. “Fake news? You see, this…

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The headline from Australian Doctor (2/4/20) reads, “GP suspended for ‘endorsing genocide’ on social media”. Free speech is one thing; incitement to violence is another. If Melbourne GP Jereth Kok has used social media to endorse genocide, then the decision by the Medical Board of Australia to suspend his registration is justified. If he has done no such thing, then the Board has acted disgracefully, wrongfully defaming Dr Kok and destroying his medical career. We can judge for ourselves which is the guilty party. Below is the one and only post in which Dr Kok refers to genocide, of the thirty or…

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Ahmed Shaheed, lecturer and volunteer adviser to the U.N., is advocating that religions conform to an eventual universal, “progressive” law. In his latest report for the U.N, the religious freedom advocate provides an argument for a blueprint, which will outlaw any theological critique or practice, unless it has first been approved, or established by LGBTQAAI+ activists, radical feminists and academics who advocate from a Leftist worldview. Steve Warren from CBN news rightly noted that recent ‘Report of the Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief’ (available as a Word Document here), makes no distinction between who and what religion…

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The Canadian government introduced a bill on Monday that would criminalise any efforts to change a child’s sexual orientation or gender identity. The bill will add five new crimes to the Criminal Code, making it the most “progressive and comprehensive law in the world,” according to Justice Minister David Lametti. Lametti, who tabled the bill, said the legislation will make it a criminal offence to: (1) cause a minor to undergo conversion therapy; (2) remove a minor from Canada to undergo conversion therapy abroad; (3) cause a person to undergo conversion therapy against their will; (4) profit from providing conversion…

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A pro-abortion MP in the UK has reportedly pressured the police and local council to prevent pro-life groups from publicly criticising her extreme abortion proposals for Walthamstow. In October 2019, Christian Hacking, a pro-life campaigner from the Centre for Bioethical Reform UK (CBR UK), was issued a Community Protection Notice (CPN) by Waltham Forest Council after peacefully displaying lawfully validated pictures of abortion in MP, Stella Creasy’s constituency. According to Christian Concern, the council claimed that the images were responsible for “unreasonable behaviour that was persistent in nature” and had “a detrimental effect on the quality of life of others.”…

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The Australian Associated Press reported yesterday that Western Australia’s Labor government is proposing no-go, exclusion zones, around abortion “clinics.” This would be on top of existing conditions and limitations which require public gatherings of groups to acquire a physical permit from Police, who vet the application and approve it under the ‘Public Order in Streets Act 1984.’ Permits and protections under this act include up to $2000 fines for any deliberate breach of conditions which apply to the permit. Such as: ‘a) serious public disorder, or damage to public or private property; b) creating  a public nuisance c) obstructing traffic…

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Thousands of pro-life advocates turned out in Adelaide on Saturday to march against the state’s latest proposed abortion bill that would fully decriminalise abortion in South Australia. More than 3,000 people participated in the “Walk for Life” event which was hosted by the pro-life group Love Adelaide. Participants rallied outside Parliament House to offer a voice for the voiceless and stand against the Attorney-General’s plan to legalise abortion up to birth. The Abortion Law Reform Bill was initiated in December 2018 by Green’s MLC Tammy Franks who proposed completely deregulating abortion in South Australia by moving it from the Criminal…

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A pro-life group has accused the Fox Sports Network of stonewalling their organisation and refusing to approve their advert for Super Bowl Sunday. Lyric Gillett, founder of Faces of Choice, said Fox was stringing her along for six-months after she began negotiations to air an ad during this year’s Super Bowl event. Life Site News reports, the application was originally made in July, but over the following months, members of the Fox legal department made a series of further inquiries without ever approving the application. This occurred, despite Faces of Choice answering every question the legal team asked and providing…

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For the first time in its 47-year history, a U.S. President has spoken at the annual March For Life rally. President Donald Trump delivered a 15-minute message at the Washington D.C. event on Friday, saying unborn children have “never had a stronger defender in the White House.” “All of us here understand an eternal truth: Every child is a precious and sacred gift from God,” the President said. “Together, we must protect, cherish, and defend the dignity and the sanctity of every human life. “When we see the image of a baby in the womb, we glimpse the majesty of…

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A New York art gallery featured a pro-abortion exhibition this week, displaying artworks from a range of feminist-activists hoping to “dismantle the stigma” attracted to the brutal practice of baby killing. The Abortion is Normal exhibition was described as “an emergency art show”, designed to provoke a “resurgence of energy and enthusiasm” about the topic of abortion. Jasmine Wahi, Co-curator of the event told Bloomberg, the show is important because it continues the fight to ensure women are permitted to freely end the lives of their unborn children. “The reason this show is important, aside from, I guess, the obvious,…

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