157 search results for "far-left"

“Going after National Rally under the pretence of ‘saving France’ could very well have triggered the death of France.”

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“In other words, working in childcare is not about educating kids, it’s about indoctrinating them, and denouncing colleagues who say otherwise!”

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“Robert F. Kennedy Jnr. says he’s happy to join Elon Musk’s lawsuit against libellous ‘hate watchers.'”

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“Some sanity has entered the hallowed halls of Westminster.”

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“In 2021, the FBI reported 240 anti-Christian ‘hate crimes.’ This was up from 213 anti-Christian incidents in 2020.”

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Which party has its head in the clouds, and which party is in tune with the corrosive state of the world?

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The late, great, Roger Scruton once articulated that one of the most successful lies of the 20th century is the idea that the ‘far-left’ is nothing like the ‘far-right.’ Scruton noted that: The success of Communist propaganda could be found in how it has persuaded so many people that fascism and communism are polar opposites and that there is a single scale of political ideology stretching from ‘far-left’ to ‘far-right’. Thus while communism is on the ‘far-left’, it is one stage along the road one must go in order not to be contaminated by fascism. However: Communism, like fascism, involved…

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“If found guilty, Le Pen could be fined, and sentenced to 10 years in jail. Any ruling against Le Pen would disqualify the National Rally leader from being a candidate for five years.”

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Those racism claims, Snopes added, “spread like wildfire, with then-presidential candidate Joe Biden making Trump’s comments on Charlottesville a cornerstone of his campaign.”

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“The truth is, people have really become tired of the radical left’s hold on power. When folks like Klaus Schwab seem to have more say over national sovereignty than the people themselves, then enough is enough.”

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“The documents also imply Biden and his DOJ were ready to fight a Civil War.”

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“We’re restoring sanity in our approach to energy and rejecting the agenda of the radical green zealots.”

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“Over 100 organisations are behind importing the HAMAS-Israel conflict, most of them… harbour pro-HAMAS messaging and ties.”

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“She didn’t yell, didn’t shout, spoke to one police officer about nothing memorable, and saw no violence or vandalism.”

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“So many of the big social changes of recent times in Australia haven’t even been driven by the parliament, let alone by the people.”

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“It’s been two years of us just being crushed under this burden of investigation.”

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“Disney adopting wokeness for an economic model is a perilous business move.”

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“The protests take place amid concerns that Brazil’s President, Lula da Silva, is currently installing a brutal authoritarian regime based on the radical suppression of basic human rights and freedoms.”

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“Banducci’s resignation isn’t just a consequence of bad optics, it’s a consequence of bad politics.”

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“The ruling against Trump seems to be more about coercion, less about correction.”

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