Farage Factor Anchors Reformed UK’s Fight to Save Britain in General Election D-Day
“We’re not here as wreckers. We’re here as builders.”
The Reformed Evangelical Divide, Clash of Worldviews, and Tim’s Open Letter to Shai
“The most positive thing to come out of these debates is the increased unity seen between Presbyterians and Baptists over their shared hatred of wokeism’s destructive ideologies.”
MUST-WATCH: “Teach All Nations” Docuseries Out Now!
“If the Great Commission is a command to be obeyed, we must strive to understand what Jesus expects from each one of us.”
COVID Vaccines May Have Contributed to Rise in Excess Deaths, Scientists Suggest
“The study found that across Europe, the United States, and Australia, there were over one million excess deaths in 2020, at the height of the pandemic. Additionally, there were 1.2 million excess deaths in 2021 and 800,000 in 2022, even after measures were implemented.”
Good Grief, Now We Have a ‘Secretary for Men’s Behaviour’!
“The whole problem with identity politics as practiced by the left is that they always target the wrong groups. White, conservative, Christian males seem to ALWAYS be the problem – and no one else.”
‘Pandemic’ Policing Was Political: Fauci Admits COVID Rules Were Manufactured
“Not only did the virus appear in a U.S. election year, thus giving an advantage to The Democrat Party, the virus gave the Chinese Communist Party an excuse to end Hong Kong’s pro-Democracy uprising without using the military.”
Should I Call a “Transgender” Person by Their Chosen Name?
“Is it acceptable to use a so-called ‘transgender’ person’s self-chosen name when speaking, writing or even thinking about them? Or, is this something of which God disapproves?”
Psychologising Our Souls
“Christian thinkers, and properly modest researchers, have been warning of such reductionism for decades – that is, warning that psychology does not live up to its own hype.”
Russell Brand’s Baptism Cursed by Leftwing Media: ‘Brand Deserves E Coli for This Ludicrous Spectacle’
“The Guardian published a piece mocking Brand’s baptism, in which he was labelled the biggest ‘piece of s**t in the Thames.'”
NSW Refuses to Pardon Over 3,628 Children Fined for Breaching ‘Pandemic’ Public Health Orders
“New South Wales Police fined 3,628 children from 2020 to 2022 for COVID-related ‘offences.’”
On the Woke West and Our Ability to Defend Ourselves
“Decades of anti-Australian and anti-Western rhetoric and ideology from the media, education, most politicians, and our elites have convinced many Australians – perhaps most – that Australia is simply not worth fighting for any longer. Why bother to lift a finger in its defence?”
Gina Carano Asks for Prayer as Desperate Disney Defends Cancel Culture in Unlawful Dismissal Case
“Disney you have a problem, you call others what you yourselves are, you do and are the things you tell others not to do or be,” she said.
COVID Wars, the State, and a Great Awakening
“The events of 2020-2021 caused many people to wake from their slumber, rouse themselves out of their stupor, and really start questioning things, including the role and reach of the state.”
Labor’s “Risky Reactors” Double Standard: Nuclear Is Safe for the Navy, Not Safe for ‘Net Zero’
“Albanese’s activist administration pushes up power prices in the name of ‘climate justice.’ Meanwhile, they syphon off taxpayer dollars to fly cabinet members around in $460 million luxury jets to fight ‘climate change.'”
How Empires Go Broke
“The dominance in trade the US once had is now quickly fading. Without this dominance, it will not be able to continue to replenish itself and rearm itself like it has in the past.”
Germany to Downgrade Child Porn Possession to Misdemeanour and Reduce Minimum Jail Sentence
“Pro-pedophilia advocacy groups have praised the move.”
“Use Deadly Force”: Biden Green Lit FBI Raid to Go Nuclear on Trump at Mar-A-Lago
“The documents also imply Biden and his DOJ were ready to fight a Civil War.”
Politicians Think Parents Can’t Be Trusted to Do What’s Best for Their Kids
“Apparently, parents simply cannot be trusted to do what’s best for their own children. But never fear, incompetent parents, the government is here to lay down some new house rules for your unruly teens.”
Christian-Hating Bigots Brand Harrison Butker’s ‘Christ Is King’ Commencement Speech ‘Bigoted’
“As we saw during the pandemic, too many bishops were not leaders at all. They were motivated by fear, fear of being sued, fear of being removed, fear of being disliked.”