
Thousands of Australians Gather to “Reclaim the Line” Against “No Jab, No Job” Authoritarianism

"As Caldron Pool has consistently warned against, and is now painstakingly pointing out: the line between warring against the COVID-19 virus and warring against the people has been dangerously crossed."


Australians gathered on Sunday in their thousands to demand an end to COVID-19 “no jab, no job” policies, hand in hand with the long-overdue restoration of civil liberties.

The second ‘Reclaim the Line’ protests saw a bigger number of pro-freedom Australians “unite in white” to mark increasing dissent over government overreach.

Fifty nation-wide freedom rallies drew a broad section of the Australian public together in opposition to COVID “vaccine” mandates, “vaccine” passports and medical apartheid.

Parramatta and Tweed Heads boasted the biggest numbers, with New South Wales regional hub, Port Macquarie showing the biggest change.

Port Macquarie’s first ‘Reclaim the Line’ protest numbered 70, Sunday’s second round saw up to 700.

There was some explanation for the bigger numbers. Lockdowns hindered the first protest, and the area known for its high elderly population has a 90% “vaccination” uptake.

Local media were present at the first protest, joining Australia’s legacy media campaign in dishonestly labelling the pro-freedom protestors as “anti-vaxxer conspiracy theorists.” (See also here, here and here)

As well as here:

And here:

The impact of this misinformation campaign against any person questioning COVID-19 authoritarianism was exemplified by abuse thrown at Port Macquarie’s protestors as they peacefully marched the 7km from one local park to another.

Protest at Port Macquarie.

During the march, one couple wearing masks outdoors, approached me to ask what was happening. After telling them it was a pro-informed consent, pro-freedom protest. They sharply turned to accuse those gathered of being “anti-vaxxers.”

I attempted to point out that there was a big difference between being an actual “anti-vaxxer” and protesting against “vaccine mandates.”

It was clear to the rational observer that the second Port Macquarie #Reclaimtheline protest was (like the first) about the illegitimacy of “vaccine” mandates, not the legitimacy of COVID “vaccines”.

No amount of reasoning on Constitutional grounds, defence of liberty, COVID data or the facts about those attending got through.

After defaming protesters as “anti-vaxxers,” and reducing the Australian Constitution to a “matter of interpretation,” the masked COVID crusaders left with a smug grin in their eyes, more than happy with having shoved their feelings-over-facts down my throat, without allowing me the right of reply.

Another lady in her 50s walked past the protesters yelling at them repeatedly, “I’m vaccinated, I’m vaccinated… I’m fine!”

On the march, I also overheard others mislabel the group “unvaccinated.”

Of the 700 gathered, only one protester directly mentioned the vaccine in a critical way. Those attending the march were there to primarily defend life, and liberty, in protest against job losses, and people being forced to take the COVID jab.

No one from local media was present for the second Port Macquarie Reclaim event.

Turning Point Australia covered the Paramatta protest, with Educators United spokeswoman stating they had over 3,000 in attendance.

The Daily Mail disputed this, claiming that the crowd only numbered in the ‘hundreds.’

The Tweed Heads protest was joined by Home and Away actor Isabel Lucas, former NSW Police officer Alex Cooney, alongside former Qantas pilot, and Christian, Graham Hood.

Hood described the Reclaim movement on his Facebook page announcing the Tweed protest, “We speak to restoring the Australian Spirit and the freedoms we have lost that made the ANZAC heritage the foundation of our lives.”

Reclaim the Line was started by Sydney High School teacher Mack as a solidarity movement, with the purpose of standing for informed consent. The movement is made up mostly of professionals including pilots, police officers, paramedics, nurses, and educators.

With those who can work today, but are not allowed to, due to vax mandates, never forget that legacy media and their loudest mouthpieces 9News, Ray Hadley, along with NSW Health Minister, Brad Hazzard and his ilk, were complicit in the totalitarian enforcement of medical procedures on the governed, without the consent of the governed.

With those who are no longer able to buy, sell or earn today, due to vax mandates, never forget that this same media and their mates in the bureaucratic caste, have lived lives – for the most part – unaffected by CCP-19 totalitarianism, and are seemingly profiting from demonising dissent as “anti-vaxx” nonsense.

As Caldron Pool has consistently warned against and is now painstakingly pointing out: the line between warring against the COVID-19 virus and warring against the people has been dangerously crossed.

Last week COVID authoritarianism critic, Alan Jones was cancelled, the week before that Michael Leunig.

Why isn’t the majority seeing a pattern here?

“Vaccine” Mandates – “no jab, no job” – medical conscription is the equivalent of “convert, pay a tax or die.”

The pro-COVID authoritarianism mob is a cult.

Who needs an “anti-vaxxer” cause?

This cult of drongos, their censorship, power grabs, and their fanatic followers are reason enough for Australians to rise up and say, “hell, no!” not on my watch.

Coercion is not consent.




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