408 search results for "islam"

“The U.K. government’s counter-terror program also red-flagged The Dam Busters, Bridge over the River Kwai, and the Complete Works of Shakespeare, as ‘key texts’ for ‘Right-Wing Extremists.'”

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So, they can publicly mock Jesus’ death, but when Christians respond with prayer, it’s the Christians who are the extremists?

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“Just how many things that we warned about have now come to pass?”

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“By the very fact two versions of TikTok exist – one for Chinese audiences, another for the West – it’s clear the Chinese Communist Party know TikTok is toxic.”

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“It is notable that traditionally the West was referred to as Christendom, not Judeo-Christendom, or Islamo-Christendom.”

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“Whenever you have the police and the media wading into the deep waters of theology, you know we are going to have a real hatchet job…”

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“As a result of this push to get women into the workforce, we have a generation of children being raised predominantly by institutions rather than mothers.”

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“As India’s experience exemplifies, the inevitable consequence of anti-conversion laws in the West, will make Christians outlaws.”

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“French MEP, Nicholas Bay, has had his rights revoked after speaking out against the building of the Great Mosque in Évreux, Normandy.”

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“In 2009, six Christians were burned alive, 140 houses were destroyed, and hundreds of Christians have been displaced by mobs after an insult to Muhammad was perceived.”

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“By toleration, we adopt other men’s sins and make them our own.”

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“Thirty graves were found desecrated in an historic Protestant cemetery located on Jerusalem’s Mount Zion, a hill near the walls of the old city.”

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“Being locked-out, instead of being locked-up is still a prison sentence. The former just means less pesky paperwork for tyrants. The state doesn’t have to house, clothe, and feed offenders.”

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“Matin labelled the protests a victory, pointing to how they have motivated the Islamic regime to at least look at making ‘concessions’ to protesters. Something, he said, the regime is not used to doing.”

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“The left’s hatred of the West includes at least two things: affirmation of Islam and affirmation of homosexuality. So what happens when a major sporting event is held in a Muslim-majority nation? Do they condemn Qatar for its very anti-gay stance, or do they condemn gays for not respecting Islamic culture and values?”

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Following Google in 2017, Apple cancelled free speech, Christian social media app, Gab, under the false premise of “hate speech” and “far-right extremism.”

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Human rights protests continue to rattle Islamic Iran’s despots.

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“Australia is not a global power. We should have no pretensions to be one. We certainly have no right to tell Israel what to do, or Palestinians how they should identify, or really any other nation how to conduct their internal affairs.”

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“We need to make sure we have people in the polls. We need to make sure we can get to the courts – and get to the courts on time,” he said.

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“Kitted out with ox livers to illustrate the termination of a baby’s life in the womb, Bouton then urinated on the floor in full view of the congregation.”

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