Farage Being De-Banked Will Backfire
“If they de-bank me, they can do it to you too.”
“Digital Prison”: Aldi Slammed for Implementing “No App, No Food” System
“In-store cameras will track shoppers, adding items to each personal account as they’re picked up or bagged.”
UK Teacher Banned for Pronoun Blasphemy After Saying ‘Well Done, Girls’
“Sutcliffe praised a group of students during a maths lesson, stating, ‘Well done, girls.'”
UK Far-Left Labour MP Suspended Over Remarks Inspired by ‘Only White People Are Racists’
“Some sanity has entered the hallowed halls of Westminster.”
UK Street Preacher’s ‘Misgendering’ Conviction Overturned
“The street preacher was found guilty by a Magistrates court, then made to pay a £620 fine and complete 80 hours of community service.”
Bishop Reports Church Member to Police For ‘Hate Crime’ on Twitter
Police contacted Margrave and ordered him to effectively hand himself in before police turned up at his front door.
Woketocrats Call for Jeremy Clarkson’s Head After Criticisms of Meghan Markle
“Harry and Meghan won’t accept Clarkson’s apology, they want him totally and utterly destroyed. As they do to anybody with a different view on the World to their own woke West Coast outlook on things.”
The Bible “No Longer Appropriate In Modern Society,” Says Crown Prosecution Service
“There are references in the bible which are simply no longer appropriate in modern society and which would be deemed offensive if stated in public,” lawyers claimed.
NHS Admits Most ‘Transgender’ Kids Are Just Going Through a ‘Phase’
“The proposal comes in light of a sharp increase in referrals to gender identity services, from just 250 in 2011-12 to over 5,000 last year.”
Truss Resigns: Arise Christian Men!
“We are impoverished for quality leadership animated by genuine faith.”
12 Facts About Australia’s Constitutional Monarchy They Don’t Teach in School Anymore… But Should!
“One-thousand years of common law, a fancy way of saying ‘rules created in response to practical situations’, has given us the world’s best system from the English.”
Teacher Jailed After Refusing to Use Gender-Neutral Pronouns for Transgender Student
“I am here today because I said I would not call a boy a girl,” he told the judge before his jailing.
U.K. Tribunal Finds Anti-racist Diversity Officer Guilty of Racial Discrimination
“I have never felt oppressed in my life and I think it is wrong for this person to assume because of the colour of my skin I have, without even knowing anything of my background ethnicity or upbringing.”
UK Veteran Arrested for Posting Meme Criticising LGBTQ+ Lawfare
“If you criticise the new woke ideology, you criticise the Pride movement, you end up in cuffs. Know that citizens of Great Britain; whether you have served this country and have long medals for distinction and good service, you will end up in cuffs for expressing a perfectly legal view,” Fox said.
Triathlon Bans All Transgender Women From Female Events
Under the new policy, trans athletes will be prohibited from entering female events at both an elite and grassroots level from the age of 12 and over.
Pastor Wins Discrimination Case After Being Forced Out of Job for Warning Against LGBTQ Pride Events
“For sending one tweet, that raised genuine concern for children, he was vilified, threatened, and hounded out of his employment.”
School Cancels Support of Children’s Charity After One Complaint Accusing Founder of “Homophobic” Christian Beliefs
“This is another in a long line of cancel culture stories where the pressure of an ideological LGBT lobby has forced people in charge into submission because they are scared to resist.”
London Street Preacher Arrested for “Hate Speech” Cleared of LGBTQ+ Blasphemy Charge
Sherwood’s alleged blasphemy against the LGBTQ+ political religion was simply reading from 2,000+ years of Biblical Christian teaching.
“I Feel Rather Ashamed”: Rev Says Church Hasn’t Adequately Fulfilled Its Prophetic Role During COVID
Dr Philip said, “When you throw out truth, ultimate truth, because you throw out the ultimate rule of God, it doesn’t lead to liberation as people think it will, it leads to bondage.”
Over 90% Of People Who Died With Covid in the UK Had Pre-existing Health Conditions
For comparison, the average number of deaths from the flu each year in the UK ranges from 10,000 to 25,000.