Northern Ireland Schools Forced to Adopt Pro-Abortion Curriculum
“…this could potentially mean a Drag Queen is allowed to teach biology in a secondary school, whereas a pro-life biologist is not.”
For the Umpteenth Time: Christians Must Engage With the World Around Them
“Just imagine if Wilberforce foolishly listened to his Christian critics who told him to stop wasting his time in political and cultural battles: we would still have slavery today.”
Australian Senators Condemn Woke ESG Regional Bank Closures
“We have to put a stop to the woke mind virus that is destroying our sense of community.”
Resistance Rappers Crash ‘Boycott Target’ Into the Hip/Hop Top Ten
“The PRIDE line features PRIDE flag onesies for infants, and bathing suits to encourage boys to be girls through ‘tucking,’ and girls to be boys by providing ‘extra crotch coverage.'”
The Harmful Trans Tsunami Being Aided and Abetted By Woke Wonders
“The level of mass stupidity here is mind-boggling. And the big losers are women and children.”
Curing the Corruption of Medicine: Dr Aseem Malhotra’s Australian Tour
“After the past few years of mandates and now emerging injuries, this topic is crucial and the timing critical.”
DeSantis Announces ‘Great American Comeback’ 2024 Presidential Run
“Facts instead of fear, education instead of indoctrination, law and order over rioting and disorder.”
UK Teacher Banned for Pronoun Blasphemy After Saying ‘Well Done, Girls’
“Sutcliffe praised a group of students during a maths lesson, stating, ‘Well done, girls.'”
Australian Government Ruled COVID Wrong-Think ‘Domestic Terrorism’
“The former Morrison government, under domestic terrorism response protocols, sought out cyber censorship of COVID related content 4,213 times.”
California Is Bleeding Actors: “I Don’t Feel Much Further Need for Hollywood”
Actors talk ditching socialist California, while Dreyfuss dumps on Hollywoke.
Trump Exonerated
“Our findings and conclusions…are sobering… Neither U.S. law enforcement nor the Intelligence Community appears to have possessed any actual evidence of [Russian] collusion in their holdings…”
‘Whiteness’ Crisis Disinformation: Biden Continues to Spread Lies
“The hypocrite in chief, who has weaponised law enforcement against political opponents, said, he stands for ‘rejecting political extremism and rejecting political violence.'”
Never Forget What They Did to the Unvaccinated
“Although many would like to pretend it never happened, unless we confront it honestly, we risk history repeating itself the next time the elites turn friend against friend and family against family.”
Civil Rights Activist Leaves Audience Speechless: “Look Beyond Race… America Is Drowning Because It’s in Moral and Spiritual Freefall”
“The big crisis facing America is not racial. It is the moral and spiritual freefall that is consuming our children.”
UK Far-Left Labour MP Suspended Over Remarks Inspired by ‘Only White People Are Racists’
“Some sanity has entered the hallowed halls of Westminster.”
BLM Chases Murder Charge for Retired Marine Who Protected Subway Passengers
A witness said, the homeless man was “screaming in an aggressive manner,” saying, “he had had no food, drink, was tired, didn’t care if he went to gaol, and was ready to die.”
Tucker Carlson Is Back!
Over two million views in one hour.
Trans Gimmick Makes a Mockery of the U.S. Military
“China is going to destroy us,” said former Seal Team Six member, Robert O’Neill.
Landmark Class Action Filed Against Australian Government Over Vaccine Injuries
“What has been frightening and quite distressing is that I continue to get emails daily from people with extremely severe, life-changing events: deaths, amputations, blood clots, gynaecological conditions,” Dr McCann said.
Australian Pastor Goes Viral After Warning of Coming Clash Between Christianity and “LGBTQ+ Sex Religion”
“Our culture worships the god of self. It’s the gospel of self-love, self-discovery and self-expression,” he said.