New ACL Boss Slam-Dunks CPAC Speech
“Who would have thought, that Australia could become a society that persecutes Christians, or other faiths, for simply adhering to their fundamental beliefs on gender, and life.”
The ABC Ditches Musk’s Free X-Change of Ideas for Meta’s Marxist Utopia
“Musk fired back, ‘Well of course they prefer censorship-friendly social media. The Australian public does not.'”
Woke College Allegedly Fires Black Woman for Refusing to Hate White People
“Lee was being punished for being ‘the wrong kind of black person’: one dedicated to classical liberal understandings of equality, individualism, reason, and free speech.”
Country Music vs. Cultural Marxism
“They’re coming for Country Music because it’s in the way of them coming for you!”
Trump Responds to Third “Department of Injustice” Indictment
“Nothing like this has ever happened in America before. They illegally spied on my campaign, attacked me with a totally fake ‘dossier’ funded by the Clinton campaign, and the DNC. Impeached me twice [and lost], and failed on the Mueller Witch Hunt – there was no Russian collusion.”
Finnish DOJ’s Persecution of Acquitted Bible Quoting Legislator Is a Massive Waste of Taxpayer Funds
“Christians in the West need to wake up. You’ve got to understand what’s going on, and what’s happening. This is an absolute strategy designed to take away rights, and the outlawing of Christians would be the end product.”
Canavan Bill Demands Answers Over Labor/Green Confiscation of Christian Hospital
“The Queensland Coalition senator has tabled a bill asking how, and why, Calvary Hospital was forced to surrender its Christian ethos, and ownership to the Labor/Green cabal by the end of June.”
Facebook Now “Fact-Checking” Your Interpretation of the Bible
“The policing of thought, appearances, and speech, is proof that the concept of governing bodies making themselves the ‘single source of truth’ isn’t a future possibility, it’s already a reality.”
Christian Ministry Allegedly De-banked by Left-Wing Lobbyists Handed £20,000 Pay-Out
“The hate campaign to cripple CIT is one more sad example in a growing list of examples where lives and livelihoods are being used to force compliance with far-left-wing ideology.”
Farage Being De-Banked Will Backfire
“If they de-bank me, they can do it to you too.”
NSW Politicians Snub Parental Rights in Education Forum
“Their lack of response is cause for concern. Particularly considering the importance of the event and the issues discussed.”
Meet the Australian Women Standing Up For Free Speech and Female-Only Spaces
“Our society is legislating away the reality of biological sex, redefining women to include biological men; encoding legal fictions into law, and punishing those who refuse to comply.”
Parental Rights Declared “Hateful Extremism” by SPLC
“It’s NOT ‘extremist’ to make sure parents have a say in their children’s education. It IS extremist to call a group of patriotic moms a ‘hate group.'”
Northern Ireland Schools Forced to Adopt Pro-Abortion Curriculum
“…this could potentially mean a Drag Queen is allowed to teach biology in a secondary school, whereas a pro-life biologist is not.”
BLM Is Borderline Bankrupt
“On the back of George Floyd, Black Lives Matter logged a massive USD $76.9 million in contributions and grants.”
Petition Protesting the ACT’s Hostile Takeover of Calvary Hospital Reaches Over 33,000 Signatures
“Despite the far-left Labor Prime Minister’s denials and assurances, many are calling the acquisition a dangerous first step towards the takeover of the Church by the State.”
Resistance Rappers Crash ‘Boycott Target’ Into the Hip/Hop Top Ten
“The PRIDE line features PRIDE flag onesies for infants, and bathing suits to encourage boys to be girls through ‘tucking,’ and girls to be boys by providing ‘extra crotch coverage.'”
What Is Agent C? NSW Government Funding Anti-Far-Right Workshop
“At least when the Church was at the helm of our moral compass, its message was impartial. The way to live your life was decreed by God, not a political ideology.”
California Is Bleeding Actors: “I Don’t Feel Much Further Need for Hollywood”
Actors talk ditching socialist California, while Dreyfuss dumps on Hollywoke.
Trump Exonerated
“Our findings and conclusions…are sobering… Neither U.S. law enforcement nor the Intelligence Community appears to have possessed any actual evidence of [Russian] collusion in their holdings…”