183 search results for "pro-life "

“The hypocrite in chief, who has weaponised law enforcement against political opponents, said, he stands for ‘rejecting political extremism and rejecting political violence.'”

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“The Special Agent, turned FBI whistle-blower, inferred that he was punished for opposing the ‘FBI’s deviation from normal case-management protocols.’”

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“All of these measures combined show that Florida is truly committed to building a culture of life by adopting family first policies and protecting life at all stages.”

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“But both on a state level and a federal level, we have seen a string of Christians and conservatives booted out or hounded out of the Liberal Party. Those who are courageously pro-life, pro-family, and pro-faith are now nearly anathema there.”

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“The protest, as reported by Caldron Pool at the time, was a scene of absurdist hilarity as privileged uni student socialists with arms the size of string beans squealed noisily into megaphones while our former Prime Minister awkwardly tried to talk his way out of the situation.”

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“Imagine adhering to what most people for millennia have believed, that ‘do no harm’ is the first principle of medicine, as even the pagan Hippocratic Oath put it 2500 years ago. But of course, one quite rarely gets taught that in medical school today.”

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“Proposals to mandate abortion, in order to ‘save abortion,’ are nothing more than political posturing, funded by fake news, and the violent deaths of unborn children.”

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“The proposed changes have the potential to use a man’s or a woman’s politics, faith, social media use, church affiliation, and ideological leaning to deny them employment.”

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“They were trying to scare pro-lifers from coming out on the sidewalks, and being active.”

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“Marxists and Sex ed teachers marching arm in arm for abortion. Not creepy at all.”

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“In 2021, the FBI reported 240 anti-Christian ‘hate crimes.’ This was up from 213 anti-Christian incidents in 2020.”

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“Further evidence suggesting the bipartisan Christian petition for a Christmas truce in Ukraine is doomed, comes from Zelensky himself, who, in his speech to the United States congress gave lip-service to peace, while ramping up rhetoric against an already belligerent Iran.”

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“The Australian media doesn’t really have a problem with promoting extremists, as long as they’re left-wing extremists of course.”

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“Just because someone is not a Christian does not mean we can never work together with them on certain important projects or tasks. Complete separation from everyone who is not fully on our same theological page is not all that helpful or wise.”

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“At this rate, Dan Andrews might reach retirement age before being voted out.”

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“Whether they’re harassing Prime Ministers, professors or ordinary people the aim is the same. To bully anyone who disagrees with their absurdly extreme worldview into silence.”

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“The fact that The Greens can sit in that corner over there, mock, and laugh [at] the vaccine injured – these people are not anti-vaxxers, they believed what the government told them. You want to talk about trust and transparency, go to the vaccine injured and talk to them.”

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Evelyn Rae sits down with actor Kevin Sorbo and Pro-Life advocate Laura Klassen to discuss their viral short film ‘The Procedure.’

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“The ordinance prevents abortion providers from being granted business licenses or operating in the city in any capacity.”

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