Tag Archives: featured

Eric Abetz (LNP) is proving to be no mediocre politician. His speech from July last year remains relevant, making it one of the best ever entered into the Australian senate’s Hansard.[i] This year the Senator for Tasmania provided us with a sequel. Speaking about ‘Political Discourse’ Abetz went head to head with cancel culture and the Left’s double standards. The speech highlighted Queensland University Law professor, James Allen’s piece for The Australian on the June, 16. He gave a long list of examples where people were being bullied into submission, and their livelihoods cancelled because of a small, boisterous percentage…

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The next time someone claims Australia is a racist nation, remind them of David Unaipon from the Ngarrindjeri tribe. Mr Unaipon is the face of Australia’s $50 note. He was the first Indigenous Australian to publish a book. He was an inventor and intellectual. He was a musician. He was an active Christian with a keen interest in Indigenous Australian history and spirituality. He and the Indigenous community benefited from Christian missionary work. And he lived until he was 95 years old. The blight on our nation isn’t white vs. black, it’s the fact that we’ve pandered too long to…

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NESTLE yesterday took the unprecedented step of complaining that its own product was racist, after seeing the publicity other companies got when accused of racism. Company spokeswoman, Candy Crush, told reporters she was “deeply sorry” no-one had been offended by their raspberry-flavoured Redskin confectionery. “Because Redskins are only sold in Australia and New Zealand there has been no outrage from American Indians at all,” she said. “And for that, we are deeply sorry.” It is believed anger about the iconic lolly’s name began last week – not among American Indians, who had never heard of the chewy sweet, but among…

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The late Christopher Lee (Dracula, LOTR and Star Wars) once responded to media reports claiming he was heavily involved in the occult, “I have maybe four of five books. I’ve met people who claimed to be Satanists; who claimed to be involved with black magic; who claimed that they not only knew a lot about it, but I certainly haven’t been involved in it – I warn all of you never, never, never. You will not only lose your mind, you’ll lose your soul. I don’t have a big library. No, No. Look the internet, and the media, if they…

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Having been actively reading the news over the past few weeks, it has become increasingly evident that we’re witnessing a seismic cultural shift playing out in front of our eyes. One that induces us not only to introspection but also to contemplation. Does such a thing as racial division exist in the cosmopolitan country of Australia? Am I a recipient of privileges and benefits beholden to a select few simply because of the colour of my skin? Does the narrative that has been unfolding in the United States around BlackLivesMatter fit neatly into our own context? These questions and many…

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IT is only a matter of time before someone pulls down a statue of Mother Teresa because she was silent on transgender rights. Admittedly, the Catholic saint did some good work amongst the poor of Calcutta, but did she ever use her international profile to campaign for gender-neutral bathrooms? No. And so her statue must go. And statues of Florence Nightingale will likely be demolished because she failed to speak out about the climate emergency. Little matter that the founder of modern nursing lived and died before the effects of the industrial revolution were known. Her silence was violence. How…

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If you wanted any more evidence as to the decay of Western Civilisation, then you need only to consider the following example reported by The Daily Wire. As you can see below, In the American city of Seattle, the statue of George Washington has recently been pulled down by rioters and desecrated whereas the statue of Lenin remains untouched. Washington Lenin statue in statue in Portland Seattle pic.twitter.com/ohZAszRYQf — The Daily Wire (@realDailyWire) June 19, 2020 Like me, you might be shocked and more than a little surprised that there is even a statue of Lenin in Seattle. I had…

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“When the British eventually abolished the slave trade, the move was met with fierce opposition, not only from European slave traders but also from African rulers who had immensely profited from the business of selling their captives to the Europeans and Arabs.”

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An African American man questioning healthcare workers about abortion is making its way around the internet. The group were lined up outside either a healthcare clinic or Hospital, brandishing placards in a show of “woke” solidarity with Black Lives Matter. As one of the healthcare workers moves forward to kneel, the man in the video asks the group whether “all black lives matter or just some black lives?” The crowd responds in unison, “all black lives matter.” The unknown individual then asks “the black lives killed by black men matter right?” Again, in unison, the healthcare workers respond, “yes! Oh,…

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“History promises only this for certain: We will get exactly what we deserve.”

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“…if this plan or this undertaking is of man, it will fail; but if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them. You might even be found opposing God!”

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Roy Beck, founder of NumbersUSA, offers a revealing presentation responding to the notion that mass immigration can help to reduce world poverty. How many people in the world make less than $2 per day? Here are the numbers, according to Beck: Africa: 650,000,000 India: 890,000,000 China: 480,000,000 Rest of Asia: 810,000,000 Latin America: 105,000,000 Of the 7.4 billion people on earth, there is a total of 3 billion people who make less than $2 per day. If we include those who live in countries with an average income lower than that of Mexico, there is an additional 2.6 billion, making…

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“Hordes of people [are] born, who live, yet who have done absolutely nothing to advance the race one iota. Their lives are hopeless repetitions… Such human weeds clog up the path, drain up the energies and the resources of this little earth. We must clear the way for a better world; we must cultivate our garden.”[note]Margaret Sanger. Birth Control: Facts and Responsibilities, 1925[/note] You’d be forgiven for thinking these were the words of Adolf Hitler. Truth is, they’re not. They’re the words of a woman Hilary Clinton claims she “admires… enormously.” Barack Obama has said he is “truly grateful” to…

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