
Is COVID Communism the New State Religion?

"Whether it be a vaccine, euthanasia, or aborting life in the womb, I am opposed to forced or coerced medical procedures."

I am not an “anti-vaxxer.”

Those five words should be a sufficient answer to any would-be accuser who states that questioning the COVID vaccines is a betrayal of medical science.

No one I know is anti-vaxxer proper.

Only a small portion of whom I’ve discussed COVID-19 vaccinations with are against vaccines.

One hundred percent of those people, however, are 100 percent against mandatory vaccinations of the vaccine-hesitant.

Like me, they are dissenters.

Whether it be a vaccine, euthanasia, or aborting life in the womb, I am opposed to forced or coerced medical procedures.

Bar perhaps NOVAVAX, I also question all rushed, experimental COVID-19 vaccines.

I question the removal of safeguards.

I question the offer of indemnity to big pharma, and doctors willing to jab-for-applause without consequence or compensation for malpractice.

I question the professionalism and dedication of medical professionals, who, out of fear, don’t fight a system that threatens to cancel them if they utter the words “safe and effective prophylaxis” alongside “Ivermectin,” or “HCQ and Zinc.”

Unfortunately – and somewhat ironically – facts don’t matter to a “believe the science” society with COVID-19 on the brain.

Medical bullying is becoming an acceptable social norm.

Though, I doubt, even if I surrendered doctor-patient privileged information the rabid COVID collective would be satisfied.

What they want is a sacrifice. An offering. A violent initiation into their socio-pseudo-religious club.

Nothing shy of total, unquestioning commitment to their new rites and rituals will suffice.

The truth is forfeit if I don’t surrender to my abusive COVID crazy detractors.

All of whom want me to hand over to them private medical information so as to prove my allegiance to their god, before I can travel, buy, sell or earn.

Let’s call this what it is.

COVID communism.

Groupthink and conditioning via platitude propaganda are this new state religion’s liturgy and dogma.

Bad logic, based entirely on false assumptions are used by design to try and force people into complying with its dogma.

This is why those who choose to go against the stream are hit with reckless labels, vis a vis misplaced and vulgar fallacies.

The “vaccine-hesitant” have good reasons for being cautious.

For starters, discernment in personal decision making is disallowed.

Secondly, due process is suspended, if not dead or on life support. For example, if you’re labelled an “anti-vaxxer,” you are what they say you are.

Thirdly, (and I’m now repeating myself) informed consent is thrown out the window.

Fourth, no one is allowed a second, independent medical opinion.

This is just the ethical reasoning for caution.

This doesn’t include medical questions about unknown long term side effects.

It doesn’t include the aggressive censorship addressed by myself and Caldron Pool in articles since governments turned the war against the virus, into a war against the people.

Another aspect is the political reasons for caution.

In 2020, Newsweek accused Democrats of “bolstering anti-vax groups.”

Newsweek described how (now disgraced) New York governor, Andrew Cuomo, said he wasn’t going to trust anything from the Trump administration.

Cuomo stated, “Frankly, I’m not going to trust the federal government’s opinion and I wouldn’t recommend to New Yorkers based on the federal government’s opinion.”

The New York Times ran a piece discussing how scientists feared compromising “rigorous regulation” in favour of “speed.”     

The NYT implied that Trump was demanding shortcuts with the vaccine in order to win the 2020 election, asserting, “The longer that vaccines are tested before being released, the likelier they are to be safe and effective.”

Notwithstanding head U.S. Democrat, Nancy Pelosi claiming to be COVID “vaccinated”, Pelosi is on record saying that rushed vaccines are dangerous.

The Hill noted in August 2020 that Pelosi was critical of Donald Trump’s “rush” to towards a COVID-19 vaccine.

Pelosi accused Trump of “jeopardizing the health and well-being of the American people.”

In her defence, Leftist funded “Fact Checkers” smoothed over Pelosi’s words to say they were a rejection of Donald Trump, not the vaccine.

However, when coupled with Democrat vaccine-hesitancy, and leftist legacy media’s own pre-Biden presidency hesitancy, Pelosi’s “vaccine-hesitancy” is self-evident.

Jump forward four months. Post Joe Biden’s coronation, Pelosi, who has had COVID-19, is suddenly pro-COVAX.

The House Speaker isn’t beyond using the “vaccine” as a political weapon against “vaccine-hesitant” Republicans.

Taking into account the ethical, medical and political reasons for vaccine hesitancy, it’s a stretch to call the “vaccine-hesitant”, “anti-vaxxers.”

Only a populace drugged into cheering on the deceptive socio-political oppression of Communism would stoop this low.

This new State religion is COVID communism.

Proven by the rush to implement a questionable vax, while suspending, then undermining, and denying civil liberties long guaranteed by the highest law in the land – the Constitution.

Add to this, aggressive – government-sanctioned turning of neighbour against neighbour – inconsistency from politicians such as the American Democrats, and Australians like Pat Cash-hater Peter Fitzsimmons.

Questioning the COVID “vaccines” doesn’t make me, or anyone else who shares my concerns an “anti-vaxxer.”

I’ve never been a bandwagon – jump on the latest trend to be one of the “cool kids” – kind of person.

Like others in my position, I see red flags and want to apply the scientific method to them.

I’m not against vaccinations or the vaccinated.

I’m against the bullying of others because they (a) practice more discernment in their decision making; (b) uphold informed consent; (c) see the wounded and sigh with them; (d) are COVAX hesitant for good reasons, that are falsely labelled as “anti-vaxx.”

The false labels and double standards from those calling their “vaccine-hesitant” neighbours “selfish” do so with emotion, not scientific reasoning.

Those accusing their “vaccine-hesitant” neighbours of being “anti-science” better fit that description.

It’s this, juxtaposed with a lack of concern for consent, reasoned-based evidence, and contempt for discernment that constantly pushes my B.S. meter into the red.

What’s more, register the inconsistencies.

The very same people who scream “don’t force your religion on me,” are content to force this new state religion onto others.

If that’s isn’t the definition of selfishness and hypocrisy, what is?

The Caldron Pool Show

The Caldron Pool Show: #35 – Soy Globalism (with Raw Egg Nationalist)
The Caldron Pool Show: #20 – The End of the World, With Filmmaker Nathan Anderson
The Caldron Pool Show: #4 – Savanah Hernandez
The Caldron Pool Show: #1 – ZUBY



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