
UK Nurses Fight to Remove Faux Females From Female-Only Change Rooms

"Adding insult to injury, the biological male identifying as a female, apparently offered to properly school the University educated women as part of their re-education process..."


Female nurses fed up with a biological male in their change room want change.

26 women will fight a legal battle against the United Kingdom’s, National Health Service (NHS Trust), seeking restitution “for sexual harassment and sex discrimination.”

Bosses apparently gaslit the women after they protested the Trust’s trans policy supporting LGBTQ+ safetyism.

Legal advocacy group Christian Concern recalled the nurses being told by Human Resources, they needed to “broaden their mindset, get more educated, and be more inclusive.”

Adding insult to injury, the biological male identifying as a female, apparently offered to properly school the University educated women, as part of their re-education process – read cultural Marxist struggle session.

The hospital told the women, they support the LGBTQ+ identifying colleague “150%”, and demanded the nurse’s compromise.

For the group of women “blowing the lid” on the NIH’s pandering to identity politics, any compromise compromises their own safety.

Talking to GBNews, two of the nurses said they’re asking for a win-win situation.

LGBTrans “voice and visibility” policies – adopted by most corporations – dictate that in order to access female change rooms all any biological male has to do is identify as a female.

The “guidance” adopted by those corporations, is largely funded by virtue signalling NGOs, and LGBTQ+ activist groups, not biological science.

On top of legislative protections for LGBTQ+ism, at least one Trans-policy within the NIH Trust states, “where possible the Trust is committed to go above and beyond to protect employees on the grounds of gender identity and gender expression, to afford full protection to Trans employees.”

Authored in 2021, by Haseeb Ahmad, Head of “Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion” (DEI), the policy vaguely defines trans-people as “people living with any kind of trans-identity (including non-binary).”

Doubling down on its commitment to LGBTQ+ safetyism, the policy reiterated that the “Trust is committed to go beyond its legal duties to provide protection on the grounds of gender identity and gender expression.”

“Trans-staff” are allowed to have access to both male and female uniforms, and the amenity they feel most comfortable using.

Section 7.11 asserts,

Trans people who have attained legal recognition must always be accommodated according to their acquired gender, regardless of their stage of treatment. Trans people who have not obtained legal recognition, but who have commenced permanent transition to their new gender, must never be required to use accommodation and facilities (including toileting and bathing facilities) intended for members of their birth gender.

Tacked onto this are strict restrictions on talking about a person’s “Trans-identity.”

Up to and including sharing information with staff about the person’s identity change.

For example, section 7.16, states,

Any deliberate or inappropriate release of confidential information resulting in a Trans member of staff being identified against their stated wish, whether internally or externally, will be regarded as gross misconduct and subject to appropriate disciplinary action.

Admitting they’re prepared to go above and beyond the law, the policy adds: the NHS Trust leadership would remove “unnecessary barriers” to “Trans” employees.

In the context of the 26 NHS nurses, “unnecessary barriers” seems to translate into the Pro-Trans Trust removing the nurse’s God-given rights to person, privacy, and property.

Responding through a spokesman, their hospital said, “it will work to resolve the issues within legal requirements, adhering to the best practices.”

The clash was inevitable.

2020-2021 seems like big years for the further LGBTQ+ takeover of the NHS.

The Daily Mail recounted protests in 2020, against NHS Lanarkshire’s “Trans” staffing policy, with some female nurses stating “they weren’t consulted, or asked to give an opinion.”

An anonymous source with 20 years as a nurse said,

“Sharing a communal area to change into and out of my uniform is bad enough with females, but a trans woman who self-identifies and is possibly still an intact male shocks me and scares me.”

In 2021, the BBC reported,  NHS Trust had shifted the language of “its internal communications and meetings.”

In a document now removed from their website, it said, maternity services would use more “gender inclusive language” such as “people who menstruate,” “chest-feeding,” and “birthing parent”.

The NHS Trust reduced the term father to “second biological parent.”

Unsurprisingly, the BBC slammed opposition to the changes as misleading.

It also called protests from high profile public figures, such as J.K Rowling, misinformation.

Christian Concern is backing this new fight for female-only spaces.

A June 29 petition to the Prime Minister, reached 12,628 signatures in three days.

The CC petition wants the government to pledge protections for women’s only changing rooms, and toilets.

Christan Concern CEO, Andrea Williams, rightly accused the NHS Trust of placing ideology ahead of biology.

“We are concerned that what the nurses here are experiencing is just the tip of the iceberg,” she said.

“Instead of giving into fear,” Williams explained, “these nurses are now refusing to be silenced.

“We will support them at every step.”

Win-win is an odd aim.

The nurses are okay with faux females; they’re just not okay with those men using female-only spaces.

Affirming a male’s chosen female identity seems to negate their entire case.



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