21 search results for "mar-a-lago"

“The documents also imply Biden and his DOJ were ready to fight a Civil War.”

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“The investigation seems to prove what many have suspected: the Mar-A-Lago stunt is part of a wider attempt by Woke Democrats to purge a key political opponent.”

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Not only did the FBI have past knowledge about the documents in question (they’ve known since 2019 and did nothing), Trump’s passports were illegally taken, and he had been cooperating with authorities for months prior to the shock home invasion.

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“Yemini’s objective is to connect with at least 1,000 Americans, in an attempt to engage with grassroots America.”

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“So we now have had two assassination attempts on former President Donald J. Trump in two months.”

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“I’m voting for Trump and if they convict him, I will send him the max donations and I will lead protests.”

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“By all appearances, this new indictment is about crushing political opponents, not balancing the scales of justice.”

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“…they want to wear down voters by infecting them with ‘Trump fatigue.'”

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“The hypocrite in chief, who has weaponised law enforcement against political opponents, said, he stands for ‘rejecting political extremism and rejecting political violence.'”

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“They’ve been doing this for decades, Trump said, ‘including spying on my campaign, but weaponizing our justice system to punish a political opponent,’ is unprecedented.”

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“Arresting the leader of the opposition party is the signature move of socialist and Third World despotic regimes. Moreover, it’s always done in the name of ‘fighting corruption’ and ‘rule of law.'”

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“If we recognise the truth that in a fallen world all leaders and public figures will be a mixed bag (just like all of us), that will spare us a lot of hurt and disappointment when a good guy does something bad.”

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They want to stifle dissent, suppress speech, and criminalize opposition.

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“The continued weaponization of the FBI and persecution of Biden’s DOJ against ordinary Americans is an outrage…”

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The CNN regular declared, “Terrorists are terrorists – be they Bin Laden’s Al Qaeda or Trump’s MAGA. Time to hold Trump accountable!!”

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“For those who don’t know about the potential Biden/Harris 2020 election killing discovery, a new film presented by Breitbart hopes to fill in any gaping holes left open by the political Left’s gagging of the subject.”

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“If Monday’s raid on Mar-A-Lago was an attempt to save the hegemonic Left from a devastating defeat in this year’s mid-term elections, what it did instead, was make Donald Trump a martyr.”

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“Nothing like this has ever happened to a President of the United States before.”

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The BBC reported that Twitter had been ‘urged to act after several users pointed out what they saw as the inconsistency of banning Mr Trump but not the Iranian leader.’

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It has been observed for quite some time that Facebook, Twitter, Google and YouTube are censoring conservative content.

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