456 search results for "woke"

“But both on a state level and a federal level, we have seen a string of Christians and conservatives booted out or hounded out of the Liberal Party. Those who are courageously pro-life, pro-family, and pro-faith are now nearly anathema there.”

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“Under the guise of saving the planet, the secular left has been waging war on farmers, and Holland has been at the forefront of this.”

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“Drawing the U.S. into the conflict draws us closer to a hot war between the world’s two largest nuclear powers.”

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“The U.K. government’s counter-terror program also red-flagged The Dam Busters, Bridge over the River Kwai, and the Complete Works of Shakespeare, as ‘key texts’ for ‘Right-Wing Extremists.'”

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Novak Djokovic’s ban on entering the United States has been met with the derision the Biden decision deserves.

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“I don’t want to be the first Black. I’m the first Idris.”

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“Just how many things that we warned about have now come to pass?”

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“By the very fact two versions of TikTok exist – one for Chinese audiences, another for the West – it’s clear the Chinese Communist Party know TikTok is toxic.”

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“If the UK is fast seeing disagreement with LGBTQ+ policies thrust into the lives of schoolchildren as a terrorist act, then shouldn’t every parent, grandparent, and safeguarder of children be speaking up collectively now?”

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“Lessons on tolerance were being replaced with lessons on inclusion. It wasn’t enough anymore to just accept each other’s differences with respect. Now students were required to affirm and celebrate beliefs they did not share.”

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“Imagine adhering to what most people for millennia have believed, that ‘do no harm’ is the first principle of medicine, as even the pagan Hippocratic Oath put it 2500 years ago. But of course, one quite rarely gets taught that in medical school today.”

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“Proposals to mandate abortion, in order to ‘save abortion,’ are nothing more than political posturing, funded by fake news, and the violent deaths of unborn children.”

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A weapon of mass distraction.

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“I personally won’t be competing in or supporting the World Surf League if this rule remains,” she said.

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“French MEP, Nicholas Bay, has had his rights revoked after speaking out against the building of the Great Mosque in Évreux, Normandy.”

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“I’d NEVER play a concert venue that forced fans to show their ‘papers’ for entry…”

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“They were trying to scare pro-lifers from coming out on the sidewalks, and being active.”

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“In 2009, six Christians were burned alive, 140 houses were destroyed, and hundreds of Christians have been displaced by mobs after an insult to Muhammad was perceived.”

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“The 11 pro-life advocates were federally charged after being singled out by Joe Biden’s newly formed, Reproductive Rights Task Force in October 2022.”

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“Pell’s final words expressed his righteous indignation at the theological direction of Pope Francis’s pontificate, hinting that it is betraying Christ himself.”

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