87 search results for "woke white house"

“What’s HuffPost’s problem with Christians counselling Christians according to our mutual faith?”

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“A senior CIA officer claims lab leak analysts were allegedly bribed to back the COVID-19 wet market narrative.”

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“These sentencings are more than well-intentioned, firm examples designed to warn off anyone who might attend a lively protest, or voice reasoned concerns about election interference.”

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Five pro-life advocates face 11 years in prison and USD $350,000 each in fines for a non-violent protest in 2020.

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“Nothing like this has ever happened in America before. They illegally spied on my campaign, attacked me with a totally fake ‘dossier’ funded by the Clinton campaign, and the DNC. Impeached me twice [and lost], and failed on the Mueller Witch Hunt – there was no Russian collusion.”

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“The First Amendment protects an individual’s right to speak his mind regardless of whether the government considers his speech sensible and well-intentioned or deeply ‘misguided,’ and likely to cause ‘anguish’ or ‘incalculable grief.'”

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“It’s NOT ‘extremist’ to make sure parents have a say in their children’s education. It IS extremist to call a group of patriotic moms a ‘hate group.'”

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“…they want to wear down voters by infecting them with ‘Trump fatigue.'”

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“Facts instead of fear, education instead of indoctrination, law and order over rioting and disorder.”

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“China is going to destroy us,” said former Seal Team Six member, Robert O’Neill.

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“Drawing the U.S. into the conflict draws us closer to a hot war between the world’s two largest nuclear powers.”

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Novak Djokovic’s ban on entering the United States has been met with the derision the Biden decision deserves.

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“By the very fact two versions of TikTok exist – one for Chinese audiences, another for the West – it’s clear the Chinese Communist Party know TikTok is toxic.”

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“I’d NEVER play a concert venue that forced fans to show their ‘papers’ for entry…”

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“Let’s get real here [these mandates] are not something that is based on evidence or based on science it’s based on exercising power over other people.”

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“Biden’s comments come a month after his administration dismissed reports Musk was under a national security review.”

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An estimated 1,200 active service members of the United States Coast Guard have filed a class action against the US government, arguing that “vaccine” mandates violated their religious freedom.

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“The continued weaponization of the FBI and persecution of Biden’s DOJ against ordinary Americans is an outrage…”

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“If the Bureaucratic caste can milk the manufactured side of the COVID crisis for all its worth, what’s stopping them from squeezing as much political profit from a ‘Climate Crisis’ smelted in the same fires and forged on the same conveyor belt of forced consensus, doom and gloom?”

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The CNN regular declared, “Terrorists are terrorists – be they Bin Laden’s Al Qaeda or Trump’s MAGA. Time to hold Trump accountable!!”

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