456 search results for "woke"

“The decision of the Church of England to depart from the faith once delivered to the saints of course has global implications…”

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“I am 51, with a busted knee, and have never been violent in my life! It is not violence to speak the truth!”

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“Ukraine’s security forces are carrying out raids of churches and arresting their clerics on accusations of treason.”

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“No film should be revised based on the lenses we know are either voluntarily or being forced to adhere to.”

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“The ‘Yes’ campaign’s subliminal insertion into the PM’s speech was an abuse of the office’s ANZAC Day platform.”

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“What this turn towards 1984 looks like, is a seditious scheme to replace parents with parenting professionals.”

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“…the only thing worse than this Big Brother overreach was the way the masses so readily went along with it all. They were more than happy to act as Stasi spies and even turn in friends and family who dared to believe that basic human rights and liberties are utterly essential and inviolate.”

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“Hollywood does better, and is better, when it respects both the intelligence of its audience, and the dignity of its actors/actresses.”

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“They are looking to prohibit Christian schools from teaching, promoting, and adhering to the Bible’s teachings with which the LGBTQI+ does not agree.”

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“The investigation seems to prove what many have suspected: the Mar-A-Lago stunt is part of a wider attempt by Woke Democrats to purge a key political opponent.”

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“When we wage full-tilt war on the most important social institutions of all time – marriage and family – then are we much better than the barbarians?”

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“If the world is against the truth, then I am against the world.”

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“The proposal comes without any evidence The Voice will help Indigenous Australians.”

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“They’ve been doing this for decades, Trump said, ‘including spying on my campaign, but weaponizing our justice system to punish a political opponent,’ is unprecedented.”

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“Actual violence, racism, and bigotry are deployed against anything perceived to be violence, racism, and bigotry.”

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“The street preacher was found guilty by a Magistrates court, then made to pay a £620 fine and complete 80 hours of community service.”

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“The formula is simple: ditch God, and put some ‘cause’ in his place, hype up the imagined scenarios, and scare the pants off the people, and they will all readily submit to anything. Works like a charm.”

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“His alleged crime? Kneeling to offer a 15-second, quiet personal prayer in the centre of the field after three games.”

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“The only group that has benefited from Nazis invading a Let Women Speak event are Trans Activists, who are using it as a tool to stop women being heard. If Nazis are *benefitting* your movement, you’re in a bad movement,” Sall Grover tweeted.

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