
Matt Walsh Trolls Socialism, Raises 100k to Help AOC’s Grandmother

In answering AOC’s lament by offering her financial help for her grandmother, Walsh exposed the lie that "only Communism can liberate the poor."

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez appears to have rejected a successful GoFundMe campaign set up by the Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh, on her grandmother’s behalf.

In early June, AOC dropped a trail of woe, beating out an anti-Trump tale about government failure towards some Puerto Ricans who’d been impacted by Hurricane María in 2017.

The Socialist Democrat senator, who recently bought a Tesla Model 3 – one of the most expensive electric cars on the market (base price $62k AUD) – took to a Twitter thread blaming Trump and local government for not helping her Puerto Rican abuela (grandmother) fix up her home.

Ocasio-Cortez told the Twitter-verse that her abuela’s place was unliveable, and though “she’d a place to stay and was doing fine, there are thousands of people who aren’t.”

The affluent senator’s lamentation follows a very similar politically charged Democrat narrative, spread with the help of the Democrat media throughout 2017-2018, that accused Republicans and Donald Trump of failing the Puerto Rican people.

In a morbid, desperate quest to score political points against Trump over the number of Puerto Ricans who’d died, legacy media had also criticised the then President’s emergency aid to the hurricane hit, Caribbean Island (a self-governing territory of the United States), as self-serving, uncaring, pitiful, and even racist.

Responding to Ocasio-Cortez, Matt Walsh first dropped the comment: “Shameful that you live in luxury while allowing your own grandmother to suffer in these squalid conditions.”

To which, AOC replied: “You don’t even have a concept for the role that 1st-gen, first-born daughters play in their families. My abuela is okay. But instead of only caring for mine & letting others suffer; I’m calling attention to the systemic injustices you seem totally fine w/ in having a US colony.”

Two days later, Walsh returned to the Twitter thread letting AOC know that he’d donated $499 to a GoFundMe campaign; one he’d opened in order to raise funds for the apparently grief-stricken Democrat’s destitute grandmother.

According to the Daily Wire, ‘more than 5,800 people pledged to help Ocasio-Cortez’s grandmother, raising just over $100,000 in 10 hours before the fundraiser was shut down.’ 

Missing the point, The Independent labelled the fund-raising event “another right-wing attack on AOC,” and called Walsh a “troll,” stating that his call to arms, in support of AOC’s grandmother, was a “strange saga.”

Walsh’s statement also left a bad taste in the mouths of some conservatives, who inferred that whole thing was a poor stunt, likely to backfire.

When read in context, Walsh wasn’t trolling AOC. He was answering the charge that he “seemed fine with letting people suffer.

If Walsh was trolling anything, it was socialism.

The brilliance of the move also gave Walsh room to prove a point about capitalism.

Raising $100,000 shows that in 10 hours, 5,800 motivated industrious citizens can do what can take bureaucrats in big government years. That’s if they can ever agree to get started in the first place.

Walsh, with very little effort, turned AOC’s accusation around.

In the end, it’s not Walsh, but Ocasio-Cortez who “seems fine with letting people suffer.” If there’s no political capital to squeeze out of treating people like pawns, Leftists don’t want to know about it.

Walsh has shown that helping hurting people denies the far-Left the ability to use those people. Answering suffering ends the far-left’s political game.

For a social experiment, Walsh did more than reveal the infectious, cold, dead bony fingers of Karl Marx behind the “we’re for the oppressed” facade.

In answering AOC’s lament by offering her financial help for her grandmother, Walsh exposed the lie that “only Communism can liberate the poor.

Walsh’s proactive answer took away AOC’s ability to complain about Capitalism by showing the liberating power of capitalism. Especially when Christ-exemplified compassion guides the hearts of capitalists.

Ocasio-Cortez could have acknowledged the warm humour attached to Walsh’s offer, embracing a non-political, bipartisan answer that would have raised greater awareness of Puerto Ricans still struggling in the aftermath of Hurricane María.

Thus, AOC could have helped set a precedent for the “unity and peace” Joe Biden claims his presidency epitomises; an example even the most deceived, “George Floyd died for our sins”, “Karl Marx-is-lord” devout believer could applaud.

Instead, like a true Marxist once the veneer is exposed, AOC appears happy to continue using her grandmother to score political points over her opponents. Prolonging her grandmother’s suffering for as long as it serves AOC’s self-serving faith in Communism.

It’s not the first time socialists have rejected the offer of aid that made them look bad.

The Soviets knocked back the European Recovery Program, known as The Marshall Plan in 1947, and rejected offers to help with the 1986 Chernobyl disaster.

To add, this isn’t the first time industrious capitalists have come to the aid of the flailing socialist political class.

As noted by the New York Times in 1988, the United States ‘provided famine assistance for the Soviet Union in the 1920s.’

Then, in World War Two, the Lend Lease program powered by the capitalist industry of the United States, gave the Soviet Union its edge to take on the Nazis.

Without the United States, the Soviet Union’s Great Patriotic War would be a small footnote in history.

Walsh’s GoFundMe campaign for Ocasio-Cortez asks, when it comes to capitalism and socialism, who really needs who?



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