They Censor Because They’re Scared Of Truth
This overthrow of elected representatives raises some important questions about where we go from here.
Big Tech’s Iron Curtain Guillotine Comes for Rebel News and Project Veritas
There’s no room for self-reflection in a room full of self-righteous romantic revolutionaries.
The Ventriloquists Behind the Biden Administration
Harris — along with Democratic socialists such as Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and Rashida Tlaib — are essentially acting as ventriloquists for a President who is barely able to string a sentence together without stumbling.
Aboriginal Rape Culture Ignored by the “Everything Is Racist” Political Class
Platitudes of justice for (alleged and factual) “historical wrongs” cost less, than loving those in the here, and now, by helping them help themselves through the messy task of healing wounds, tending scars, changing culture, untangling battered communities, and defending the defenceless.
The Apocalyptic Climate Change Bandwagon Is a Lucrative Cash Cow
It’s beyond the pale that Australia’s bureaucratic caste would major in chasing the apocalyptic climate change fairy, by entertaining apocalyptic climate change fever, rather than major in securing, cultivating and better managing our most important natural resource.
Australian Senators Standing Up to the Transgender Agenda
“When you get to the heart of the transgender debate, you realise that you and I are being expected to abandon objective truth.”
Why Alternative Media Is So Important
Even if you despise alternative media, at the very least, surely we can all agree that it provides some necessary balance to provoke questions and help see through what we might have otherwise accepted without thinking twice.
The Evangelical World’s Oprah Resigns From the SBC
Despite the SBC’s flaws, it’s not Beth Moore’s theology that’s outgrown them, it’s her apparent compromise with the zeitgeist, allowing the post-Christian culture, not Christ to determine the way forward for the Church.
Pyne Gap: A $90 Billion Failure
This week marks the death of one of the worst screw-ups in Australian political history.
A Commonsense Guide to Critical Race Theory
You’ve almost certainly encountered Critical Race Theory over the last year, even if those words aren’t familiar.
The Self-Centred Use of Censorship Is Barbaric Discrimination: “Christian Conservatives Need Not Apply”
Most honest, level-headed people on both sides of the political aisle would agree that the unrestrained, self-centered use of censorship as a weapon, is barbaric discrimination.
Disney Deems The Muppets “Offensive”
Trigger happy Disney is adding trigger warnings to the release of classic episodes of ‘The Muppet Show’.
Woke World Council of “Churches” Declares War On Israel
World Council of “Churches” (WCC) Commission moderator of International Affairs, Frank Chikane, equated Israel with demons in a recent online address.
Was Biden’s Election the Real Insurrection?
Without a doubt, interference in the United States election was a four-year long campaign to manufacture the 2020 election result, on a ‘whatever it takes’ to payback Trump for dethroning Hilary Clinton basis.
GQ’s Cringe “Photoshoot” of Joe Biden Is Like a Bad Communist Cover-Song
Quality control at GQ, must be on COVID-19 Wuhan Virus sabbatical.
Is It Still a “Conspiracy” if They Say It Was?
So, there was a ‘conspiracy’ after all?! It’s just that, according to Time, the collusion was warranted because Trump was such a tyrant and as such, the very foundations of democracy were at stake.
Anti-Cancel Culture Anthem ‘Fake Woke’ Goes Viral
Sometimes truth-affirming criticism comes from the most unexpected of places.
It’s a Mistake to View the Biden Presidency as the Death of the Conservative Movement
Healthy competition has its place, but when that competition compromises cooperation, we’re no longer talking about teamwork, we’re talking about friendly fire and causalities of war.
Everyone Is Far-Right of Stalin
Most people understand that there is something deeply wrong with the language used to describe politics.
You Know Nothing, Misinformation Could Help
The human eye sees only one million colours, whilst tetrachromats, like some birds, bees and fish, can see more than 100 million.