113 search results for "misinformation"

Not only did the FBI have past knowledge about the documents in question (they’ve known since 2019 and did nothing), Trump’s passports were illegally taken, and he had been cooperating with authorities for months prior to the shock home invasion.

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“Late last week, Berenson posted evidence online showing Twitter employees discussing questions from the White House about why he hadn’t been kicked off the platform.”

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“Today’s suspensions once again highlight the fact that big tech corporations have assumed the role of the narrative gatekeepers. You’ll hear what they want you to hear. You will not see what they don’t want you to see. They will treat you like children, incapable of thinking for yourself, because that’s what they want you to be.”

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“It’s apparent that the Biden administration isn’t serious about solving real societal problems. They seem happy enough instead to coddle distractions because treating the symptoms keeps the masses dependent on the Daddy Government drug.”

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“If the goal is total government dependency, then hunting, and with it, self-sufficiency, could be a thing of the past.”

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“If truth is purely subjective, morality fluid, then there is no concrete basis on which leftists can declare anything to be either misinformation or disinformation.”

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Here are five videos that offer invaluable insights into the COVID issue.

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“We watch quietly as our beliefs come under attack from our own employer, and we frequently see those who share our opinions condemned as villains by our own leadership.”

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“Meta still has what amounts to a gag order on a sitting member of the Australian parliament. Thus, inadvertently giving the member’s political opponents a clear advantage.”

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“Without question, health care in Australia is now under the dark cloud of totalitarianism.”

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“This natural inclination to trust even clearly flawed and dishonest authority makes a lot of people who have genuine concerns and who are genuinely skeptical of aspects of the narrative loath to publicly question it.”

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“I get it, Peter Dinklage is the biggest dwarf actor, probably of all time, but that doesn’t make him king. It doesn’t make him king dwarf.”

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The cult of Covid is nothing short of the state religion of the day.

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Kamel was arrested in 2019 on what the United States Commission on International Freedom said were “spurious” charges.

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“One way to be equipped to think critically and discern truth from error in the current environment is to listen to the arguments and views of those who dissent from popular opinion.”

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“One thing we can be certain about: relying on the mainstream media here is almost useless – probably even harmful. In so many ways it has become an absolute waste when it comes to getting real news. Propaganda has usually replaced real reporting of news. That is why the various alternative media outlets may be a much better place to start with.”

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Mass Psychosis is the Pandemic’s Epidemic

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“It isn’t unusual today to hear progressive Christians calling conservative Christians ‘extreme’ or ‘crazy’, and this is especially true when politicians get involved in the church.”

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“As Caldron Pool has consistently warned against, and is now painstakingly pointing out: the line between warring against the COVID-19 virus and warring against the people has been dangerously crossed.”

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Another pro-health professional athlete has been defamed as an “anti-vaxxer” after defending informed consent.

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