Trump Exonerated
“Our findings and conclusions…are sobering… Neither U.S. law enforcement nor the Intelligence Community appears to have possessed any actual evidence of [Russian] collusion in their holdings…”
Investigation Suggests Biden ‘Co-ordinated’ FBI Raid on Trump at Mar-A-Lago
“The investigation seems to prove what many have suspected: the Mar-A-Lago stunt is part of a wider attempt by Woke Democrats to purge a key political opponent.”
Mark Houck Acquitted
“They were trying to scare pro-lifers from coming out on the sidewalks, and being active.”
Biden DOJ Deploying Conspiracy Charges Against 11 Pro-life Advocates Is Purely Political
“The 11 pro-life advocates were federally charged after being singled out by Joe Biden’s newly formed, Reproductive Rights Task Force in October 2022.”
DeSantis Warns Apple: Nuking Twitter App to Mute Musk Is a Mistake
Following Google in 2017, Apple cancelled free speech, Christian social media app, Gab, under the false premise of “hate speech” and “far-right extremism.”
Former NYC Top-Cop: “The Only Way Democrats Are Going to Win This Time Is Cheat”
“We need to make sure we have people in the polls. We need to make sure we can get to the courts – and get to the courts on time,” he said.
The Left’s Domestic Terrorism Double Standard
ANTIFA gets a free ride, just don’t fly the American flag, or you might end up being raided by the FBI.
Critics of Biden’s IRS Inflation Act Warn Middle-America Is the Target
“With many on the Left conditioned to think that anyone not a Democrat, is a domestic terrorist, there is just cause for concern about what the Left might do with an agency as powerful as the Internal Revenue Service.”
Biden’s Militarised IRS Inflation Act Could See Tax Collectors Target Political Opponents
“A now-deleted job description posted by the IRS plainly stated that Biden’s brigade of new tax collectors must be ‘willing to use deadly force, if necessary.’”
The Greens Call for Australia to Be Cancelled
“If the Greens senator doesn’t consider herself an Australian, she should be happy to give up her parliamentary pay cheque, along with the tax-payer-funded political perks attached to her privileged position.”
Biden Administration Announces “Ministry of Truth 2.0”
“It’s apparent that the Biden administration isn’t serious about solving real societal problems. They seem happy enough instead to coddle distractions because treating the symptoms keeps the masses dependent on the Daddy Government drug.”
Biden Attacks DeSantis in Speech Telling Parents “Your Kids Belong to Us!”
“They’re not someone else’s children. They’re our children. They’re all our children […] They’re not somebody else’s children; they’re like yours when they’re in the classroom.”
The Pending Russian Invasion of Ukraine Reflects the Biden Administration’s Incompetence
“Joe Biden’s apparent optimism is a smokescreen for the arrogant under-estimating of the Russian president, and an over-estimation of the abilities of his own administration.”
Iranian Authorities Threaten Trump With Assassination ‘Simulation’ on American Soil
The BBC reported that Twitter had been ‘urged to act after several users pointed out what they saw as the inconsistency of banning Mr Trump but not the Iranian leader.’
Should Churches and Christian Businesses Segregate?
“All around us we see the rise of ugly Big Brother Statism, and the stealing away of our liberties and human rights. We expect the secular left tyrants to engage in this sort of behaviour. We do NOT expect Christian churches and businesses to happily go along with all this.”
The War on Terror Is Coming Home and Ordinary Americans Are Being Pushed Into Its Line of Fire
Biden’s administration is adding the Intersectional handbook for Critical Race Theory to how it fights the “war on terror.”
Whistleblower Tells Tucker Carlson the NSA Is Spying on Him
Carlson pointed out that while the NSA has publicly denied having any surveillance on him, they’ve refused to deny, or rule out whether “the Biden administration had read his personal emails.”
There Were Empires That Were Based On Slavery, But They Were Not European Colonial Powers
“To say that the West only got as powerful as it did because of slavery, is also wrong, because other empires were engaged in slavery, many to a much higher level and yet the West outstripped them.”
Mass Anti-Israel Protests Celebrated While Pastors Are Arrested for Holding Church Services
People can’t do Church. They can join a mass protest to hate on Israel because it’s part of the approved narrative – COVID rules need not apply.
Aboriginal Rape Culture Ignored by the “Everything Is Racist” Political Class
Platitudes of justice for (alleged and factual) “historical wrongs” cost less, than loving those in the here, and now, by helping them help themselves through the messy task of healing wounds, tending scars, changing culture, untangling battered communities, and defending the defenceless.