Professor Warns: Civil War Is Coming to Britain
“The primary threat to the security and prosperity of Britain today is not external, but internal,” he said.
Ten Takeaways from Dr. Stephen Chavura’s Demythologising of Multiculturalism
“Multiculturalism is inherently unstable. This won’t result in a ‘COEXIST’ melting pot; it will create a cesspool of competing, incompatible cultures fighting to be top dog.”
An Open Letter to King Charles III on the Spiritual Revival of a Nation
“You are a Christian king; Muslims have no use for you. They cannot and will not save you.”
Growing Calls to Defund Sydney Mardi Gras After Blasphemous Depiction of Jesus Christ
“Demands are growing for the New South Wales government to defund the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras following the circulation of a viral image from the event depicting the mock execution of Jesus Christ.”
Seven Churches Targeted in Suspected Arson Attacks, But You Probably Didn’t Hear About It
“Despite the severity of the incident, mainstream media outlets have been notably quiet… If the targets were mosques or synagogues, the global response would likely be far different.”
Our Civilisation Is at the Crossroads
“We’ve told them that we don’t really have anything very great, or if we do we ought not to talk about it much. I believe this is wrong because what we have in the cities of Europe and the West are the greatest civilisation the world has known.”
Hungary Condemns the Murder of 70 Christians in Congo as the World Stays Silent
“Hungary is the first, and only country to immediately condemn the latest massacre of Christians in the Congo.”
Words Matter
“Words matter. Ideas matter. Ideologies matter.”
New Animated Film Remembers 21 Christians Martyred on a Libyan Beach
“What Islamic State intended for evil, God is still using to proclaim to millions the name of His Son.”
Two History Buffs Jailed for Hate Speech Expose the Impact of Laws Restricting Free Speech
“Cameron and Elston’s detention without concern for intentions exposes the subjective flaw in all hate speech laws.”
NSW Health Nurses Under Investigation After Boasting of Killing Israeli Patients
Will these two get a mandatory custodial sentence under the new hate speech and violence laws?
Anglican Catholics Cancel Calvin Robinson Over Hand Gesture at Pro-life Rally
“Those more interested in Calvin Robinson’s hand gesture than his speech, have missed the point.”
Scruton on National Identity: Why the Nation-State Still Matters
“Anybody who understands what is at stake in the global conflict that is developing today will, I believe, come to see that the nation is one of the things that we must keep.”
Five Takeaways From Zuckerberg’s Promise to End Meta’s “Fact Checking” War on Free Speech
“He doesn’t apologise for any of it. Neither does he say he would reinstate accounts unfairly blocked…”
Exposed: UK’s Grooming Gangs
“Children were abandoned to suffer in the name of community relations, an unforgivable price.”
Terrorism in America
“From December 21-27, 2024, alone there were 21 attacks in 10 countries killing 115 people and wounding 58 others.”
Persecution of Christians Reaches Crisis Levels in 2024
“One in seven Christians globally experiences discrimination or violence for their faith.”
Where Are the Protests for Christians Slaughtered by Genocidal Jihadists in Nigeria?
“Up to 100 Nigerian Christians had been slaughtered since October.”
Covering Up Terrorism
“For many in Britain, the social contract feels broken.”
This Really Has Been an Incredible Political Landslide
“Living on lies, hatred, and ultra-hardcore leftist talking points – buttressed by brainless celebs – was NOT what the American people were interested in.”