Kansas Attorney General Sues Pfizer for “Misleading Kansans on COVID Vaccine”
“Pfizer made multiple misleading statements to deceive the public about its vaccine at a time when Americans needed the truth,” Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach said in a statement.
LEAKED: Pfizer Director Says They Are ‘Mutating’ SARS-CoV-2 To Develop Future Vaccines: “It’s Going To Be A Cash Cow”
“…we put the virus in monkeys, and we successively cause them to keep infecting each other…”
Pfizer Admits to Never Testing Vaccine’s Ability to Stop C-19 Transmission
“‘Get vaccinated for others’ was always a lie. The only purpose of the COVID passport: forcing people to get vaccinated,” Roos said.
Zuby Nails It: ‘Millions Have Replaced God With Pfizer, Safer to Criticise God Than the Shot’
The cult of Covid is nothing short of the state religion of the day.
Journalist Speaks Out After Being Diagnosed With “Inflammation of the Heart Due to Pfizer Vaccine”
Hitchcock said he initially battled over whether to publish the post, but said after being a journalist for almost three decades, it would be hypocritical for him not to.
Neither Safe nor Effective, and Yet… Police Charge Brazil’s Bolsonaro With Falsifying His COVID Vaccination Status
“If convicted, the 68-year-old politician could spend up to 12 years behind bars.”
A Crime Against Humanity: False Propaganda and Deadly Covid-19 Policies in Brazil
“…the government has decided to engage itself in a compulsory vaccination program based on false and misleading propaganda about the efficacy and safety of mRNA vaccines.”
An International “Sorry Day” Is Needed for What We Endured Over the Past Few Years
“Such an apology – and compensation to boot – seems long overdue.”
Alberta’s New Premier Abandons Amnesty for C19 Dissenters
“Why am I still under house arrest?”
Another Right Wing Nut Job Questions the Jabberwocky
“Hey, we all know she must be a right-wing bigot who is seeking to kill grandma. Away with her!”
Rona Wars: A Day of Reckoning Is Needed – Yes, They Want Amnesty and No, They Should Not Get It
“The excuses heard over and over again for why there should be blanket amnesty is that no one knew what was going on in the early days. These folks claim we were all in the dark and none of us had any useful information to run with. This is patently false.”
Let’s Talk COVID Apologies – And Reparations
“We are owed not just plenty of apologies, but one can almost now talk about Covid reparations.”
The Terminator Would Kill Your Freedom… But Don’t Worry, He Won’t Be Back!
“The ‘Screw your freedom!’, from a former Republican no less, is chilling.”
U.S. Coast Guard Boots Christians for Opposing Vax Mandate
An estimated 1,200 active service members of the United States Coast Guard have filed a class action against the US government, arguing that “vaccine” mandates violated their religious freedom.
Academic Calls for Royal Commission Into Australia’s Totalitarian Response to COVID-19
“We need a Royal Commission into the madness and tyranny endured over the last two years.”
The Stage Is Set for a Showdown
“The legacy media and political and professional classes have traded off the terror created by this manufactured crisis and they should be held to account for its devastating consequences.”
Vaccinate Your Kids For Free Entry to the Sydney Royal Easter Show
The Sydney Local Health District is offering free tickets to the Sydney Royal Easter Show to children who are vaccinated this month with either a Pfizer or Moderna shot.
Five Bombshell Videos on COVID-19
Here are five videos that offer invaluable insights into the COVID issue.
Army Nun Challenges DC Bureaucrats, Wins Vax Exemption After Two Days
Byrne has long opposed the mandates on theological and bioethical grounds, with her attorney, Christopher Ferrara of the Thomas More Society, stating, “she can have nothing to do with abortion-connected vaccines.”
Petition to End All Vaccine Mandates In Australia Closes Soon
“…this product should be taken by an individual without threat, deception or coercion (i.e. the right to bodily autonomy).”