As the Church Goes, so Goes the Health System?
“If church leaders could deny the unvaccinated care for their eternal souls, then why wouldn’t the health system also deny the unvaccinated care for their earthly bodies?”
Australian Human Rights Commission Asks for Public Submissions: How Were You Affected by COVID Measures?
“The Australian Human Rights Commission is asking the people for their stories as they investigate the impacts of the national, state, and community responses to the COVID-19 ‘pandemic.'”
COVID Vaccines May Have Contributed to Rise in Excess Deaths, Scientists Suggest
“The study found that across Europe, the United States, and Australia, there were over one million excess deaths in 2020, at the height of the pandemic. Additionally, there were 1.2 million excess deaths in 2021 and 800,000 in 2022, even after measures were implemented.”
NSW Refuses to Pardon Over 3,628 Children Fined for Breaching ‘Pandemic’ Public Health Orders
“New South Wales Police fined 3,628 children from 2020 to 2022 for COVID-related ‘offences.’”
Politicians Think Parents Can’t Be Trusted to Do What’s Best for Their Kids
“Apparently, parents simply cannot be trusted to do what’s best for their own children. But never fear, incompetent parents, the government is here to lay down some new house rules for your unruly teens.”
Will We Soon Need a Government-Issued Licence to Use Social Media?
“The only way the authorities can prevent children from accessing social media is by requiring adults to submit some form of personal identification as proof of eligibility.”
Believe, Go to Church, Get Married
“When was the last time, in this debate about men and violence, did you hear someone in our current leadership invite us ‘To reflect on the charity and hope that is embedded in our society based on the faith of the Christians’?”
Australian Christian Author Faces Court Over COVID Mandates
“The absence of remorse from churches for blindly going along with the government, as if it never gets anything wrong, was shameful, he stated.”
The Global Oligarchs’ Neo-Fascist Agenda: You Must Fight Against It Before It’s Too Late!
“The withdrawal of personal freedoms in our present time has been sold to the populace as a positive thing and a means of protecting them from any perceived threat. Slavery to the State has been presented as the gateway to health and prosperity.”
Port Macquarie Educator Fired During COVID Slams Medical Authoritarianism
“Australians are still paying a high price for their leaders’ overreaction…”
Neither Safe nor Effective, and Yet… Police Charge Brazil’s Bolsonaro With Falsifying His COVID Vaccination Status
“If convicted, the 68-year-old politician could spend up to 12 years behind bars.”
‘For Freedom and Democracy’: A Million Brazilians March Against President Lula’s Authoritarian Regime
“The protests take place amid concerns that Brazil’s President, Lula da Silva, is currently installing a brutal authoritarian regime based on the radical suppression of basic human rights and freedoms.”
Serious Side Effects and Unlawful Mandates
“We suspect the ringleaders are hoping everyone just moves on and forgets.”
Scotland’s Stale State Church Finds Lively Baptist Buyers – Here’s How You Can Help
“Noble is among the few Christian leaders in Scotland – and around the world, who, during COVID, rightly condemned churches for putting authoritarianism over and above God’s authoritative moral law.”
COVID, Maoist Tactics and Consequences
“The objective was to produce a docile population by transforming almost every act and every utterance into a potential crime.”
NZ’s Libertarian Government Doubles-Down: It’s Sink or Swim Time for Democracies in Decline
“There’s been a cultural shift towards the idea that if there is a problem to be solved, or if life is to get better, the people in [government] will do it for us.”
Misinformation: The Science of Political Manipulation
“Politicians by their very nature distort and contradict any true science. They always manipulate it for their own purposes.”
DeSantis Defends Pro-freedom Policies in Florida State Address
“Holding the line is hard in a world where the World Economic Fourth Reich, its subscription culture – ‘you will own nothing and be happy’ – and associates seem to dominate.”
LOOR TV’s “Gothix” Goes Where The Meta Majority Fears to Tread
“Her alleged crime was criticising Woke Disney’s decision to cast a black American as white, red-headed Ariel in a live remake of The Little Mermaid.”
Former NIH Director Admits Pandemic Response Was A “Narrow-Minded,” “Really Unfortunate,” “Mistake”
“If you’re a public health person…You attach zero value to whether this actually totally disrupts people’s lives, ruins the economy, and has many kids kept out of school in a way that they never quite recover.”