If Latham’s Tweet Is Too Offensive for Twitter, It’s Too Offensive for the Classroom – That’s the Point!
“What Latham has vividly demonstrated is that material too descriptively offensive for Twitter ought to be regarded too descriptively offensive for our children. If it’s out of place on social media, then how much more the classroom?”
Disagreement Isn’t Murderous Hatred, and Those Who Say Otherwise Are Grooming Killers
“We don’t debate ideas anymore because they’re not considered ‘ideas’ anymore. Every contrary idea is an imminent threat to life and liberty. At least, that’s what the naïve and unstable have been groomed to believe, and yet so few have considered the implications of equating disagreement with murderous hatred.”
Six Killed, Including Three Children, After Transgender Shooter Targets Christian School
“The shooting occurred the same week a group of transgender activists announced a ‘Trans Day of Vengeance’ in Washington D.C. while raising money for firearm training.”
UK Street Preacher’s ‘Misgendering’ Conviction Overturned
“The street preacher was found guilty by a Magistrates court, then made to pay a £620 fine and complete 80 hours of community service.”
Moira Versus the Woke Goliath
The leftist Libs really are toast – long live Moira Deeming.
Woke White House Abused Power When Labelling Parents ‘Domestic Terrorists,’ Report Finds
“Targeting those concerned about Woke school boards pushing Critical Race Theory, and LGBTism falsehoods onto their kids, Garland repeatedly referred to concerned mums and dads as ‘threats.’”
Locals Accuse Trans Activists of Triggering Brawl by Smashing Crucifix and Blocking Entry Into Church
“So, when news broke that an LGBTQ activist group planned on turning up for the sole purpose of disrupting an event hosted by the church, the neighbourhood was naturally alarmed.”
Fury After “Extremist” Christians Gather for Prayer March in Response to Vulgar Jesus Joke
So, they can publicly mock Jesus’ death, but when Christians respond with prayer, it’s the Christians who are the extremists?
We Tried To Warn You
“Just how many things that we warned about have now come to pass?”
World Pride and the World Attack on Heterosexuality
“If the UK is fast seeing disagreement with LGBTQ+ policies thrust into the lives of schoolchildren as a terrorist act, then shouldn’t every parent, grandparent, and safeguarder of children be speaking up collectively now?”
Meta Misogynists Boot Kirralie Smith for Challenging Football Australia’s Trans Policy
“Powerful men shutting down women’s voices – is that stunning and brave?”
Feminism’s War on Femininity
“As a result of this push to get women into the workforce, we have a generation of children being raised predominantly by institutions rather than mothers.”
Andy Stanley vs Joshua and Caleb
“I would never believe that we were on the Lord’s side if all men were on our side.”
Transsexual Marxist Organising to Protest Pell’s Funeral
The protest has been named “Pell go to Hell.”
Forced Speech Fascism Comes for Jordan Peterson: It’s Woke Re-Education Camp or Else
The outcome of Peterson’s “people’s court” trial will either see reason and conscience liberated or purged into oblivion.
A Little Town’s Christmas Tree vs The Christian-Hating LGBT
“I found out today that my beautiful library will not have its Christmas tree this year. Zero explanation. When I asked, I was told, ‘People were made uncomfortable last year looking at it.'”
Trojan Horses in Education and What You Can Do
“In a post-Christian world where truth is regularly sacrificed on the altar of the latest ‘good cause,’ we have to help our children identify and deconstruct the hidden messaging.”
Dan Andrews Wants Us to Embrace Islam – So Does He Embrace the Recent Indonesian Law Changes?
“I have no doubt that there will not be one journalist in Victoria smart enough and moral enough to call him out on all this.”
Will the Victorian Liberals Ever Learn?
“At this rate, Dan Andrews might reach retirement age before being voted out.”
Why Did Australian Communists Protest Jordan Peterson?
“Whether they’re harassing Prime Ministers, professors or ordinary people the aim is the same. To bully anyone who disagrees with their absurdly extreme worldview into silence.”