The Death Of Science In Our Day
“Science, as a method that has aided in the advance of the modern Western world ahead of any previous civilization, only flourished because of the strict Christian framework behind it. And this is important: it needs that framework for it to continue to flourish.”
Revelations the NSA Spied on US Allies Under the Obama-Biden Administration Spells Trouble for Democrats
If NSA spooks are running illegal surveillance operations against traditional allies, and everyday American citizens, it’s not outside the NSA’s assumed prerogative to apply the same treatment to Donald Trump, MAGA supporters or anyone the Democrats recklessly label as ‘domestic terrorists.’
The Madness of the Gods
…and what fitting gods they make for a narcissistic social era that can’t seem to stop staring at itself in the mirror.
Children As Young As Five At Risk of Suicide And Self-Harm Amid Excessive Lockdowns
Kids Helpline revealed calls have soared during the pandemic, and the demand has continued throughout 2021.
Matt Walsh Trolls Socialism, Raises 100k to Help AOC’s Grandmother
In answering AOC’s lament by offering her financial help for her grandmother, Walsh exposed the lie that “only Communism can liberate the poor.”
California to Pay More Than $2 Million in Church Legal Fees Over Forced Closures
The Thomas More Society applauded the settlement, saying “religious liberty triumphs.”
Doctor Ordered To Stop Saving the Babies Of Women Who Regret Taking Abortion Pill Following Complaint from Abortion Provider
Despite Dr Kearney’s belief that his interventions may have saved dozens of babies, a Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service panel last month ordered the doctor to stop offering the treatment for up to 18 months pending an investigation.
Council Cracks Down On Free Speech, Forces Employees to Fly LGBTQ Flags
“I don’t know what to do,” one council employee told Caldron Pool. “I feel like I’m being forced to do something that is not related to my role. It’s not that I don’t like gay people (it’s sad I need to clarify that), but social issues shouldn’t be forced through work channels that have nothing to do with the job.”
PM Announces Proof of Vaccination Certificates, Kelly Says: “War Has Been Declared”
“A ‘vaccine certificate’ is just another name for a vaccine passport,” Independent MP Craig Kelly said.
Doctors vs The State: Excessive Lockdowns are Political, Not Medicinal
“The government saying that potentially life-saving counter-COVID treatments can hurt us while shoving an untested vaccine down our throats doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.”
Billboard Offering Help to Pregnant Mothers Removed After Pro-Aborts Issued Threats Over the “Offensive Message”
The CHOICE42 notice read: “Pregnant? Need Help? You are not alone.”
President Trump’s Facebook and Instagram Reinstated
President Donald Trump’s Facebook and Instagram accounts have been reinstated, although it’s unclear if the 45th has access to post. The accounts reappeared as active on Wednesday, however, no updates have been posted since President Trump was banned from the platforms following the election. At the time of the President’s suspension, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said in a statement that President Trump has “clearly demonstrated” his intent to use his remaining time in office to “undermine the peaceful and lawful transition of power to his elected successor, Joe Biden.” Zuckerberg accused the President of condoning unlawful behavior and said: “the…
Melbourne Pastor Arrested, Church Service Shut Down by Police
Police in Victoria have reportedly arrested a pastor after he announced his church would remain open throughout Melbourne’s latest lockdown. Pastor Paul Furlong was arrested Sunday morning and charged with ‘incitement’ as around 50 members of Revival Christian Church gathered for worship. Avi Yemini of Rebel News attended the Sunday morning service which was forced to move to a local shopping centre after police closed off the grounds surrounding the church. Police soon after stormed the outdoor service, ordering the congregation to leave, before issuing five infringement notices, and tackling one man to the ground. WATCH:
Sesame Street, It’s Not OK To Sexualize Children
“Let’s not forget that Big Bird is six years old and Elmo is only three… but whatever, OK Groomer!”
UN Suggests Porn Does Not Harm Children: ‘39% Of Spanish Kids Were Happy Seeing Such Images’
“UNICEF says any efforts to block children from accessing pornography online might infringe on their human rights.”
LGBTQ Activists Protested An Event They Knew Nothing About
“Aside from the ABC falsely reporting on the evening and protesters misreading and stirring up unnecessary fear about the event, local MP Rebecca Stephens was quick to be critical of the event without knowing its contents.”
John Cena’s Apology Is a Symptom of a Greater Problem: The CCP’s Power Over Hollywood
While Hollywood fought their pretend war against a pretend enemy, they continued to align themselves with real ones.
Secretary of ‘Atheists in Kenya’ Resigns: “He Has Found Jesus Christ”
“A young man who wishes to remain a sound Atheist cannot be too careful of his reading.”
Craig Kelly vs Facebook
Kelly is up against a large leftist technocratic political, and financial power bloc, that is increasingly proving itself to be a threat to constitutional democracy.
When Did the Archibald’s Become the Marxibald’s?
On a deeper level, what is missing in so much of today’s art is the goal of what Roger Scruton argued is, ‘reclaiming beauty’.