113 search results for "misinformation"

“Politicians by their very nature distort and contradict any true science. They always manipulate it for their own purposes.”

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“The plight of Alverez and the Nicaraguan church in general speaks volumes about how misinformation/disinformation laws can quickly deteriorate into weapons of forced speech and mass censorship.”

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“Yes23’s referendum loss was death by double standard.”

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“Whilst the note about misinformation was removed from the acceptable use terms, the $2,500 penalty for violations remains, causing continued concern.”

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“…deliberations [would have been] made at the sole discretion of PayPal and [might have] subjected the user to damages — including the removal of $2,500 debited directly from your PayPal account per offense.”

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“Our team has reviewed your content, and, unfortunately, we think it violates our medical-misinformation policy.”

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“The letter that prompted me to act on Spotify was written by 270 medical professionals, not doctors. I erroneously said they were doctors after having read disinformation on the internet.”

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“We will continue to be your single source of truth,” NZ Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said.

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Kamel’s detention was just extended by 45 days. The second extension this year.

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The channel was issued a £125,000 fine for airing, what the regulator described as, “inaccurate and potentially harmful claims about the Coronavirus without providing adequate protection for viewers.”

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It’s natural for people to want to make sense of the world. Especially during chaotic times. But when the government begins fighting for a particular narrative by silencing or threatening alternatives, they’ll soon find public suspicions at an all-time high.

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The 2-minute clip, which comes a week after he lamented the spread of medical misinformation online, shows Fauci flip-flopping on the matter of face masks as a method of combatting coronavirus.

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The human eye sees only one million colours, whilst tetrachromats, like some birds, bees and fish, can see more than 100 million.

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“Adding insult to injury, the biological male identifying as a female, apparently offered to properly school the University educated women as part of their re-education process…”

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Those racism claims, Snopes added, “spread like wildfire, with then-presidential candidate Joe Biden making Trump’s comments on Charlottesville a cornerstone of his campaign.”

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“We’re not here as wreckers. We’re here as builders.”

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“Apparently, parents simply cannot be trusted to do what’s best for their own children. But never fear, incompetent parents, the government is here to lay down some new house rules for your unruly teens.”

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“The only way the authorities can prevent children from accessing social media is by requiring adults to submit some form of personal identification as proof of eligibility.”

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“The withdrawal of personal freedoms in our present time has been sold to the populace as a positive thing and a means of protecting them from any perceived threat. Slavery to the State has been presented as the gateway to health and prosperity.”

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“De Moraes responded by adding Musk to the Brazilian government’s criminal investigation into ‘digital militias’ – more aptly termed ‘misinformation militias.'”

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