
The Pfizer Papers: Pfizer’s Crimes Against Humanity

"The corporation had wanted a 75-year ban on releasing documents about the vax. The judge said no, and demanded that internal documents be made public."

The American multinational pharmaceutical and biotech corporation Pfizer has been around since 1849 when two German entrepreneurs established it in New York. It has made headlines over the years, but it especially came to the fore during the harsh Covid Wars of 2020-2022. One of a number of companies that market millions of vaccines, it certainly made piles of money in the process.

But contrary to the claims made ad infinitum and ad nauseam, these vaccines were far from “safe and effective”. Just how wide of the mark those claims were might never have been fully known had not a brave judge challenged Pfizer. The corporation had wanted a 75-year ban on releasing documents about the vax. The judge said no, and demanded that internal documents be made public.

All up some 450,000 pages were released! That is a mountain of material that no mere mortal could ever hope to climb. But enter Naomi Wolf, the investigative journalist. She was once a feminist champion and the darling of the American left.

But no more. For daring to look carefully and objectively at Covid, at Big Pharma, and at related issues, she is now persona non grata to the secular left mob. Simply go to Wikipedia and the first thing you will read about her is that she is a “conspiracy theorist”. That is always a good way to demonise and ignore someone who does not toe the party line and conform to the leftist narrative.

Thankfully Wolf had assembled a team of 3,250 experts and volunteers to help her wade through this massive pile of documents, and she has now just released it in a very essential volume: The Pfizer Papers: Pfizer’s Crimes Against Humanity (War Room Books, 2024).

It should be mentioned that next year a companion volume will be released: The Moderna Papers: Moderna’s Crimes Against Humanity. And I should also say at this point that the last time I discussed a new book by Wolf, I ended up writing four different articles on it. I refer to her 2023 volume, Facing the Beast: Courage, Faith, and Resistance in a New Dark Age (Chelsea Green, 2023). My first piece on that book is found here.

So I will have to do the same here with her newest volume. There is just too much information to be covered in just one brief review. Thus in the days ahead, I will be penning more pieces on it. And in the meantime, I urge all of you to get a copy for yourself.

Thus it is a very big book – in more ways than one. If you don’t mind me running with my American heritage, while the usual book is around 6 by 8 inches, this one is 9 by 11 inches. And at 400 pages, it is packed with reams of data, figures, information, statistics, graphs, charts, and photos. One suspects the book could easily have run to 800 pages.

A major theme of the book is how deeply flawed and reckless the rushed clinical trials were for their vaccines, and how many people suffered in very real ways – including death – as a result. Worse yet, Pfizer and the authorities knew just how bad the whole process was, yet they kept pushing it through, nonetheless.

This is a case of criminal negligence at the very least, and heads should roll. As Mark Steyn has put it:

Unlike the zombies of the politico-media class for whom it is a mere catchphrase, Naomi Wolf and her extraordinary team actually did “follow the science,” all 450,000 pages of it. It has led them to a dark and disturbing place, but the evidence presented here is overwhelming: what Pfizer did in alliance with Western governments was not accident or incompetence but a crime, for which those responsible should be prosecuted and jailed. The authors of this book have paid a huge price for their integrity: Naomi herself will never be on the BBC or in the New York Times again. But their gift to the rest of us is priceless and will grow more invaluable as the years go by. So read this book and buy a couple of copies for friends. Thank God for the Wolf/Kelly team.

It took a small army of dedicated workers to go through the hundreds of thousands of pages of documents, and simply trying to carefully present all that and lay it out in an easily digestible book was a herculean effort. With so much to cover here, perhaps the best way to give you a quick overview of what this book is all about is to simply quote a bit from the book’s opening pages. As we read in the Introduction:

This is the ultimate David and Goliath story. The story began when lawyer Aaron Siri successfully sued the Food and Drug Administration, to compel them to release “The Pfizer Documents.” These are Pfizer’s internal documents—as noted above, 450,000 pages in number—that detail the clinical trials Pfizer conducted in relation to its COVID mRNA injection. These trials were undertaken to secure the ultimate prize for a pharmaceutical company, the “EUA,” or Emergency Use Authorization from the FDA. The FDA awarded EUA for ages 16+ to Pfizer in December 2020. The “pandemic,” of course (a crisis in public health that a book of mine, The Bodies of Others, confirmed, involved hyped and manipulated “infections” data and skewed mortality documentation) became the pretext for the “urgency” that led the FDA to bestow EUA on Pfizer’s (and Moderna’s) novel drug. The EUA is the hall pass, essentially, allowing Pfizer to race right to market with a not-fully-tested product.

