“I Was Duped by the Media”: Bishop Apologizes for Closing Churches During COVID
“I was duped by the media hype and should have been stronger.”
Kansas Attorney General Sues Pfizer for “Misleading Kansans on COVID Vaccine”
“Pfizer made multiple misleading statements to deceive the public about its vaccine at a time when Americans needed the truth,” Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach said in a statement.
Zuckerberg Says He Regrets COVID Censorship and Caving to Demands of Biden Administration
“I believe the government pressure was wrong, and I regret that we were not more outspoken about it,” Zuckerberg said.
COVID Censorship Case Booted by US Supreme Court Shows Big Gov Bullied Big Tech
“…the newly minted relationship between the State and social media companies undermined the constitutional right to freedom of speech.”
Coalition of Senators Call for Accountability Inquiry Into Government’s COVID Response
“An Australian coalition of six senators is pushing to establish an official inquiry into Australia’s pandemic prison rules.”
Australian Human Rights Commission Asks for Public Submissions: How Were You Affected by COVID Measures?
“The Australian Human Rights Commission is asking the people for their stories as they investigate the impacts of the national, state, and community responses to the COVID-19 ‘pandemic.'”
COVID Vaccines May Have Contributed to Rise in Excess Deaths, Scientists Suggest
“The study found that across Europe, the United States, and Australia, there were over one million excess deaths in 2020, at the height of the pandemic. Additionally, there were 1.2 million excess deaths in 2021 and 800,000 in 2022, even after measures were implemented.”
‘Pandemic’ Policing Was Political: Fauci Admits COVID Rules Were Manufactured
“Not only did the virus appear in a U.S. election year, thus giving an advantage to The Democrat Party, the virus gave the Chinese Communist Party an excuse to end Hong Kong’s pro-Democracy uprising without using the military.”
COVID Wars, the State, and a Great Awakening
“The events of 2020-2021 caused many people to wake from their slumber, rouse themselves out of their stupor, and really start questioning things, including the role and reach of the state.”
Australian Christian Author Faces Court Over COVID Mandates
“The absence of remorse from churches for blindly going along with the government, as if it never gets anything wrong, was shameful, he stated.”
Port Macquarie Educator Fired During COVID Slams Medical Authoritarianism
“Australians are still paying a high price for their leaders’ overreaction…”
Neither Safe nor Effective, and Yet… Police Charge Brazil’s Bolsonaro With Falsifying His COVID Vaccination Status
“If convicted, the 68-year-old politician could spend up to 12 years behind bars.”
COVID, Maoist Tactics and Consequences
“The objective was to produce a docile population by transforming almost every act and every utterance into a potential crime.”
A Crime Against Humanity: False Propaganda and Deadly Covid-19 Policies in Brazil
“…the government has decided to engage itself in a compulsory vaccination program based on false and misleading propaganda about the efficacy and safety of mRNA vaccines.”
CIA Analysts Allegedly Bribed to Dismiss COVID Lab Leak Theory
“A senior CIA officer claims lab leak analysts were allegedly bribed to back the COVID-19 wet market narrative.”
COVID Wars: Shoddy Science and Medical Malpractice
“Increasingly we are being vindicated. Barely a day goes by when we do not learn even more about just how wrong so much of the ‘science’ was, how dictatorial and totalitarian our governments were, and how much medical fascism was allowed to take place.”
Australian Government Ruled COVID Wrong-Think ‘Domestic Terrorism’
“The former Morrison government, under domestic terrorism response protocols, sought out cyber censorship of COVID related content 4,213 times.”
The Sins of COVID
“We were being asked to do something which is not in step with the gospel and which Paul would have condemned. He would have opposed us for segregating the Churches.”
COVID Mea Culpas and Back-Flips
Of course, for daring to suggest that medicine had been politicised and much of this was simply a grab for more power and control by our petty dictators, we were mocked, scorned, vilified and treated like scum. But finally, it seems almost on a daily basis now there are some who are willing to put up their hands and admit that we got things wrong – massively.
More Calls for Church Leaders to Be Held Accountable for Pushing False COVID Narrative
“It’s time to hold the Christian leaders who pushed that lie accountable,” said U.S. Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defence.