The Pfizer Papers also contains documentation of what happened in “post-marketing,” meaning in the three months, December 2020 to February 2021, as the vaccine was rolled out upon the public. All leading spokespeople, and bought-off media, called the injection “safe and effective,” reading from what was a centralized script.

Many people who took this injection, as it was launched in 2020–2021–2022 and to the present, did not realize that normal testing for safety of a new vaccine—testing that typically takes ten to twelve years—had simply been bypassed via the mechanisms of a “state of emergency” and the FDA’s “Emergency Use Authorization.” They did not understand that the real “testing” was in fact Pfizer and the FDA observing whatever was happening to them and their loved ones, after these citizens rolled up their sleeves and submitted to the shot. As we can never forget, many millions of these people who submitted to the injection were “mandated” to take it, facing the threat of job loss, suspension of their education, or loss of their military positions if they refused; in some US states and overseas countries, people also faced the suspension of their rights to take transportation, cross borders, go to school or college, receive certain medical procedures, or enter buildings such as churches and synagogues, restaurants and gyms—if they refused.

The FDA asked the judge in the Aaron Siri lawsuit to withhold the release of the Pfizer documents for seventy-five years. Why would a government agency wish to conceal certain material until the present generation, those affected by what is in these documents, is dead and gone? There can be no good answer to that question.

Fortunately for history, and fortunately for millions of people whose lives were saved by this decision, the judge refused the FDA’s request, and compelled the release of the documents; a tranche of 55,000 pages per month.

When I heard about this, though, I was concerned as a journalist. I knew that no reporter had the bandwidth to go through material of this volume. I also understood that virtually no reporter had the training or skill sets required to understand the multidimensional, technically highly specialized language of the reports. In order to understand the reports, one would need a background in immunology; statistics; biostatistics; pathology; oncology; sports medicine; obstetrics; neurology; cardiology; pharmacology; cellular biology; chemistry; and many other specialties. In addition to doctors and scientists, in order to understand what was really happening in the Pfizer documents, you would also need people deeply knowledgeable about government and pharmaceutical industry regulatory processes; you would need people who understood the FDA approval process; you would need medical fraud specialists; and eventually, in order to understand what crimes were committed in the Papers, you would need lawyers.

I was worried that without people with all of those skill sets reading through the documents, their volume and complexity would lead them to vanish down “the memory hole.”

Enter Steve Bannon, the former Naval Officer, former Goldman Sachs investment banker, former advisor to President Trump, and current host of the most popular political podcast in America and one of the most listened-to worldwide, WarRoom.

He and I come from opposite ends of the political spectrum. I had been a lifelong Democrat, an advisor to President Bill Clinton’s reelection campaign, and to Al Gore’s presidential campaign. He, of course, is a staunch Republican-turned-MAGA. I had been deplatformed in June 2021, before the Pfizer documents came out, for the crime of warning that women were reporting menstrual dysregulation upon having received the mRNA injections. As a career-long writer on women’s sexual and reproductive health issues, I knew that this was a serious danger signal and that this side effect would affect fertility. (Any eighth grader should be able to foresee that as well.) Upon my having posted this warning, I was banned from Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and other platforms. I was attacked globally, all at once, as an “anti-vaxxer” and “conspiracy theorist”; and my life as a well-known, bestselling feminist author, within the legacy media, ended. No one in that world would talk to me anymore, publish my work, or return my calls. I was un-personed…. (xi-xiii)

This gives us not only a glimpse of the subject that is so very thoroughly discussed here, but the high price that Wolf and others had to pay to make it happen. The bravery and resolute determination of Wolf and others to see this out, even at such a great personal cost, is a testimony to their greatness.

Needless to say, this has simply been an introductory article to give you a wide-angle overview of the volume. As mentioned, future articles will look at various specific aspects of what is covered in this vitally important book. So stay tuned.

In the meantime, we all owe Naomi Wolf and her team a huge debt of gratitude for this incredible work and the incredible results found here. Thank you, Naomi and team. You guys really are champions.

The Caldron Pool Show

The Caldron Pool Show: #4 – Savanah Hernandez
The Caldron Pool Show: #32 – Caesar and the Church (with Anthony Forsyth)
The Caldron Pool Show: #33 – What Happened to the Household (with C.R. Wiley)
The Caldron Pool Show: #47 – Whitewashing and the New Blackface



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